Posts Tagged ‘Hostel’

Like a Music Festival, Minus the Dirt: Social Hostel Offers Indoor Camping

19 Sep

[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

If you love the sense of community at multi-day outdoor music festivals like Glastonbury, Coachella and Bonnaroo but hate the mud, dust, noise and filthy porta-potties, this hostel was designed just for you. Cao Pu Studio designed ‘Together Hostel’ as an indoor camping experience, with guests staying in translucent individual ‘tents’ under a common roof. The experience emphasizes socializing, with lots of shared interactive spaces, but provides a tad more privacy than the average hostel bunk room.

The tents are organized in groups of four or five, making the hostel ideal for small groups traveling together, or for travelers prioritizing making new connections with strangers. Each tent is equipped with power sockets, extension cords and reading lights. Each of the timber-framed structures is finished in frosted polycarbonate, which doesn’t offer total privacy, but at least gives occupants a sense of their own personal space within the larger hostel without shutting them off altogether. If you’re backpacking, you can even roll out your sleeping pad in the theater area at night instead of sleeping in a ‘tent’ for a lower rate.

There’s a food court with lots of seating, a shop, a bar, a small theater space, a kitchen, offices and plenty of private showers and restrooms in addition to the tents, which come in single or double sizes. Modular tables in the central hall fit together like puzzle pieces, creating larger or smaller surfaces depending on whether you want to sit with a big group or dine alone.

The concept capitalizes on growing trends (voluntary or not) toward living in smaller spaces and in closer quarters with others rather than spreading out in suburban-style homes. People who travel on the cheap are accustomed to giving up space and privacy in exchange for a good deal, and this design makes the experience feel cleaner and more intentional. Would you stay at the ‘Together Hostel?’

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[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

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Cargotecture Travel: Shipping Container Hostel Opens in Vietnam

29 Dec

[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]


You might not want to live in a shipping container permanently, but now you can test-drive one for a night or two at the affordable, streamlined and modern Ccasa Hostel in Vietnam. Colorful cargo containers are stacked on top of each other to create a tower of rentable rooms, set within an open air framework that takes advantage of the tropical local climate. Located in Nha Trang just a three-minute walk from the beach, it’s intended for backpackers who flock to the area to enjoy local mineral spring resorts and temples.




The design of the hostel is based on that of a family home, with lots of beds sharing bathroom, kitchen and living room facilities. Some of the converted shipping containers offer private bedrooms, while others are packed full of bunks in traditional hostel fashion. The containers are seen as just a place to sleep or rest in between adventures or socializing in the common areas.





Ccasa Hostel contains three functional blocks: the sleeping block, the washing block and the serving block. The serving block is made of steel frames and black painted metal sheets, and the washing block mimics typical Vietnamese architecture with white-painted bricks and concrete. The three colors of the shipping containers denote different kinds of bedrooms.





Instead of the dank, dark corridors you’d usually find in a cheap hostel, there are breezy open-air walkways looking down onto the courtyard below, which is filled with trees. A system of ropes and steel framing encourages climbing vines to obscure the shipping containers on the rear of the building, and as it grows, it’ll create a living screen that filters air, light and noise.

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[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]

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Book and Bed Hostel: Your Dream to Sleep in a Library Came True

27 Dec

[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]


Every true bibliophile has gazed up at the seemingly endless shelves of books in a good bookstore or library and imagined gathering up a stack, finding a quiet nook and turning in for the night. In Japan (where else?) you can actually do just that in a library-themed hostel, though you might be too excited about your reading materials to get much sleep. The Book and Bed Hostel by Suppose Design Office features semi-private sleeping nooks built right into the bookshelves, so you can climb out and look for more books as often as you want.



The hostel has two locations – Tokyo and Kyoto – with rates starting at just $ 40 (4,445 yen) per night. In the true spirit of a hostel, everything is set up dorm style with shared bathrooms and nothing but curtains separating you from your neighbors, but considering the theme of the place, you probably don’t care. Book and Bed isn’t really about enjoying privacy or getting a good night’s sleep.


The Tokyo location features over 1,700 titles to choose from, stacked on floor-to-ceiling shelves. Climb the library ladders to reach the highest ones, and check out the featured books that have been hung from the ceiling as decor. Each sleeping nook is fitted with a backlight and an outlet, and there’s wifi, though you’ll probably be too busy reading to use it.


The Kyoto hostel is located just steps from many popular local attractions, like the Yasaka Shrine and the Nanzenji Temple. There’s a special selection of Kyoto-centric books in both English and Japanese. Both hostels offer striped robes and totes reading ‘Have a Book Day’ for purchase as souvenirs. You can see more photos on the Book and Bed Tokyo Instagram account.


