Posts Tagged ‘Goldstein’

Best Photos of 2019 by Jim M. Goldstein

04 Jan

Thanks for checking in to see my best photos of 2019. This year for a variety of reasons I didn’t have many opportunities to get out and pursue photography to the degree I’d have preferred. Some of the reasons why were good (new house, settling in, kid activities with both boys being in elementary school for the first time, etc.) and some were downright bummers (passing of my grandfather, getting used to this aging thing, etc.). Through it all though I got the kids out on some bigger trips this year beyond our regular trips to Yosemite. We drove from California to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and Glacier National Park in Montana. With my focus on the boys having a great experience my normal serious photographic endeavors were kept on the sideline. As always I felt good with that decision after hearing how much they loved Glacier National Park, especially given Glacier it is a personal favorite of mine. In 2020 I’m looking forward to exploring more of my favorite locations with them and seeing it all a new through their eyes.  All that being said enjoy my best of the year…


Landscapes & Wildlife

Much of my time outdoors this year was spent showing the boys more of my favorite locations and experiencing the great outdoors while indulging them with great views and of course many evenings of campfires and s’mores. The following view at Two Medicine lake in Glacier National Park was incredibly memorable as we explored the shore and skipped rocks.

Two Medicine Lake

A serene moment at Two Medicine Lake in Glacier National Park


Of all my time at Glacier National Park I’ve never once seen a Pika… until this year. Not only are they well camouflaged and hard to see, but they’re incredibly fast. Being small even photographing them with a 400mm lens isn’t nearly enough magnification. The first photo below is a severely cropped photo taken at 400mm. The uncropped photos, 2 down, is included to give you an idea of how hard it is to find them in a rock pile. Add in their constant state of running, to forage food for the winter, you have an even tougher subject to photograph. That said I do have a good number of Pika butt photos now.

North American pika (Ochotona princeps)

North American pika (Ochotona princeps) at Logan Pass, Glacier National Park

North American pika (Ochotona princeps)

North American pika (Ochotona princeps) at Logan Pass, Glacier National Park


While in Glacier National Park it’s always fun to see marmots scurrying about. On a hike at Logan Pass my boys and I saw several. One of the more interesting was perched in a tree surveying his territory.

Hoary marmot – Glacier National Park, Montana

A hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) in wildflowers at Logan Pass, Glacier National Park in Montana.

Hoary marmot in a tree – Glacier National Park, Montana

A hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) resting on a fallen tree – Glacier National Park


Adventures with the Kids

My boys enjoying a brief encounter with a curious ground squirrel was amusing. Even more amusing was the play structure my youngest son built for him with rocks near his den.

Kids meeting a ground squirrel

My kids meeting a ground squirrel while on a hike at Logan Pass, Glacier National Park in Montana


My youngest still has not shaken his interest in photography. While he wasn’t as steadfast about using a tripod this year he still seemed to enjoy taking some ‘serious’ photos.

Young Photographer

My son photographing a waterfall in Glacier National Park


A brief moment my kids weren’t a blur from running around, tackling each other, and/or tackling me.The Dudes


A personal favorite of mine taken by a passing hiker. Thanks unknown hiker, I salute you and your ability to capture a well framed photo while maintaining focus. You’d be surprised how hard it is to get that even with an iPhone.The Dudes and I

Thanks for checking in and Happy New Year!

JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography

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Best Photos of 2018 by Jim M. Goldstein

02 Jan

2018 has been quite the year. You wouldn’t know it from my blog, but it’s been one of the most hectic years I’ve had in a long time. Much of that centered around establishing a new home base for my family, albeit in the same area. Uprooting a family of 4 in the SF bay area is not for the light hearted. Luckily everyone has been quite excited about our move, but it has taken up most of my free time. I’m happy to say that I’m starting to get my nose above water and eager to do a bit more photography.

Another development this year was my acquisition of the domain and the CALPHOTO California photographic condition mailing list associated with the domain. Interested in real-time photo conditions across California? Then be sure to join. CALPHOTO is comprised of a great community of people who share a common interest in photographing and preserving the beauty of our state.

With limited time this year I focused on trips for my kids versus dedicated photo trips. In years past I’ve mentioned how my focus was to foster a deep appreciation of nature and the outdoors with my boys and that has firmly taken hold. I am regularly asked when our next camping trip will be and what other cool places we can visit. I also get a great deal of joy from the kids when we’re driving around town and an epiphany hits that we haven’t been to Yosemite in a while. I suppose that adds to the prospect of more photography and photo trips as they’ve been picking up an interest in taking photos too.

