Posts Tagged ‘Genius’

Dynamic symmetry: The genius of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s composition

19 Aug
Breaking down the composition of one of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s most famous images. Photo: Magnum Photos, screenshot from video

Henri Cartier-Bresson—the father of modern day street photography and master of the candid shot—was obsessive about the ‘geometry’ in his photographs. And in this two-part educational series, photographer Tavis Leaf Glover dives into some of Bresson’s best-known images to explain the dynamic symmetry at work and help you understand (and implement) it in your own photos.

This is NOT a beginner’s guide to composition. To the untrained (and many a trained) eye it can just look like Glover is overlaying so many lines onto each image that SOMEthing is going to line up no matter what. But for all that he coined the term the Decisive Moment, Bresson was extremely deliberate about his compositions.

Both videos dive into that deliberate vision—the way the iconic photographer saw the world around him and fit it into the 35mm frame just so. Check out both parts below, and then let us know what you think in the comments.

Part I

Part II

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Recycling Genius: Shrunken Plastic Bottles Replace Furniture Joints

28 Jan

[ By SA Rogers in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]


Assembling furniture DIY-style, without the skills, tools or fasteners used to produce conventional joints, becomes remarkably easy with shrink-wrapped pieces of discarded plastic bottles. While joinery is certainly an art – especially the complex forms found in Japanese furniture making – traditional methods aren’t necessarily accessible to anyone. This new project, Joining Bottles, offers a way to assemble functional furniture in minutes with trash and a heat gun.


Created by product designer Micaella Pedros, ‘Joining Bottles’ aims to provide a model for producing useful objects using materials that are affordable and widely available. A pile of junk sitting on a curb suddenly becomes valuable in a new way, even if it’s a seemingly irreparable chair and a bin full of materials headed to the recycling plant.



The individual pieces created for a series show how adaptable the concept can be. Use clear bottles if you want the joints to be unobtrusive, or colored bottles to highlight the ingenuity of the system. Wood waste of all kinds, including fallen branches, is assembled into stools, tables, shelves and other objects.


“The different types of wood and plastic bottles available are dictating the final aspect and composition of the work,” say the creators. “In that sense, a unique conversation is engaged within each piece. It creates more space for randomness and spontaneity, in other words, for human attributes in the creative process.”

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[ By SA Rogers in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

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The internet figured out a genius way to make sure you see the supermoon tonight

15 Nov

Tonight’s supermoon will be the largest in decades, appearing 7% larger than your typical full moon. While photographers around the world are making a game plan to capture the drama, Twitter user Alex Duggan has found another, simpler solution. Step one: secure a tortilla. Step two: apply it to the nearest window for instant supermoon.

Since we’re guessing that a tortilla won’t do the trick for you, here are a few actual supermoon photos to help you get inspired.

Embed from Getty Images

Are you planning on photographing the supermoon? Do you find the whole thing underwhelming? Let us know in the comments.

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Kinda Genius: The LP742 LightSwitch

28 Jul

See that? That's the high water mark to date for my dual-purpose creativity with a speedlight case. Being padded, I use it as a thermos for my station-purchased beverage when home-bound from New York City on the train.

(Works totally ace, BTW.)

But that bar just got seriously upped today by the LumoPro LP742 "LightSwitch" speedlight case.

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Posted in Photography


Genius: Make a Gaffer’s Tape Key Fob

05 Mar

Like most photographers—especially lighting photographers—I love me some gaffer's tape.

Today, a great way to carry enough gaff on your physical person at all times to fix a light mod, tack a piece of fabric to a wall for a headshot backdrop, or whatever.

Get your MacGuyver on, below.

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Ovation TV | Genius of Photography: Documents for Artists

30 Aug

An in-depth history of photography, and an exploration of what makes a truly great photograph. This episode examines the work of some of the most influential modern photographers: Alexander Rodchenko, August Sander, Walker Evans, and Bill Brandt. Following the First World War, photography was the central medium of the age. “Anyone who fails to understand photography,” said the photographer Lazlo Moholy-Nagy, “will be one of the illiterates of the future.” This episode examines in detail the work of some of the greatest and most influential modern photographers: Alexander Rodchenko, August Sander, Man Ray, Walker Evans and Bill Brandt. With contributions from Martin Parr, Bernd and Hilla Becher and Mark Haworth-Booth. OVATION TV, ART LIKE NEVER BEFORE. TV LIKE NOTHING ELSE
Video Rating: 4 / 5