Posts Tagged ‘ISIS’

Video: Journalist survives ISIS sniper attack, his GoPro does not

23 May

In the terrifying video above, Iraqi journalist Ammar Alwaely narrowly escapes a sniper’s bullet, which takes out his chest-mounted GoPro. From the YouTube description:

Journalist Ammar Alwaely, was working in Mosul Iraq, when a sniper’s bullet hit his GoPro camera. The camera, which was a gift from one of his co-workers, almost certainly saved Mr. Alwaely’s life. Ammar received treatment for minor cuts, but was otherwise unharmed.

Ammar and his companions seem to be setting up for a shot and in good spirits right before the bullet rips across the screen. The sniper’s fire clearly catches the group off guard. At about the 0:33 point in the clip, the English-speaking individual filming asks where the bullet came from (caution, strong language).

We’re not sure that the GoPro actually saved his life, but Ammar did live to tell the tale (we wonder if his micro SD card survived as well). The attack took place on May 13th and the video was post on the 17th – at the time of publishing it has been viewed nearly three quarters of a million times.

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