Posts Tagged ‘iZ3D’

Left 4 Dead (PC) Death Toll footage – 3D anaglyph red/cyan – iZ3D driver 1.10

10 Aug

Various footage from the Death Toll campaign To watch with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses. Yellow/Blue anaglyph / Colorcode ™ compatible (superbowl glasses) 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.10, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Aiming is performed through the right eye. (iZ3d left shift mode) Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group
Video Rating: 5 / 5

3D HD video of the Universal Studios, Islands of Adventure, Harry Potter Wizarding World in Orlando Florida from March 2011 – Requires red & cyan glasses. If you have different colour glasses, please see my other videos for different formats. Check out my other videos and feel free to subscribe. I have other 3D videos of Cape Town, France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, London and the Kennedy Space Center. Playlist is here: Video and editing by Stephen Oberauer.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Left 4 Dead 2 – 3D with iz3D Drivers on ATi

04 Apr

Voici Left 4 Dead 2 en 3D stéréoscopique en utilisant des lunettes anaglyphes. This is Left 4 Dead 2 in stereoscopic 3D using anaglyph glasses. 2x ATi HD4890 2GB with iZ3D Drivers. The Music is from Dj-Jo and called What i’ve done (No Mercy Remix) from
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Posted in 3D Videos


Assassin’s Creed (PC) – 3D colorcode (superbowl glasses) (iZ3D driver)

23 Dec

Assassin’s Creed (PC) A little walk in the lower city Graphics settings are not maxed out due to performance when recording. To watch with Yellow/Blue “colorcode” glasses. (superbowl inTru3D glasses) Red/Cyan anaglyph version 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.10, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group
Video Rating: 5 / 5


NVIDIA vs iZ3D – New 3D Breakthrough 1/3

18 Dec

Imagine pop-out IMAX 3D in your home video games! Up until now, NVIDIA has been the only provider of software that does this. This is the first and only look at the NEW iZ3D stereoscopic 3D drivers that are expected to reshape the industry. This is a portion of’s keynote at Dimension-3 Expo. Gamers and game developers should join the site!
Video Rating: 3 / 5


NVIDIA vs iZ3D – New 3D Breakthrough 3/3

17 Oct

Imagine pop-out IMAX 3D in your home video games! Up until now, NVIDIA has been the only provider of software that does this. This is the first and only look at the NEW iZ3D stereoscopic 3D drivers that are expected to reshape the industry. This is a portion of’s keynote at Dimension-3 Expo. Gamers and game developers should join the site!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Posted in 3D Videos


Driv3r ( Driver 3 ) in 3D using iZ3D driver with Anaglyph setting.

15 Aug

This is using a regular monitor with iZ3D driver installed on anaglyph setting and wearing the red and blue glasses will allow you to view games in 3D. This video doesn’t really do the 3D depth justice though, pluss the ghosting in this video is worse than when playing the game. Probably because I used a video camera instead of fraps. Couldn’t get fraps to work.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Audiosurf (PC) – 3D anaglyph red/cyan (iZ3D driver)

07 Jun

Audiosurf – ride your music ! to watch with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses Yellow/Blue “colorcode” version (superbowl inTru3D glasses) 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.10, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Audiosurf is a tetris-like puzzle game that generates the level with a music track. The game is fundamentally based on colours which is the Achilles heel of anaglyph and colorcode glasses. Although you can change the colours in the game to make it somhow playable, only a true stereo3D display allows to really enjoy this game in 3D. You won’t be able to identify the colours properly with this video so do not try to match the colours, just enjoy the rollercoaster ride. Tracklist #1 Avien – Noumenon (Maridia 2) OCREMIX Part of the “Relics of the Chozo” album available for free at #2 Kow Otani – Sign of the colossus Original soundtrack of the videogame “Shadow of the Colossus” (playstation 2) Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Image is better small screen. Use red blue glasses.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


DMC4 (PC) Level 1 cinematics – 3D anaglyph red/cyan (iZ3D driver)

16 Feb

Devil May Cry 4 (PC) Level 1 (Tutorial) cinematics to watch with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses Yellow/Blue “colorcode” version (superbowl inTru3D glasses) 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.10, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Posted in 3D Videos


Tomb Raider Anniversary (PC) level1 – 3D anaglyph Red/Cyan (iZ3D driver)

29 Jan

First level of the Tomb Raider Anniversary To watch with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses. Yellow/Blue “colorcode” version (superbowl inTru3D glasses) 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.09, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Video Rating: 4 / 5


Left 4 Dead (PC) DeadAir level1 – 3D anaglyph red/cyan – iZ3D driver 1.09

26 Aug

First level of the DeadAir compaign. To watch with Red/Cyan anaglyph glasses. Yellow/Blue anaglyph / Colorcode ™ compatible (superbowl glasses) 3D is rendered with the iZ3D driver v1.09, works for both Ati and Nvidia graphics cards Aiming is performed through the right eye. (iZ3d left shift mode) Full colour 3D version available for 3D monitors and 3DTVs at Meant-To-Be-Seen forums Meant To Be Seen : consumer driven stereo-3D advocacy group
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Made this 3D Video in 2000, it was meant for relaxation by enjoying the beauty of Nature in 3D. Use red/cyan red/blue or red/green glasses in order to view this in 3D. The first release was in 3D true-color interlace format, but therefore special equipment is needed, and in many cases flickering disturbs the viewing pleasure. So I got back to the roots, and used 70s/80s Style Technics, which still work fine, but yap – no color. Have Fun! more 3D-Videos: Datenschutzerklärung / Privacy