That should give you an idea of 2018 in a nutshell. Here are my 8 best photos of 2018…


Fall Color Abstract

Redwood Circle of Life

Fresh Snow in Yosemite Valley

Rays of Sun in the Redwoods National Forest

Family Fun

Someone has picked up good tripod technique by watching his dad. He started doing this on his own randomly during our trip. He was insistent he use my tripod even if he was just resting his camera on top of it without a base plate.

Fun at the Trees of Mystery

Trees of Mystery Portrait

Holiday Photo Hijinks

Thanks for looking and have a great new year!

The post Best Photos of 2018 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.

JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography

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Best Photos of 2016 by Jim M. Goldstein

27 Jul

As is customary I spend the end/beginning of the year reviewing my best photos of the year. This year I had less time to focus on personal projects than in years past, but one thing that I’ve continued to focus on is making the outdoor experience as fun as possible for my boys who are now 6 and 2. Considering both ask regularly to go camping and explore new areas I’d say that project is a great success. My photo projects as of late have been seasonally focused with most of my “best of photos” taken in the first half of 2016. Unfortunately 2016 wasn’t the best year for our family with much of our travel plans devoted to being with a terminally ill family member who passed in the Fall. 2016 was a bittersweet year to say the least with our outdoor and family travels. With some luck 2017 will be more sweet than bitter.

This year I’ve split my best photos of the year into two categories: Landscape & Nature and Family. On the Landscape & Nature front I’ve continued to use ultra-wide lenses and long exposure techniques. Family photos have been taken with ultra-wide lenses for fun distortion effects and fast 50mm lenses to freeze my blazingly fast kids in action.

With out further delay here are my best of the year…

Landscape & Nature

A moonbow spans across upper Yosemite Falls with passing clouds and Half Dome in view.

A moonbow spans across upper Yosemite Falls with passing clouds and Half Dome in view.

This particular photo was taken on a late night shoot focused on timelapse footage of moonbows at Upper Yosemite Falls. After capturing a few sequences I hiked further up the trail to capture this view before calling it a night at 2 or 3 AM in the morning.

Fog flows through the trees below Mount Tamalpais and over the Pacific Ocean

Fog flows through the trees below Mount Tamalpais and over the Pacific Ocean

Taken as part of a Canon 5D Mark IV camera review on my All Things Photo YouTube channel. This photo was taken with my old Canon 5D Mark II. With a lot of photographers swarming about the hillside I was pleasantly surprised to capture the ghost of one in this long exposure shot.

Morning light on Yosemite Falls amidst rising winter fog - Yosemite National Park

Morning light on Yosemite Falls amidst rising winter fog – Yosemite National Park

Several of my trips to Yosemite in 2016 were family focused. On this trip to see snow in Yosemite valley, photography took a backseat to enjoying the conditions with my oldest son. That said I did sneak in a few DSLR photos and this was one. Later on this very morning I cross paths with several photographer friends taking in a similar view.

Dogwood Blossom, Yosemite National Park

Dogwood Blossom, Yosemite National Park

While I love snow in Yosemite Valley I’m quickly starting to think that April Dogwood blooms are perhaps the most beautiful event in the valley. It’s debatable. This image was taken with a Canon 5DS R during a beautiful Yosemite Dogwood bloom. While not visible in this web sized version of the photo the level of detail the Canon 5DS R provides is amazing.

Fog Rises Above Yosemite Valley

Fog Rises Above Yosemite Valley

I seldom head to Tunnel View with the idea of taking any serious images, but deep in the back of my mind I know that you can never discount what unique weather conditions might yield. For fun I headed to this location with my son so he could take in the view. It didn’t take long to realize the melting snow was creating quiet a show with fog wafting about. I set up a quick timelapse and this is one image from the sequence. I was not disappointed with the resulting footage.



This makes it to the top of my family best photos as it captures the enthusiasm of my oldest son has for being out and about in the snow with me. It’s always fun to view the world through his unfiltered natural curiosity.


I was blown away by the great reaction my youngest son had on his first trip to Yosemite. With in the first 2 hours of our Spring trip he saw deer, waterfalls and giant trees. He could hardly contain himself after seeing deer and the rest of the trip he was reminding me to be quite by saying, “Shhhh! Quiet. Deer.” He also was quick to wake me up at 5am the next day throwing his shoe at my forehead saying, “More outside!”

B age 5 5/6 and G 1 11/12 old

B age 5 5/6 and G 1 11/12 old

Just a fun photo of both my boys running, laughing and being in the moment in San Francisco.


No trip is complete to the snow with out building a snowman.


Introducing my oldest to the concept of forced perspective. Surprisingly he picked up on this quite fast and was pitching ideas for photos at other iconic locations including holding Half Dome in his hand at Glacier Point.


