Posts Tagged ‘German’

Lomography launches new 35mm monochrome film stock cut from German cine film rolls

08 Nov

The film photography enthusiasts over at Lomography have launched a new film, Lomography Black & White 400 35mm Berlin Kino Film.

Inspired by the New German Cinema sweeping through Berlin in the 1960s, this film is extracted from a roll of cine film produced by a legendary German company that has been changing the face of cinema since the early 1900s,” reads the product description. “Originally used to make moody monochrome movies, its gorgeous black and white tones lend a timeless effect to cinematic scenes.”

The film has a native sensitivity of ISO 400, but Lomography says it can be pushed to ISO 800, 1,600, or 3,200 while still retaining a solid tonal range with minimal grain.

The Berlin Kino Film can be developed by professional labs or at home using standard black and white developers, including Kodak D-76, Kodak HC-110, Iford Ilfosol-3, and even Rollei’s Black & White Reversal Kit if you’re wanting to get a little wild and turn the negatives into positives.

Below is a gallery of sample images shot on the Lomography Black & White 400 35mm Berlin Kino Film:

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The film is available in 5-packs for $ 44.50, which converts to $ 8.90 for each 36-exposure roll. Pre-orders are currently being taken with the estimated delivery window being sometime in December 2018. To find out more and to pick up your film, head on over to Lomography’s product page.

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German publisher Steidl ordered to pay $77k after losing photographer’s prints

22 Dec

German publisher Steidl has been ordered to pay photographer Lawrence Schwartzwald €65,000 / $ 77,000 after losing his portfolio prints. According to Artnet News, Schwartzwald sent the prints to Steidl in September of 2014 for inclusion in a book project. The photographer was reportedly told in June of 2015 that the project wouldn’t proceed, and that he’d get his photos back… but that never happened.

Despite repeated requests, Schwartzwald never did receive his portfolio. And so, after a year of waiting, he filed a lawsuit in a German court against Steidl for the return of his prints, which he valued at $ 1,200 each. That lawsuit has now culminated in a ruling that Steidl must pay Schwartzwald €65,000 in compensation for the lost prints, plus legal fees.

Gerhard Steidl, the company’s founder, gave Artnet News a different version of events, claiming that Schwartzwald’s photos had been selected for print publication, but the photographer grew impatient with the duration of the process and requested that his prints be returned.

Regardless of which version of events is true, however, the outcome is the same: Schwartzwald’s portfolio went missing.

Steidl acknowledged this in his statement to Artnet, explaining that it was an accident and that the portfolio couldn’t be located. “Someone probably packed it incorrectly and it ended up somewhere else, but it’s not there anymore,” said Steidl. “It just happened, in my opinion I don’t deserve the death penalty.”

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Russian polish and german cookbook pdf

06 Sep

Liver or offal, leftover mashed potatoes work great too. customs controls happen in a room of the train station in russian polish and german cookbook pdf Belarus train station. A similar recipe is called col?una?i — after you have settled the bill the agency sends an invitation and a copy of the tourist services contract […]

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Rare Nikon D500 ‘Rex Edition’ still works despite run-in with German Shepherd

27 Jun

Just a day after purchasing the camera new, a customer of Belgian camera shop PCH brought his Nikon D500 back in with some, uh, unique cosmetic modifications. His German Shepherd ‘Rex’ got ahold of the camera and gave it a bit of a makeover, chewing through most of the lens hood and memory card port cover.

As highlighted in the video above, the D500’s magnesium-alloy build prevented Rex from doing any real structural damage. And amazingly, the camera seems to be in perfect working condition, aside from a lingering dog-chew-toy-smell noted by PCH. If nothing else, it’s a testament to the D500’s toughness, and reminder to dog owners to keep new cameras out of reach from curious pets.

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Baubotanik: German Botanical Architect Grows Buildings Out of Trees

04 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]


Taking arbosculpture to the next level, German designer Ferdinand Ludwig is working to build not just sculptures but bridges and buildings from living trees. Many of his designs will take years or even decades to fully unfold.


His largest project yet in Nagold, Germany, was a multistory structure made up over over 100 trees slowly combined into a single organism, coaxed into place with a steel framework that will eventually be redundant. The lattice of interconnected tree trunks and branches ends up forming its own self-supporting truss system.



The support beams are labeled with the years in which they can be removed, allowing the structure to stand on its own by 2028. Like a conventional curtain wall on an ordinary architectural facade, this system could be used to wrap other buildings as well.



