Posts Tagged ‘Hues’

Scan & Draw: Color-Mixing Pen Can Make 16 Million Hues & Shades

14 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

color scanning pen

A new pen aims to take art to the next level, letting users scan colors from their surroundings and deploy them, all via a single gadget. The Cronzy can be employed to scan plants, walls, cloth, and other surfaces; a connected app can then save, collect and use these colors on the go.

color draw pen

The scan-and-draw concept has been around for years, but getting this versatility and complexity into a single small and portable device has been a challenge. Some tools on the market can deploy present mixes and others can scan natural and built environments. This one taps your smartphone’s computing power to speed up and scanning and combines it with a cartridge-enabled drawing device.

The scanned colors, tints and shades are converted into CYMK (matching the swappable cartridges) or RGB formats so they can be deconstructed, remixed or adjusted according to an artist’s whim on a connected device. The gadgets comes with a portable case and charger and works with Android, IOS and Windows phones.

color draw app

Naturally, they can be shared with other users as well this way, allowing people to create and distribute custom palettes for further use. For now, the device is in crowdfunding, but its makers aim to have a consumer model on the market by early 2017. If the prototypes are any indicator, this could be the best one-stop digital-plus-physical drawing tool to date.

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Colorful 24-Hour & 365-Day Clocks Tell Time in Hues & Seasons

08 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

present time clock day night

A revolutionary desk and wall clock design overlays a time-telling dial on a gradient of colors balancing dawn, noon, dusk and midnight to show you the time passing as a function of 24 rather than simply 12 hours.

present wall clock device

present time seasons

This new clock, dubbed Today, is a followup project to The Present, another wall-mounted timepiece that traces the course of the year across all four seasons, likely tied to a color spectrum.

time perpsective

day at a glance

Creator Scott Thrift explains his design inspiration: “The creative adventure of producing, distributing, and giving talks about The Present gradually opened my mind to seeing time as a spectrum. Think of it this way: on one end of the ‘spectrum of time’ you have the standard clock that reveals every second of every minute of every hour at a glance.”

balancing timepieces

“On the opposite end of the spectrum we find The Present. As a balancing corrective between these two points on the “spectrum of time” is Today, a timepiece that reveals the entire day at a glance.”

wall mounted time piece

clever time piece

Of course, there is no limit to pushing boundaries when it comes to time tracking. Perhaps a clock that measures years of a life or a speedy timepiece that spins with every heartbeat will be next on the list for Thrift.

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Chameleon Pen: Scan, Save & Draw Up to 16 Million Unique Hues

16 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Products & Packaging. ]

scribble surface scan grab

Five years ago it was an mind-boggling design concept, but today the idea color-changing pen has morphed into a working prototype that draws colors from objects and surfaces, natural or artificial, then lets you use them in all kinds of creative ways. This real-world version can make over 16,000,000 different tones and store over 100,000 unique colors in its memory.

scribble drawing color picked

scribble pen in case

scribble pen user interface

Imagine the possibilities of Scribble, both artistic and practical: instead of trying to mix just the right paints to capture a landscape or replicate a color scheme for your interior remodel, you can scan the actual colors of environments and use those. Users can then upload, store, tag and share their color picks for future applications.

original color scanning pen


see n scan pen

The Color Picker by Jinsun Park (shown below) was a purely conceptual design model at the time, but operated on the same principle (like the Photoshop eyedropper tool), made to contain a series of inks that (much like a printer) would mix in the appropriate amounts, reproducing colors scanned into it. This new variant on the device also converts the colors into other formats (like binary, decimal and hexadecimal) that can be saved and deployed for digital art. And with cartridge refills, you will never need to buy another color of pen.

scribble pen prototype

The applications are myriad: “For the colour blind, kids, interior decorators, homeowners, teachers, artists, photographers, designers and students, the Scribble colour picker pen will make copying an exact colour, any colour from any object, an absolute breeze. With Scribble you can scan, match or compare colours, draw on paper or your mobile device.” Of course, you don’t have to scan in a new color – you can always mix your own on the computer and input that preferred tone too.

scribble nature scanning tool

scribble child user example

scribble tablet device upload

Here is the executive summary from the company: “Scribble is the first coloring device of its kind that can take the world of color around you and transfer it directly to either paper or your favourite mobile device. Simple hold the Scribble’s scanner up to any color, like on a wall, a book or magazine, a painting or even a child’s toy and within a second or two that color is stored in Scribble’s internal memory. You can now instantly draw on paper with the Scribble Ink Pen or draw on a digital device like an iPad or Wacom Tablet with the Scribble Stylus Pen.”

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