“Book and Bed is an ‘accommodation bookshop.’ The perfect setting for a good nights sleep is something you will not find here. There are no comfortable mattresses, fluffy pillows nor lightweight and warm down duvets. What we do offer is an experience while reading a book (or comic book.) An experience shared by everyone at least once: the blissful ‘instant of falling asleep.’ It is already 2am but you think just a little more… with heavy drooping eye lids you continue reading only to realize you have fallen asleep.”


“Dozing off obliviously during your treasured pastime is the finest ‘moment of sleep,’ don’t you agree?”

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Hutong Hostel: Modern Micro-Hotel Squeezes into Historic Chinese Context

13 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]


Traditional hutongs found in Beijing wind in upon themselves, organically shaped by the forces around them to create nesting neighborhoods that are cozy and serene. Alleys branch off of larger alleys and even larger streets as visitors make their way deep into the heart of huge city blocks.


This new hostel project by ZAO and Standard Architecture builds on the long tradition of hutongs and measures just 320 square feet. It represents a Brualist/Modernist take on the alley-based architecture of China’s capital.



An expansion of previous hutong projects – including a co-living courtyard, library and gallery space – this hostel brings small-scale social housing into the mix.



Guests enter through a semi-public transitional space, much like the branching alleys and courtyards of a normal hutong, then enters a complex of angular architecture forms composed of concrete and glass.



A series of extruded volumes rise up slightly above the adjacent rooflines to access views, air and light from beyond the compressed confines of the site. The courtyard at the heart of the plan serves to connect it to the neighborhood, acting as a liminal zone for guests and community members alike.



“The result is an architectural operation that brings back the courtyard as a generator of the program, as it activates the building by creating a direct relationship with its urban context,” say the architects.

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POD in Singapore: High-Class Hostel Meets Capsule Hotel

11 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel bedroom capsules

Full of small surprises, this minimalist modern urban retreat blends elements of a free-for-all hostel of bunk beds for college backpackers and high-end hotels catering to business executives.

pod capsule bedroom details

At The POD in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz, guests stay in variously-sized capsules reminiscent of radical pod hotels in places like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but with warm materials (primarily wood and stone), soft lighting and tactile finishes one might expect from a traditional suite in Kyoto or Beijing.

pod hostel room types

pod hotel interior design

The bedrooms are semi-private affairs – slots in the walls you can slip into with a curtain you can pull down for privacy, but no actual door or solid space divider. A private desk folds down from the wall and private reading light lets you set your own hours for sleeping at night.

pod hotel amenities various

For security, separate cubby lockers below beds and shoe lockers in the main space let you keep valuables out of reach. Common areas provide both lounge and meeting spaces as well as private office pods for getting work or calls down out of sight.

pod space common rooms

pod hotel bathroom

The washrooms with basin sinks and broad mirrors are open and shared, but the bathroom stalls inside of them (including a smaller sink, shower, toilet and mirror) are closed and private, resulting in a blend of semi-public yet also personal restrooms .

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POD in Singapore: High-Class Hostel Meets Capsule Hotel

11 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel bedroom capsules

Full of small surprises, this minimalist modern urban retreat blends elements of a free-for-all hostel of bunk beds for college backpackers and high-end hotels catering to business executives.

pod capsule bedroom details

At The POD in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz, guests stay in variously-sized capsules reminiscent of radical pod hotels in places like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but with warm materials (primarily wood and stone), soft lighting and tactile finishes one might expect from a traditional suite in Kyoto or Beijing.

pod hostel room types

pod hotel interior design

The bedrooms are semi-private affairs – slots in the walls you can slip into with a curtain you can pull down for privacy, but no actual door or solid space divider. A private desk folds down from the wall and private reading light lets you set your own hours for sleeping at night.

pod hotel amenities various

For security, separate cubby lockers below beds and shoe lockers in the main space let you keep valuables out of reach. Common areas provide both lounge and meeting spaces as well as private office pods for getting work or calls down out of sight.

pod space common rooms

pod hotel bathroom

The washrooms with basin sinks and broad mirrors are open and shared, but the bathroom stalls inside of them (including a smaller sink, shower, toilet and mirror) are closed and private, resulting in a blend of semi-public yet also personal restrooms .