Fun at California Academy of Science with the whole family in their aquarium tunnel.

The post Best Photos of 2016 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.

JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography

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Best Photos of 2017 by Jim M. Goldstein

26 Jul

I’m happy to report 2017 was a much better year than 2016 on many fronts. Family was healthy, we avoided experiencing the passing of family members, there was a fair amount of travel, a few great photos were taken and most importantly to me my boys continue to experience nature and ask for repeat camping trips.

In past years yearly recaps I’ve emphasized how much of my focus has shifted from taking nature photos to instilling a sense of wonder about and deep respect for nature in my two young sons. That continues to be the case.   I’ve never delved into it too deeply in past yearly recaps why my prioritization has shifted. In part it’s likely very obvious for some. That said I do want to call it out. I became a photographer because of my love for nature. If I hadn’t been so intrigued by nature I’d never have had a reason to pick up a camera. With the onset of social media and mobile phones with cameras I’m not sure that can be said of many young photographers today. More and more as I view photography online I wonder whether people are truly interested in their subjects (all styles of photography not just nature) or just trying to increase their follower stats because that’s the thing to do in this day and age. Perhaps my cynicism is getting the better of me after working at Borrowlenses where I dealt with photography talking heads & professional and aspiring professional photographers on a daily basis. An element of my becoming a jaded photographer I’m sure (kudos to my friend Richard Wong for writing that post). I’ll avoid going down the path of airing dirt for now as that’s a series of posts unto itself. Anyhow once my boys got old enough it was quite natural for me to want to go back to my roots enjoying nature over photography. I’d like my children to deeply respect and value our natural world. What would I be teaching them, about nature and in general, if I was always taking photos on our trips versus living the moment?

For that reason my yearly recap photos have and will continue to be split between family photos and everything else. While my boys are in their most formative years I’ll continue to put my emphasis behind experiencing nature versus artistically capturing it. The fact that my boys regularly tell me, often out of the blue, they want to go camping again means the world to me. I’m incredibly grateful one aspect of my professional outdoor photographer mind has not lost a beat and that is timing our trips for optimal conditions. This used to torment me as I’d leave my DSLR behind, but the more my boys reminisce and ask for more nature experiences the more I know I’ve made the right call.

Now that that’s out of the way… my favorite photos, in no particular order are below. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to view this post and my blog in general.  If you happen to have a recap of your best photos of 2017 I invite you to submit it to my blog project, where I list the best photos of photographers who read my blog. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to get inspired at the beginning of the new year.

Best of  Landscape & Nature


I took my boys to witness the total solar eclipse in August of 2017. We went off road to an isolated mountaintop with 360 degree views in eastern Oregon. My focus for the eclipse itself was on the experience with my boys, but we did star gaze a lot at night before the big day. In trying to explain how the earth moves I set up a quick star trail sequence to show the boys. This was the result.


Water levels were near record levels this spring in Yosemite Valley. I made what has become a regular hike to Upper Yosemite Falls to take time-lapses of moonbows with my friend, Brian Hawkins. Like me, he seems to have enough screws loose to think this night hike is a good idea along with huddling in ice cold mist to capture this view.


At the beginning of the year I timed a trip to Yosemite Valley to capture some long overdue winter star trail photos. This was a single 2+ hour exposure taken with my Canon 5D Mark II. Pictured is Three Brothers with star trails reflected in the Merced River.


Another single 2+ hour exposure taken with my Canon 5D Mark II. Pictured is Upper Yosemite Falls as seen from the valley floor. Truck Under the Milkyway

For most of my family trips this year I’ve rented an SUV outfitted with a rooftop tent via PacificOverlander. I took this photo on the first night of one of my trips with the boys as we explored the Owens Valley. While they slept I snuck in this photo of our truck/tent under the Milky Way. If you’re unfamiliar with PacificOverlander it’s well worth investigating. I’ve had several amazing experiences and my boys keep asking me why I keep giving the truck back. They regularly have so much fun on these trips it would seem they’re sold on having a truck/rig like this of their very own.


Best of Family


Taken on our trip to see the total solar eclipse, the boys enjoy hanging out in the tent atop our PacificOverlander SUV. This photo sits atop both my home and work desk. It’s probably my favorite photo of the year as it captures the raw joy my boys have on our camping excursions.


I spoiled my kids with ice cream atop the Glacier Point lookout in Yosemite National Park. A moment I enjoy remembering through this quick snapshot.


Wrangling family for a group photos is… a challenge. This is especially true when the boys enjoy making faces and test the patience of my wife. Every so often though a photo comes out just right. This was one that I took while we enjoyed a sunny day at a beach near Half Moon Bay.


