Posts Tagged ‘Hover’

Pier Park: Undulating Landscape to Hover Over Hudson River in NYC

30 May

nyc floating park

Following the success of the hovering High Line, an elevated park set on re-purposed rail tracks, New York City aims to pull off another park space in an unused space, this time at Pier 55 floating along the waterfront near the Chelsea endpoint of the High Line.

pier park

pier gardens

Designed by British architect Thomas Heatherwick, also behind a garden bridge project for London, the park will be supported on pier-like columns that branch out to hold up the green space above. This new park is as spread out and open as the High Line is linear and streamline, also offering experiences at different elevations compared to its relatively flat cousin.

pier wandering

pier pressure

“The pier will be a place of discovery, where visitors can wander and wonder, finding something new around every corner: places to lounge, eat lunch, or just lie in the grass,” said Heatherwick Studio. With its open spaces and various levels, the park is well-suited to hosting events and performances in the open air.

pier deck

pier space

pier side

The project is being funded by Barry Diller and Diane Von Furstenberg, who have pledged personal money and set up a non-profit to fund it. After a series of lawsuits and delays, the architects have now been given the go-ahead by the US Army Corps of Engineers and Hudson River Park Trust.


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Floating Neighborhood for NYC, or: How to Hover a Whole Megablock

09 Sep

[ By Steph in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

NYC Floating Skyscraper 1

How do you fit an entire new neighborhood for 65,000 people, complete with offices, schools and streets, into the already congested and overdeveloped island of Manhattan without knocking anything down? Hover it. That’s the plan for Hudson Yards, the largest private development project in U.S. history, which will be erected on a super-strong platform over an existing active rail yard between Chelsea and Hell’s Kitchen.

NYC Floating Skyscraper 3

The whole massive, incredibly heavy thing will barely touch the ground, resting on 300 concrete-sleeved steel caissons inserted 40-80 feet into the bedrock. Borrowed from bridge-building techniques, these supports will hold up a slab that will serve as the foundation of six skyscrapers, 100 shops, 20 restaurants, a school and 14 acres of parks.

NYC Floating Skyscraper 2

The 26-acre West Side Yard over which this development will be built is a critical part of New York City’s transit system, serving overflow Long Island Railroad trains during rush hour with 30 tracks and space for storage and maintenance. Luckily, its original developers in the 1980s realized that one day the space would be prime for redevelopment, and left a gap around the edges of the yard just big enough for structural members to be installed without interrupting traffic.

NYC Floating Skyscraper 4

Since the trains will still be active while Hudson Yards is under construction, actually getting everything into the ground will be a bit of a challenge. The builders plan to sink the caissons in sections and then attach them to 100-foot trusses whenever there’s a window of opportunity in between moving trains.

NYC Floating Skyscraper 5

Gizmodo got an early look at the plans and has a series of mesmerizing gif images of exactly how everything will come together. It’s an interesting example of developers finding space for something new in a bustling metropolis without disturbing existing functionality, and even arguably improving a lot that many find an eyesore. The final phase of the city’s High Line park, set to open later in 2014, will connect directly to Hudson Yards, which should be complete by 2024.

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Hover Houses: 12 Cliff-Clinging Homes with a View

23 Jun

[ By Steph in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

Hanging Houses Silvestre 1

Swim to the edge of an infinity pool that feels as if it’s going to pour right out into the sea, or stand on a glass-walled balcony hanging off a cantilevered volume, seeming to hover in mid-air. These dramatic cliffside houses are anchored to stone, but extend out over the landscape for incredible views.

Cliffside Home with Cantilevered Infinity Pool
Hanging Homes Cantilevered Infinity Pool 2

Hanging Homes Cantilevered Infinity Pool 1

Hanging Homes Cantilevered Infinity Pool 3jpg

A sparkling infinity pool juts out over the rocks in this incredible ultramodern Thailand home by Original Vision. Stacked volumes create outdoor spaces that are open to the air, while the entire ocean-facing facade is made up of glass walls, windows and doors to properly appreciate the view.

Light and Reflections in La Jolla, California
Hanging Houses La Jolla 3

Hanging Houses La Jolla 2

Hanging Houses La Jolla 1

Everything about this home in La Jolla forms an echo of the sky and sea, from the glittering glass and reflective pools to the all those curving lines. Architect Wallace Cunningham created organic forms in marble-like white polished concrete and built the house into the hillside so it would feel as if it were a part of the landscape.

X-Shaped Cliffside House
Hanging Houses X 1

Hanging Houses X 2

Nearly invisible from the street, this X-shaped residence by Cadaval & Solá Morales is tucked into the cliffside so that the roof is actually a driveway and terrace overlooking Barcelona. Residents descend into the two levels of living spaces below. The incisions at the top and bottom of the ‘X’ let in light while preserving privacy.

Mirage House Blends In With the Aegean Sea
Hanging Houses Mirage 1

Hanging Houses Mirage 2

Hanging Houses Mirage 3

At just the right angle, this home nestled into the hills of Tinos Island in Greece’s Cyclades archipelago seems to disappear altogether, its rooftop infinity pool blending into the Aegean Sea. ‘Mirage House‘ by Kois Associated Architects was envisioned as an “invisible oasis” will all interior spaces tucked into the subterranean rock-sheltered portion of the home.

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Hover Houses 12 Cliff Clinging Homes With A View

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Windows 8 – Make Two More Time Zones a Mouse Hover Away

25 Apr

Communicate with people across time zones? Make two additional clocks available with a mouse hover over the Windows 8.1 Taskbar clock.

Do you often need to communicate with co-workers, extended family, or friends that live across the country or world? Stop waking them up at odd hours of the night or sending them an electronic mail or Skype request by not knowing their local time zone.

Two additional time zones can be added to the Windows 8.1 Desktop Taskbar, accessible by hovering over the clock. Clicking on the clock can display larger clocks of each configured time zone….

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Retro Hover Cars: Editing Photos to Float Vintage Rides

19 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

hover car

One of the most common concepts for the future has long been the wheel-free automobile, even before it was popularized in Back to the Future – but always, these looked almost shockingly familiar to our everyday rides.

hover floating retro cars

Renaud Marion is well established in the realm of realistic photo editing, splicing everything from architecture to wild animals into ordinary city street scenes and letting the strange juxtapositions speak for themselves.

hover vintage car photoshop

In this new series, he simply (albeit carefully) edits out all trace of wheels from various vintage vehicles, resulting in surreal portraits of apparently-flying cars. Even the dingiest rusting old 70′s-era auto seems somehow wonderfully otherworldly after he is done.

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Retro Hover Cars: Editing Photos to Float Vintage Rides

19 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

hover car

One of the most common concepts for the future has long been the wheel-free automobile, even before it was popularized in Back to the Future – but always, these looked almost shockingly familiar to our everyday rides.

hover floating retro cars

Renaud Marion is well established in the realm of realistic photo editing, splicing everything from architecture to wild animals into ordinary city street scenes and letting the strange juxtapositions speak for themselves.

hover vintage car photoshop

In this new series, he simply (albeit carefully) edits out all trace of wheels from various vintage vehicles, resulting in surreal portraits of apparently-flying cars. Even the dingiest rusting old 70′s-era auto seems somehow wonderfully otherworldly after he is done.

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