Even now, though, the slow-growing ‘building’ makes for a shady and cool space in the summer. Through each season, of course, it changes with the natural cycles of spring, summer, fall and winter.



A pioneer of what he calls ‘Baubotanik’ (think: Bauhaus using botanical techniques), Ludwig’s living plant constructions were inspired in part by native tribes that grow living bridges out of trees over time.

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Home-Free Living: German Woman Trades in Rent for Train Ticket

07 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

train traveler

Reasoning that a full-time train pass costs less than an apartment, a 23-year-old German writer and student has exchanged her life in a fixed location for one in perpetual motion. At the equivalent of $ 380 a month, she can catch a ride anytime day or night, and much more comfortably than other contemporary high-tech hobos.

life on train

Everything Leonie Müller needs travels with her in a single backpack, making it easy to switch rides or catch the overnight rail, washing up in the onboard restrooms. In a strange reversal of convention, it is cheaper for her to use her pass and sleep aboard than to stay in one place.

train travel exclusively

Europe’s extensive train network, most impressive (and consistently on time) in Germany, provides various speeds of travel and connections to just about any town or city, enabling Leonie to visit friends or crash with family without much effort or planning.

train station

train car living

The move (or: moving) be permanent, but for now the costs and lifestyle make sense to her and provides material for her thesis project on nomadic living. She writes papers for school and posts for her blog while riding, and recommends noise-cancelling headphones for those who would follow her footsteps (or rail tracks, as it were).

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No Exit: Bricked Train Door Blocks German Subway Commuters

01 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

brick blocked train car

Presumed a prank at first by online skeptics, authorities have since confirmed that these precisely-stacked cinder blocks were indeed carefully assembled and bonded together to fully block the door of an S-Bahn train in Hamburg.

brick blocked train line

Placed inside the actual sliding doors, the bricks proved a surprise when the aperture slide open to reveal the blockage. Passengers who managed to board before the intervention was reported were forced to exit at an upcoming station while an investigation was performed and the problem ultimately fixed.

bricked train interior view

While some may be amused and no one was trapped inside the car, blocked by blocks, the impacts were significant for those faced with cleaning up after this vandalism. The train was routed to a depot and the wall carefully broken down piece by piece, the story ending 12 hours and an estimated 10,000 dollars later.

bricked subway car line

With no sign of the perpetrators, the biggest clue is the professionalism with which the wall was assembled, apparently by a team of people with construction expertise. With no one claiming credit, overtly or anonymously, one is left to wonder whether some reference to the Berlin Wall was intended or if this was an attempt at some other kind of art or message.

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German Designer Unveils Concept for ‘Instagram’ Glasses

01 Aug


German designer Markus Gerke has unveiled a design concept for wearable glasses that could simulate the effect of Instagram filters. In one of the weirdest design concepts that we’ve ever seen, Gerke’s ‘Instaglasses’ would feature a built-in 5MP camera and microcomputer, and would be able to simulate the effects of different Instagram effects filters at the push of a button, before capturing and uploading the scene to Instagram. We’d be very surprised if Gerke’s idea comes to fruition any time soon, but it’s a fascinating concept. Click through for the full story (via Mail Online)

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I AM NIKON – S8000 German

23 Oct

What makes Robbie Williams overwhelmed with emotion? What has a baby got in common with the first man on the moon? Have you ever tasted a hot chilli? Find out. Enjoy the new I AM NIKON Nikon brand campaign. Music: Radical Face Welcome Home, Son Director: Ralf Schmerberg General Manager of Nikon BV Europe: Birgitta Olson Marketing Manager of Nikon BV Europe: Giuseppe Puglisi Advertising agency: Jung von Matt/Spree, Berlin Production company: Trigger Happy Productions Sound studio: Audioforce, Berlin
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Lamas mit Hüten [german Fandub]

17 Dec

Ho Hey…eh…this is a new video from the creator of “Charlie the Unicorn”. It’s called “Llamas with hats” and it’s about Karl and his friend and a corpse lying on the floor in their house. How the hell did it get there? Have fun watching this little video. All Credits for this genius animation going to (Jason Steele). Be sure to visit his Website for more cool stuff 😀 Or visit the official youtube Account here: ################################# Voice Actors: TheTrueBlacky ################################# for all 8 seasons of RvB. Church and Tucker admire the new abomination.
Video Rating: 4 / 5