Posts Tagged ‘himself’

Hipster offended after mistaking himself for hipster in study about lookalike hipsters

09 Mar

Gideon Lichfield, editor-in-Chief of MIT Technology Review, recounted a hilarious story of mistaken identity on Twitter this week. According to Lichfield, the publication received an angry email from a man who accused the site of using his portrait without permission to illustrate an article about hipsters who all look the same. The problem? This unnamed complainant wasn’t the man in the image.

The issue began when MIT Technology Review published an article detailing a study called The Hipster Effect: When Anti-Conformists All Look The Same. The article includes a properly licensed header image depicting a prototypical hipster sourced from Getty Images, but the angry email writer didn’t know that, instead believing it was an image of himself.

The publication’s Creative Director Eric Mongeon contacted Getty Images to verify the photo’s model release, and that’s when the mystery was solved:

Lichfield’s amusing Twitter story seemingly underscored the study’s premise, but sadly it didn’t include an image of the email writer for comparison.

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Photographer sues Bruno Mars for posting childhood photo of himself on Instagram

29 Nov
Photo by Brothers Le, CC-BY-2.0

Singer Bruno Mars recently shared a childhood photo of himself from 1989, and now the photographer behind the photo, Catherine McGann, is suing him for copyright infringement. The image was shared by Mars back in June on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, amassing more than a million ‘likes’ and thousands of comments.

As of this writing, it’s still live on the pop star’s Instagram account:

A post shared by Bruno Mars (@brunomars) on

The lawsuit, which was first surfaced via TMZ, is being leveled against both Mars and record label Warner Music. According to McGann, Mars never asked for permission to share the image on his social media accounts, and the lawsuit seeks any and all profits made from the image’s use, plus damages.

A look at McGann’s Instagram page shows that she posted a version of the image with a copyright notice on November 3rd, 2016.

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Applied LEGO: Design Graduate Sends Miniature Figures of Himself as Resumes

23 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

Design and architecture firms are used to getting creative resumes in the mail that unfold into portfolios or assemble into paper models, but this LEGO figurine may be the most creative variant yet.

A designer and artist, Andy Morris decided to make a miniature of himself as a way to stand out to potential employers and highlight his creativity.

His three-dimensional curriculum vitae packaged like a toy figure but also includes graphic elements that convey aspects of his own creative work.

The packaging gives more details on his design capabilities and offers links to his website and portfolio, accompanied by descriptions of his experience and personal design philosophies. Hurry: supplies are limited!

He hopes not only that the figure will help him find a job, but that it will match him with a workplace that mimics his own quirky creative ambitions.

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World record camera collector now has over 4500 – and a short film about himself

20 Aug

Indian Dilish Parekh has once again beaten his own world record for having the largest camera collection, with his personal museum now housing 4500 exhibits. In August 2013 DP Review reported that he had 4425 cameras, but in the intervening three years he has grown his hoard by 75 more models.

Filmmaker Dheerankur Upasak visited Dilish, who has held the Guinness Book of World Records title since 2003, at his home in Mumbai to make a short about the man and some of the models in his collection. Dilish says that he started collecting in 1970 when his grandfather gave him cameras as gifts – and things went from there. He never spends more than $ 15 on a camera, but has still managed to accumulate quite a number of rare and expensive bodies, such as the Leica Reporter GG 250. Only 950 were made and one sold with a motor drive at the ‘100 Years of Leica’ Westlicht auction for €576,000 in 2014.

The collection spans only the years between 1890 and 1960 and includes all of Canon’s rangefinder models. Dilish isn’t for selling the collection, though he says he gets lots of offers, and he has instructed his sons not to sell once he passes away.

Dheerankur filmed the piece on a Canon EOS 5D III with Pentax 50mm f/1.2, Tamron 90mm macro and Tair 11-133mm f/2.8 lenses.

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Robert Capa speaks for himself: ‘The camera was far above my head’

02 Nov


‘If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough’, said famed photographer Robert Capa. He was certainly close enough to take his iconic ‘Falling Solider’ photograph during the Spanish Civil War. In a recently discovered radio interview from the 1940s, Capa explains how he took the photo that many have since alleged was staged. Learn more

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