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POD in Singapore: High-Class Hostel Meets Capsule Hotel

11 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel bedroom capsules

Full of small surprises, this minimalist modern urban retreat blends elements of a free-for-all hostel of bunk beds for college backpackers and high-end hotels catering to business executives.

pod capsule bedroom details

At The POD in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz, guests stay in variously-sized capsules reminiscent of radical pod hotels in places like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but with warm materials (primarily wood and stone), soft lighting and tactile finishes one might expect from a traditional suite in Kyoto or Beijing.

pod hostel room types

pod hotel interior design

The bedrooms are semi-private affairs – slots in the walls you can slip into with a curtain you can pull down for privacy, but no actual door or solid space divider. A private desk folds down from the wall and private reading light lets you set your own hours for sleeping at night.

pod hotel amenities various

For security, separate cubby lockers below beds and shoe lockers in the main space let you keep valuables out of reach. Common areas provide both lounge and meeting spaces as well as private office pods for getting work or calls down out of sight.

pod space common rooms

pod hotel bathroom

The washrooms with basin sinks and broad mirrors are open and shared, but the bathroom stalls inside of them (including a smaller sink, shower, toilet and mirror) are closed and private, resulting in a blend of semi-public yet also personal restrooms .

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POD in Singapore: High-Class Hostel Meets Capsule Hotel

11 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel bedroom capsules

Full of small surprises, this minimalist modern urban retreat blends elements of a free-for-all hostel of bunk beds for college backpackers and high-end hotels catering to business executives.

pod capsule bedroom details

At The POD in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz, guests stay in variously-sized capsules reminiscent of radical pod hotels in places like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but with warm materials (primarily wood and stone), soft lighting and tactile finishes one might expect from a traditional suite in Kyoto or Beijing.

pod hostel room types

pod hotel interior design

The bedrooms are semi-private affairs – slots in the walls you can slip into with a curtain you can pull down for privacy, but no actual door or solid space divider. A private desk folds down from the wall and private reading light lets you set your own hours for sleeping at night.

pod hotel amenities various

For security, separate cubby lockers below beds and shoe lockers in the main space let you keep valuables out of reach. Common areas provide both lounge and meeting spaces as well as private office pods for getting work or calls down out of sight.

pod space common rooms

pod hotel bathroom

The washrooms with basin sinks and broad mirrors are open and shared, but the bathroom stalls inside of them (including a smaller sink, shower, toilet and mirror) are closed and private, resulting in a blend of semi-public yet also personal restrooms .

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POD in Singapore: High-Class Hostel Meets Capsule Hotel

11 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel bedroom capsules

Full of small surprises, this minimalist modern urban retreat blends elements of a free-for-all hostel of bunk beds for college backpackers and high-end hotels catering to business executives.

pod capsule bedroom details

At The POD in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz, guests stay in variously-sized capsules reminiscent of radical pod hotels in places like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but with warm materials (primarily wood and stone), soft lighting and tactile finishes one might expect from a traditional suite in Kyoto or Beijing.

pod hostel room types

pod hotel interior design

The bedrooms are semi-private affairs – slots in the walls you can slip into with a curtain you can pull down for privacy, but no actual door or solid space divider. A private desk folds down from the wall and private reading light lets you set your own hours for sleeping at night.

pod hotel amenities various

For security, separate cubby lockers below beds and shoe lockers in the main space let you keep valuables out of reach. Common areas provide both lounge and meeting spaces as well as private office pods for getting work or calls down out of sight.

pod space common rooms

pod hotel bathroom

The washrooms with basin sinks and broad mirrors are open and shared, but the bathroom stalls inside of them (including a smaller sink, shower, toilet and mirror) are closed and private, resulting in a blend of semi-public yet also personal restrooms .

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POD in Singapore: High-Class Hostel Meets Capsule Hotel

11 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

pod hotel bedroom capsules

Full of small surprises, this minimalist modern urban retreat blends elements of a free-for-all hostel of bunk beds for college backpackers and high-end hotels catering to business executives.

pod capsule bedroom details

At The POD in Singapore, designed by Formwerkz, guests stay in variously-sized capsules reminiscent of radical pod hotels in places like Tokyo or Hong Kong, but with warm materials (primarily wood and stone), soft lighting and tactile finishes one might expect from a traditional suite in Kyoto or Beijing.

pod hostel room types

pod hotel interior design

The bedrooms are semi-private affairs – slots in the walls you can slip into with a curtain you can pull down for privacy, but no actual door or solid space divider. A private desk folds down from the wall and private reading light lets you set your own hours for sleeping at night.

pod hotel amenities various

For security, separate cubby lockers below beds and shoe lockers in the main space let you keep valuables out of reach. Common areas provide both lounge and meeting spaces as well as private office pods for getting work or calls down out of sight.

pod space common rooms

pod hotel bathroom

The washrooms with basin sinks and broad mirrors are open and shared, but the bathroom stalls inside of them (including a smaller sink, shower, toilet and mirror) are closed and private, resulting in a blend of semi-public yet also personal restrooms .

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