Not a technically great photo, but the fact it captures the raw excitement of my youngest son exploring new places makes it one of my favorite of the year. The had a fun time rock hopping at Olmsted Point in Yosemite National Park.


Trains… my boys love trains. Given the opportunity they’ll always jump on a train and lucky for them the commuter train, Caltrain, is very close to where we live. Bright eyed and excited I couldn’t help but take this photo of my son as we started to roll.


Bonus Images / Honorable Mentions

I didn’t take this first image, but it’s impossible to exclude as it’s a great keepsake from a very fun trip. Below that you’ll see a short slideshow of images that might show a glimpse of the future. While I’m not actively taking serious photos in front of the boys they’ve none the less taken to photography on their own. If you’ve seen my past years “Best of” photos you’ll also see that my oldest son continues to enjoy being part of trick photos (forced perspective, rotated images, etc.). His best this year was “rock climbing” at Devils Postpile National Monument. Lastly my oldest also enjoyed getting drenched under a rainbow at Bridal Veil Fall in Yosemite this spring.

Click to view slideshow.

If you’re curious to see how these compare to my “best of” images selections from years past I invite you to check them out: Best Photos of the Year by Jim M. Goldstein.

Wow! You made it this far. Thanks for taking the time to view all my photos. Keep tabs on my latest posts by subscribe to my blog or (ironically) follow me on social media. I’m not posting as frequently as I used to, but when I do it’s likely something you won’t want to miss. Also I do have a mail list if you’d like to subscribe (at my current rate I send out 1-2 email per year due to a hectic schedule).



The post Best Photos of 2017 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.

JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography

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Best Photos of 2017 by Jim M. Goldstein

31 Dec

I’m happy to report 2017 was a much better year than 2016 on many fronts. Family was healthy, we avoided experiencing the passing of family members, there was a fair amount of travel, a few great photos were taken and most importantly to me my boys continue to experience nature and ask for repeat camping trips.

In past years yearly recaps I’ve emphasized how much of my focus has shifted from taking nature photos to instilling a sense of wonder about and deep respect for nature in my two young sons. That continues to be the case.   I’ve never delved into it too deeply in past yearly recaps why my prioritization has shifted. In part it’s likely very obvious for some. That said I do want to call it out. I became a photographer because of my love for nature. If I hadn’t been so intrigued by nature I’d never have had a reason to pick up a camera. With the onset of social media and mobile phones with cameras I’m not sure that can be said of many young photographers today. More and more as I view photography online I wonder whether people are truly interested in their subjects (all styles of photography not just nature) or just trying to increase their follower stats because that’s the thing to do in this day and age. Perhaps my cynicism is getting the better of me after working at Borrowlenses where I dealt with photography talking heads & professional and aspiring professional photographers on a daily basis. An element of my becoming a jaded photographer I’m sure (kudos to my friend Richard Wong for writing that post). I’ll avoid going down the path of airing dirt for now as that’s a series of posts unto itself. Anyhow once my boys got old enough it was quite natural for me to want to go back to my roots enjoying nature over photography. I’d like my children to deeply respect and value our natural world. What would I be teaching them, about nature and in general, if I was always taking photos on our trips versus living the moment?

For that reason my yearly recap photos have and will continue to be split between family photos and everything else. While my boys are in their most formative years I’ll continue to put my emphasis behind experiencing nature versus artistically capturing it. The fact that my boys regularly tell me, often out of the blue, they want to go camping again means the world to me. I’m incredibly grateful one aspect of my professional outdoor photographer mind has not lost a beat and that is timing our trips for optimal conditions. This used to torment me as I’d leave my DSLR behind, but the more my boys reminisce and ask for more nature experiences the more I know I’ve made the right call.

Now that that’s out of the way… my favorite photos, in no particular order are below. Enjoy and thanks for taking the time to view this post and my blog in general.  If you happen to have a recap of your best photos of 2017 I invite you to submit it to my blog project, where I list the best photos of photographers who read my blog. It’s a lot of fun and a great way to get inspired at the beginning of the new year.

Best of  Landscape & Nature


I took my boys to witness the total solar eclipse in August of 2017. We went off road to an isolated mountaintop with 360 degree views in eastern Oregon. My focus for the eclipse itself was on the experience with my boys, but we did star gaze a lot at night before the big day. In trying to explain how the earth moves I set up a quick star trail sequence to show the boys. This was the result.


Water levels were near record levels this spring in Yosemite Valley. I made what has become a regular hike to Upper Yosemite Falls to take time-lapses of moonbows with my friend, Brian Hawkins. Like me, he seems to have enough screws loose to think this night hike is a good idea along with huddling in ice cold mist to capture this view.


