Posts Tagged ‘grown’

Vertical Micro-Farms: Fresh Produce Grown in Berlin Groceries

01 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

indoor farm grocery store

Taking farm-to-table approaches to new heights, a company in Berlin is putting small vertical farms directly inside of grocery stores to provide fresh produce and eliminate transportation costs. Its makers are boast that these are the first indoor farming installations of their kind, placed as they are directly in markets.

INFARM is currently testing live herb gardens in METRO Cash & Carry stores, integrating them into the layout of the shops and making their display part of the shopping experience.

indoor grocery berlin greens

Cutting down on transport costs and associated emissions is good both for the bottom line as well as the environment. These aquaponics systems use less water, energy and space than conventional farms and horizontal greenhouses. And, of course, there is nothing customers like more than the freshest possible ingredients, and these come right off the proverbial (or actual) vine.

indoor farm vertical garden

The present year-long pilot program involves herbs and salad greens for now, but the same technology can also be deployed to grow other plants including tomatoes, peppers and other fruits and veggies. Next steps may include additional stores and chains but also inserting similar modules into places like restaurants and hotels looking to offer something unique to their clients and guests.

no packing grocery store

This is not the first green grocery innovation to take root in Berlin, Germany, which is also home to the world’s first packaging-free grocery store. Original Unverpackt is the first in a series of stores using a sustainable model similar to co-ops but at a larger scale and aimed at mass market consumers, adapting the package-free bulk approach to sell all of its unpacked goods directly to consumers.

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Tree Church: Organic Arbortecture Grown from Living Branches

19 Jul

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

tree church and grounds

‘Built’ may not be the right word for this compelling hybrid of architectural and arborsculptural design (or: arbortecture), featuring a complete chapel with landscaped fences and carefully cultivated gardens on all sides, the primary structure at its heart made from five species of tree.

tree church

Begun by Barry Cox on his New Zealand property just four years ago, the project originated as a private retreat but as word spread he decided to open it up to guest events as well starting this fall – the structure seats 100 people.

tree church interior view

Leptospernum (Copper Sheen) grows up to create the walls while Alnus Imperialis (Cut Leaf Alder) completes the roof, forming a complete canopy above. amelia Black Tie, Acer Globosum, and Thuja Pyramidalis were also employed in the construction process.

tree church entry walkway

Within the main building, a slim steel frame underlies the living components, serving as latticework around which the supporting trunks and branches were able to grow.

tree church gardens

On the grounds around the central structure are a number of other intriguing and interactive elements, including a labyrinth and extensive additional gardens for walking and exploring. The entire site is carefully sculpted and maintained, featuring traditional as well as more novel landscapes.

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3D Farming: Trees Grown into Fully Shaped & Formed Furniture

27 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

molded tree furniture design

Taking arborsculpture to new levels of efficiency and functionality, this furniture designer creates plastic molds in which his designs are grown without needing to be sawed and shaped after the fact, reducing waste and streamlining the production process. Light, soil and air are the equivalent of filament in this organic 3D printing analog, and even more directly: the molds can be 3D-printed as well.

molded organic furniture plants

While requiring careful planning and additional work upfront, taking young willow, oak, ash and sycamore trees and turning them as they grow into chairs, tables and lamps both shortens the construction cycle and eliminates the need to reconnect disparate pieces.

molded furniture forest field

molded plastic tree furniture

Founder of Full Grown in Derbyshire, England, Gavin Munro aims to challenge “the way we create products as well as how we see the items with which we surround ourselves, the Grown Furniture has an immediate tactile, visceral and organic appeal.”

growing tree furniture set

Gavin thinks of this process as a kind of “organic 3D printing that uses air, soil and sunshine as its source materials. After it’s grown into the shape we want, we continue to care for and nurture the tree, while it thickens and matures, before harvesting it in the Winter and then letting it season and dry. It’s then a matter of planing and finishing to show off the wood and grain inside.”

