Posts Tagged ‘Kaleidoscopes’

Architectural Kaleidoscopes: Buildings Spun into Fractal Art

27 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

fractal building exterior dome

Reimagined, repositioned and recomposed, this photo manipulation series turns familiar elements of buildings into abstracted compositions that morph beyond architecture, bridging disparate worlds of design and art.

fractal tower windows

Canadian photographer Cory Stevens starts with exteriors, ceilings, walls and windows, then adds his artistic twist – a variation on the polar panoramic approach.

fractal architecture glass

While pattern recognition may persist in some cases, the rotation and multiplication in many of these pieces makes them increasingly abstract.

fractal building rotation progression

The symmetry of these fractal forms begin to make us see other patterns of nature, like snowflakes or star systems, in the shapes and materials of otherwise everyday towers, monuments, habitations, town squares and civic circles.

fractal circle town square

fractal glass facade

From the photographer: “Though my primary focus is on architecture and urban environments, I also like to indulge my love of the natural landscape. Digital abstracts have also become a growing segment of my work – inspired by my passion for design and the modern aesthetic.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Photography & Video. ]

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