At the beginning of the year I timed a trip to Yosemite Valley to capture some long overdue winter star trail photos. This was a single 2+ hour exposure taken with my Canon 5D Mark II. Pictured is Three Brothers with star trails reflected in the Merced River.


Another single 2+ hour exposure taken with my Canon 5D Mark II. Pictured is Upper Yosemite Falls as seen from the valley floor. Truck Under the Milkyway

For most of my family trips this year I’ve rented an SUV outfitted with a rooftop tent via PacificOverlander. I took this photo on the first night of one of my trips with the boys as we explored the Owens Valley. While they slept I snuck in this photo of our truck/tent under the Milky Way. If you’re unfamiliar with PacificOverlander it’s well worth investigating. I’ve had several amazing experiences and my boys keep asking me why I keep giving the truck back. They regularly have so much fun on these trips it would seem they’re sold on having a truck/rig like this of their very own.


Best of Family


Taken on our trip to see the total solar eclipse, the boys enjoy hanging out in the tent atop our PacificOverlander SUV. This photo sits atop both my home and work desk. It’s probably my favorite photo of the year as it captures the raw joy my boys have on our camping excursions.


I spoiled my kids with ice cream atop the Glacier Point lookout in Yosemite National Park. A moment I enjoy remembering through this quick snapshot.


Wrangling family for a group photos is… a challenge. This is especially true when the boys enjoy making faces and test the patience of my wife. Every so often though a photo comes out just right. This was one that I took while we enjoyed a sunny day at a beach near Half Moon Bay.


Not a technically great photo, but the fact it captures the raw excitement of my youngest son exploring new places makes it one of my favorite of the year. The had a fun time rock hopping at Olmsted Point in Yosemite National Park.


Trains… my boys love trains. Given the opportunity they’ll always jump on a train and lucky for them the commuter train, Caltrain, is very close to where we live. Bright eyed and excited I couldn’t help but take this photo of my son as we started to roll.


Bonus Images / Honorable Mentions

I didn’t take this first image, but it’s impossible to exclude as it’s a great keepsake from a very fun trip. Below that you’ll see a short slideshow of images that might show a glimpse of the future. While I’m not actively taking serious photos in front of the boys they’ve none the less taken to photography on their own. If you’ve seen my past years “Best of” photos you’ll also see that my oldest son continues to enjoy being part of trick photos (forced perspective, rotated images, etc.). His best this year was “rock climbing” at Devils Postpile National Monument. Lastly my oldest also enjoyed getting drenched under a rainbow at Bridal Veil Fall in Yosemite this spring.

Click to view slideshow.

If you’re curious to see how these compare to my “best of” images selections from years past I invite you to check them out: Best Photos of the Year by Jim M. Goldstein.

Wow! You made it this far. Thanks for taking the time to view all my photos. Keep tabs on my latest posts by subscribe to my blog or (ironically) follow me on social media. I’m not posting as frequently as I used to, but when I do it’s likely something you won’t want to miss. Also I do have a mail list if you’d like to subscribe (at my current rate I send out 1-2 email per year due to a hectic schedule).



The post Best Photos of 2017 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.

JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography

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Best Photos of 2016 by Jim M. Goldstein

06 Jan

As is customary I spend the end/beginning of the year reviewing my best photos of the year. This year I had less time to focus on personal projects than in years past, but one thing that I’ve continued to focus on is making the outdoor experience as fun as possible for my boys who are now 6 and 2. Considering both ask regularly to go camping and explore new areas I’d say that project is a great success. My photo projects as of late have been seasonally focused with most of my “best of photos” taken in the first half of 2016. Unfortunately 2016 wasn’t the best year for our family with much of our travel plans devoted to being with a terminally ill family member who passed in the Fall. 2016 was a bittersweet year to say the least with our outdoor and family travels. With some luck 2017 will be more sweet than bitter.

This year I’ve split my best photos of the year into two categories: Landscape & Nature and Family. On the Landscape & Nature front I’ve continued to use ultra-wide lenses and long exposure techniques. Family photos have been taken with ultra-wide lenses for fun distortion effects and fast 50mm lenses to freeze my blazingly fast kids in action.

With out further delay here are my best of the year…

Landscape & Nature

A moonbow spans across upper Yosemite Falls with passing clouds and Half Dome in view.

A moonbow spans across upper Yosemite Falls with passing clouds and Half Dome in view.

This particular photo was taken on a late night shoot focused on timelapse footage of moonbows at Upper Yosemite Falls. After capturing a few sequences I hiked further up the trail to capture this view before calling it a night at 2 or 3 AM in the morning.