molded tree chair prototype_edited-1

The notion of shaping trees as they grow on a massive scale is not a novel one – similar techniques have long been employed in vineyards to maximize growth and optimize grape picking. Even the idea of growing fully-formed furniture is not new – artists and designers have long shaped living trees to create objects of use. As far back as Ancient Greece, chairs were ‘built’ by digging out chair-shaped holes and allowing them to fill with root structures before being ‘harvested’ from the ground.

molded plant lamp shape

Still, the scale and ambitions here are, however, much bigger – creating full crops of grown furniture, turning a one-off idea into a potentially mass-produced (but always unique) product line.

molded shaped table design

Each furniture piece takes a few years to grow and maintaining this ‘forest of furniture’ is nothing if not challenging: “I’m only making 50 or so pieces per year but for every 100 trees you grow there are a 1,000 branches you need to care for, and 10,000 shoots you have to prune at the right time.”

molded root grown chair

Still, the results are worth the effort in the mind of this maker: “They’re still growing now, but when harvested and finished we expect them to be not just fully functional and ergonomic but grown, grafted and fastened into one solid piece, [meaning] no joints that only ever loosen over time. These could last for centuries. We hope and trust that this will eventually become an improvement on current methods.”

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Tree of 40 Fruit: Single Plant Grown with Dozens of Grafts

08 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

tree of 40 fruits

Giving the phrase ‘garden variety’ a fresh new meaning for urban gardeners, this amazing hybrid plant makes it possible to raise dozens of types of produce on a single tree using low-tech grafting techniques.

tree 40 fruit growing

A work of both art and science by Syracuse University art professor Sam Van Aken, the all-in-one Tree of 40 Fruit is the culmination of years spent experimenting with hybridized stone fruit trees that produce peaches, plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries and much more.

tree fruit growing experiments

Treating his work (with over 250 types of fruit) as a combination of farming and arborsculpture, Aken combines heirloom, antique, and native varieties, all set to bloom in seasonal sequences designed to create edible results as well as aesthetic effects throughout the year.

tree fruit before after

The custom-crafted hybrid looks like an ordinary fruit tree until it blossoms a key points through spring, summer and fall with its rich variety of flowers and fruits.

tree fruit peaches branch

Using a chip grafting process, Aken takes a sliver off of a tree and tapes it the growing hybrid, letting the pieces grow together over the winter then pruning them back as needed.

tree 40 fruit sites

The resulting trees of 40 fruit continue to be grown and dispersed around the country to museums, community gardens and other public spaces.

In an interview with Epicurious, Aken explains that “as the project evolved, it took on more goals. In trying to find different varieties of stone fruit to create the Tree of 40 Fruit, I realized that for various reasons, including industrialization and the creation of enormous monocultures, we are losing diversity in food production. In addition to maintaining these varieties in my nursery, I graft them to the Tree of 40 Fruit. Additionally … I go to local farmers and growers to collect stone fruit varieties and graft them to the trees. In this way they become an archive of the agricultural history of where they are located as well as a means to preserve antique and native varieties.”

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Poppy: Your Viewmaster, All Grown Up

03 Feb

Extra photos for bloggers: 1, 2, 3

Poppy is one part Viewmaster, one part iPhone, all parts amazing.

It lets you create 3D photos, videos and wiggle gifs! Just slip your iPhone into a Poppy and shoot away.

Pass the Poppy to a pal to let them see your trip photos as if they were there.

Or make a wiggle gif to share your three dimensional adventures, on the web!

Learn More About the Poppy
$ 59 at the Photojojo Shop

© laurel for Photojojo, 2014. |
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Time lapse of a grown man playing with his toys

13 Dec

Time lapse of Freddie Wong, a 23 year old former pro gamer. Once and for all, conclusive proof that all gamers have the mental maturity of a toddler. Available in pants dropping HD quality, so make sure you watch it proper!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

When photographed under a 3D microscope, grains of sand appear like colorful pieces of candy and the stamens in a flower become like fantastical spires at an amusement park. Gary Greenberg reveals the thrilling details of the microworld. (Filmed at TEDxMaui.) TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at Follow TED news on Twitter: Like TED on Facebook: Subscribe to our channel:
Video Rating: 4 / 5