Posts Tagged ‘Josh’

PIX 2015: Josh Trujillo on the power of photography

31 Dec

Professional photojournalist Josh Trujillo has been published in almost every major US newspaper and magazine, including the front page of the New York Times and full-page features in People Magazine and Sports Illustrated. Join him for an insightful look at the world through the eyes of a photojournalist.

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Video Feature: Josh Trujillo and the Canon PowerShot G7 X in New Mexico

13 Jun

Josh Trujillo’s ‘day job’ as a photojournalist for the Seattle PI involves him shooting across the Seattle area with a heavy DSLR outfit. For a trip back to his hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico, we equipped him with something significantly lighter: the Canon PowerShot G7 X. Santa Fe and its surrounding landscapes are incredibly photogenic; take a look as Josh explores his hometown with the G7 X. See video

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