Fog flows through the trees below Mount Tamalpais and over the Pacific Ocean

Fog flows through the trees below Mount Tamalpais and over the Pacific Ocean

Taken as part of a Canon 5D Mark IV camera review on my All Things Photo YouTube channel. This photo was taken with my old Canon 5D Mark II. With a lot of photographers swarming about the hillside I was pleasantly surprised to capture the ghost of one in this long exposure shot.

Morning light on Yosemite Falls amidst rising winter fog - Yosemite National Park

Morning light on Yosemite Falls amidst rising winter fog – Yosemite National Park

Several of my trips to Yosemite in 2016 were family focused. On this trip to see snow in Yosemite valley, photography took a backseat to enjoying the conditions with my oldest son. That said I did sneak in a few DSLR photos and this was one. Later on this very morning I cross paths with several photographer friends taking in a similar view.

Dogwood Blossom, Yosemite National Park

Dogwood Blossom, Yosemite National Park

While I love snow in Yosemite Valley I’m quickly starting to think that April Dogwood blooms are perhaps the most beautiful event in the valley. It’s debatable. This image was taken with a Canon 5DS R during a beautiful Yosemite Dogwood bloom. While not visible in this web sized version of the photo the level of detail the Canon 5DS R provides is amazing.

Fog Rises Above Yosemite Valley

Fog Rises Above Yosemite Valley

I seldom head to Tunnel View with the idea of taking any serious images, but deep in the back of my mind I know that you can never discount what unique weather conditions might yield. For fun I headed to this location with my son so he could take in the view. It didn’t take long to realize the melting snow was creating quiet a show with fog wafting about. I set up a quick timelapse and this is one image from the sequence. I was not disappointed with the resulting footage.



This makes it to the top of my family best photos as it captures the enthusiasm of my oldest son has for being out and about in the snow with me. It’s always fun to view the world through his unfiltered natural curiosity.


I was blown away by the great reaction my youngest son had on his first trip to Yosemite. With in the first 2 hours of our Spring trip he saw deer, waterfalls and giant trees. He could hardly contain himself after seeing deer and the rest of the trip he was reminding me to be quite by saying, “Shhhh! Quiet. Deer.” He also was quick to wake me up at 5am the next day throwing his shoe at my forehead saying, “More outside!”

B age 5 5/6 and G 1 11/12 old

B age 5 5/6 and G 1 11/12 old

Just a fun photo of both my boys running, laughing and being in the moment in San Francisco.


No trip is complete to the snow with out building a snowman.


Introducing my oldest to the concept of forced perspective. Surprisingly he picked up on this quite fast and was pitching ideas for photos at other iconic locations including holding Half Dome in his hand at Glacier Point.


Fun at California Academy of Science with the whole family in their aquarium tunnel.

The post Best Photos of 2016 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.

JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography

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Best Photos of 2015 by Jim M. Goldstein

26 Apr

As is my ritual I’ve compiled my best photos of the year. Similar to last year much of my efforts have been focused on stoking my 5 year old son’s curiosity about nature.  It would be very easy to focus on my photography, but the reason I pursue outdoor photography is because of my deep appreciation for it. I’d like to pass that on to both my boys and with that in mind most of my outings this year were to share the experience exclusively with my son rather than my camera. That said unlike last year my best photos are not Instagram photos (jimgoldstein), but a mixture of DSLR and medium format film via a newly acquired Fuji GX617. Having taken a hiatus from film photography for over 10 years it’s been a great challenge to rexperience the joy and pain of it as I’ve begun sharing in a shot series Revising Film Photography.

To this years best photos in no particular order…

Early morning light falls on tufas at Mono Lake County Park/State Natural Reserve

Early morning light falls on tufas at Mono Lake County Park/State Natural Reserve

Sunset light with a partial Sun Pillar over the Minarets

Sunset light with a partial Sun Pillar over the Minarets

Brightly colored Aspen leaves rest on snow

Brightly colored Aspen leaves rest on snow

300+ foot Redwood trees reach to the sky as seen from the Founders Grove

300+ foot Redwood trees reach to the sky as seen from the Founders Grove

Brightly colored Aspen leaves cling to branches as Fall comes to an end in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Brightly colored Aspen leaves cling to branches as Fall comes to an end in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

A yellow Aspen leaf with water droplets rests on the snowy ground

A yellow Aspen leaf with water droplets rests on the snowy ground

Grant at 15 months of age.

Grant at 15 months of age.

Blake smiling under the Redwood Trees

Blake smiling under the Redwood Trees

5 year old celebrating a birthday in a colorful plastic ball pit

5 year old celebrating a birthday in a colorful plastic ball pit

1 year old boy makes a serious face in his high chair waiting for his birthday cake

1 year old boy makes a serious face in his high chair waiting for his birthday cake

An honorable mention…
My youngest son now has a matching photo to his older brother featured in my Best of 2011 photos.

