Posts Tagged ‘Heavenly’

Heavenly Vaults: Virtual Reality Ceiling Installation in a Gothic Cathedral

13 Oct

[ By SA Rogers in Art & Installation & Sound. ]


The ceilings of Paris’ Saint Eustache Church are once again alive and flickering with a surreal display of abstract imagery as artist Miguel Chevalier projects ‘Voûtes Célestes’ onto its vaults, nave and transepts. Installed for the annual Nuit Blanche (All-Nighter) event, the live light show flashes, ripples and glows along to musical improvisations by the church’s organist, envisioning imaginary sky charts created by Chevalier in real time.


Blankets of stars and other celestial bodies glimmer in the dark, transected by neon lines in green, red and yellow that crackle light lightning and ripple as if being blown by wind. The lights interact with the architecture of the church, blurring its actual form and creating trompe l’oeil effects. At times, the entire ceiling seems to disappear, putting on display an imaginary sky full of colorful lights.




“These suspended universes accentuate one’s impression of the monument’s loftiness and lightness,” says Chevalier. “Visitors are invited to stroll around, to sit in the pews, and to lift up their eyes toward the heavens. These digital constellation of pixels immerse visitors in an atmosphere bathed in light while opening unto infinity.”




“The installation releases radiant energy into this space of plentitude. Amplified by Saint Eustache’s organ music, the installation induces a spiritual and contemplative feeling of elevation. Light, color and movement create a poetics of matter and elaborate a new aesthetics of virtuality.”

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[ By SA Rogers in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

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Heavenly bodies: Nikon D810 & D810A field test

12 May

José Francisco Salgado is an Emmy-nominated astronomer, photographer and educator. Driven by a passion to show and explain our universe, José Fransisco’s work has taken him all over the world, even as his camera lens is aimed far beyond our atmosphere. José Fransisco joined us when we took Nikon’s D810 and D810A down to southern California recently, to capture the stunning desert vistas – and night skies – of the landscapes near Death Valley. 

The D810 is Nikon’s highest-resolution DSLR, and the D810A is a specialized version specifically designed for astrophotography. As well as a higher base ISO sensitivity, the D810A’s sensor is modified to capture the specific wavelengths of the light transmitted by distant nebulae. Watch our video to see how José – and the D810A – performed.

Waiting for the D810 full review? We’re pleased to tell you that it’s being readied for publication! For now we hope you enjoy watching this field test, with José Francisco Salgado.

If you want to learn more about astrophotography make sure to visit our Astrophotography Talk forum.

This is sponsored content, created with the support of Nikon. What does this mean?

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Aquarion – 1 – Memories of Heavenly Wings

03 Jul

When the Shadow Angels invade after 12000 years of slumber, humanity is held captive by fear and sheer alien dominance.
Video Rating: 4 / 5