The post Best Photos of 2015 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.

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Best Photos of 2014 by Jim M. Goldstein

03 Jan

2014 was a very different year for me in that I spent my time in the field focusing nearly 100% on enjoying nature without obsessing on taking photos. My motivation was to give my oldest son (4 years old) the best introduction to the natural world possible.  Everything this year was the same as years past in regard to my pre-planning for ideal photography conditions I just happened to intentionally leave my pro gear at home. To be honest I couldn’t have asked for better results sharing spectacular wildlife & snow conditions in Yosemite  and perfect Milky Way / night sky conditions in Big Sur to name a couple of noteworthy trips. Seeing everything new through the eyes of my young son was (and continues to be) an amazing experience. I’m hopeful that he picks up as deep a passion for the outdoors as I have. This year was also monumental in that my second son was born mid-year. After that things quickly became a blur thanks to a good deal of sleep deprivation. Seeing that this year was so unorthodox for me I’ll continue that trend and share with you my best photos of the year as seen through my Instagram (JimGoldstein) photos. During this experimental year my iPhone 5S was the only camera I had on hand during my father/son trips.


Adventures with My Son VIII – View from Swinging Bridge this AM

Happy New Year 2014! – On a New Year morning mission

Adventures with My Son IX – Fresh Snow in Cook’s Meadow

Adventures with My Son II – Deer Crossing the Merced River

Muir Woods I – Waiting for Ewoks

Adventure with My Son IV – Half Dome & Gray Skies

Adventures with My Son VII – Gates of the Valley Sunrise & Snow

Adventures with My Son VI – Stormy Skies over Half Dome

Adventures with My Son X – Snowy Sunrise on El Capitan

Wet World I

Fear not I did not give up on DSLRs. Here are some the obligatory family photos with the boys:

The New Addition

Chips Off the Old Block


Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Best Photos of 2014 by Jim M. Goldstein

The post Best Photos of 2014 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.


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  • B&W Challenge Day 1 – Point Reyes National Seashore Clouds
  • B&W Challenge Day 1 – Point Reyes National Seashore Clouds – Enclosure
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Best Photos of 2013 by Jim M. Goldstein

02 Jan

2013 was a busy year all around and as such I focused primarily on personal projects and family.  I took about half as many photos as last year, 33,000 photos to be specific ( 18,000 DLR and 15,000 iPhone). My timelapse projects carried over into 2013 from 2012 and again I selectively (more than normal) chose my DSLR photo subjects. If there is one nice thing about shooting timelapse it is that you quickly become a more accurate and less wasteful photographer. In a strange paradox by taking more photographs overall thanks to my time-lapse efforts, I take less yet more focused (fewer sister shots)/better still photos (non-timelapse). One other interesting observation relates to what lenses I used most frequently in my final best of selections for  2013. As it turns out nearly half  of the photos were taken with the  Zeiss 15mm f/2.8 (5 of 11) and Canon 50mm f/1.0 (5 of 11) . The remaining photo was taken with the Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 Mark II.  As was the case in years past it is impossible to rank my best photos (best photos of 2012, best photos of 2011, best photos of 2010, best photos of 2009, best photos of 2008 and best photos of 2007). So in no particular order here are my 10 favorite photos taken in 2013. Enjoy and feel free to let me know if you have a favorite!

Before I forget if you haven’t submitted your best photos of 2013 for my Blog Project: Your Best Photos From 2013 be sure to do so. The deadline is Saturday January 4th midnight PST.


Drab, gray, foggy and raining my day was on track to be a total bust the day I took this photo. Fortunately I knew better than to bail on my day of shooting and after a good nap I woke up to get in position for a sunset shoot. Still raining, a pipe of late sunset light helped create one of the most dramatic scenes I’ve ever witnessed in Yosemite National Park.

Transformation - Rainbow above Yosemite's iconic Half Dome

Transformation – Rainbow above Yosemite’s iconic Half Dome

Sky Rock and Milky Way III

Connecting Sky and Earth was a goal through out the year and this photo is one of many that fell into that body of work.

Sky Rock and Milky Way III

The Milky Way rises above ancient petroglyphs in the volcanic tablelands of the Owens Valley, California

Sunset Club – Haleakala Summit

One of the highlights of my year has been sharing the natural world with my 3 year old son, particularly the night sky. While my son was powering up with food for a late night of stargazing I took this quick shot of a growing crowd of people taking in sunset atop Haleakala.

Sunset Club - Haleakala Summit

A crowd gathers to watch the sunset atop the summit of Haleakala in Haleakala National Park – Maui, Hawaii


Sky Rock Under the Stars

This might be my favorite photo of the year. I really liked being able to see the entirety of the petroglyph panel in contrast to the entirety of the night sky above it. Check out my original post If you’re curious about technical photo details.

Sky Rock Under the Stars

Sky Rock Under the Stars 

Bar Legs I

I attended a good number of photo conferences this year providing me the opportunity to dabble in some experimental work on off hours. My photographer ways are nearly impossible to turn off even when lounging in a bar.

Bar Legs I

Bar Legs I 

All That Glitters – Milky Way Above Yosemite Forest

Photographing the stars has a tendency to be clinical with little variation. Amidst my running around in Yosemite I decided to stop in the middle of my drive back to camp, exhausted and cold, to experiment. This photo was my first foray into making my astrolandscapes a little more ethereal.

Bar Legs I

All That Glitters – Milky Way Above Yosemite Forest

Dogwoods, Yosemite National Park

“Macro”ish photography with a 50mm portrait lens? Indeed and I loved the outcome.

Dogwoods, Yosemite National Park

Dogwoods, Yosemite National Park

The Ancients

Believe it or not this was my throw away photo effort on my 3rd camera, while I operated 2 other cameras on a very adventurous night shoot. What is unique about this photos is that it’s a single uninterrupted exposure on a DSLR. Not the norm these days so be sure to check out my original post If you’re curious about technical photo details.

The Ancients

The Ancients – Bristlecone Pine National Forest

Stardust – Here & There

No technique was ignored in my year long effort to explore relationships between Sky and Earth.

Stardust - Here & There

Stardust – Here & There

Family Day at the Beach

Quite simply a fun family moment I could not let pass without capturing on camera. I really liked this photos sense of action, emotion and selective focus.

Family Day at the Beach

Family Day at the Beach

Honorable Mention: 1st Day of Preschool

Let’s not forget photography is great for documenting life’s milestones and this year my son started preschool. This was his first day and the excitement showed before he hopped in the car. Of all my “Dad” photos this was my favorite this year.

1st Day of Preschool

My son’s first day of preschool

Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Best Photos of 2013 by Jim M. Goldstein

The post Best Photos of 2013 by Jim M. Goldstein appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.


Related Stories

  • Best Photos of 2013 by Jim M. Goldstein – Enclosure
  • The Old Guard – Bristlecone Pine Forest, California
  • The Old Guard – Bristlecone Pine Forest, California – Enclosure
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Meet The Photographers Who Write For Digital Photography School ~ Jim Goldstein

22 Apr

You’ve been reading their articles for months or years, have you ever wondered “Who are the photographers who write for dPS”?

Today we meet Jim Goldstein.

 Dusk at White Sands National Monument

1. How long have you been shooting?

I have been behind a camera perfecting the art of photography since the mid-1990′s. I honed my skills in the days of film and have been growing every day since as a photographer, digital and otherwise.

2. Do you have a full time job or are you a full time photographer?

jim_m_goldstein_headshot-sqI was a full-time professional outdoor photographer for sometime, but given my knack for social media & marketing I was recently recruited by to help head up their marketing department.

3. If you had to limit yourself to one genre of photography, what would it be and why?

That is much easier said than done, but I would say Outdoor Photography.

4. When did you start writing for dPS and why?

I began writing for Darren the first day he opened his site to authors other than himself in early 2008. I pursued writing for DPS because I’m deeply passionate about sharing with the photography community at large. I strive to share my expertise, ideas and inspire others.

5. What do you shoot with and what’s your favorite lens?

These days I shoot with a Canon EOS 5D Mark III when ever I have the opportunity, but always have my trusty Canon 5D Mark II with me as well. My favorite lens at the moment is a Canon EF 50mm f/1.0L lens as it is the newest lens to my collection, but the bulk of my work is shot with a Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L lens.

6. What would be your number one tip to any new photographer?

Be persistent. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I was frustrated along my journey as a photographer. Very early on, when I was 15, I stopped because of it. Only after college did I return back to try again and to push my way through the learning process. Ever since I’ve embraced each challenge to push my limits and test my creativity.

7. What’s your next big project?

My next big project is a follow up to my ebook Photographing the 4th Dimension – Time.

8. Where can people go to find out more about you and your work?

People can see my photography and writing on my blog: JMG-Galleries blog, my social media pages Google+, Twitter & Facebook and my ebooks/webinars at


CARMA Star Trails

Mobius Arch Star Trails








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Meet The Photographers Who Write For Digital Photography School ~ Jim Goldstein

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