Posts Tagged ‘Generate’

Researchers teach an AI to generate logical images based on text captions

30 Sep

The Allen Institute for AI (AI2) created by Paul Allen, best known as co-founder of Microsoft, has published new research on a type of artificial intelligence that is able to generate basic (though obviously nonsensical) images based on a concept presented to the machine as a caption. The technology hints at an evolution in machine learning that may pave the way for smarter, more capable AI.

The research institute’s newly published study, which was recent highlighted by MIT, builds upon the technology demonstrated by OpenAI with its GPT-3 system. With GPT-3, the machine learning algorithm was trained using vast amounts of text-based data, something that itself builds upon the masking technique introduced by Google’s BERT.

Put simply, BERT’s masking technique trains machine learning algorithms by presenting natural language sentences that have a word missing, thus requiring the machine to replace the word. Training the AI in this way teaches it to recognize language patterns and word usage, the result being a machine that can fairly effectively understand natural language and interpret its meaning.

Building upon this, the training evolved to include an image with a caption that has a missing word, such as an image of an animal with a caption describing the animal and the environment — only the word for the animal was missing, forcing the AI to figure out the right answer based on the sentence and related image. This taught the machine to recognize the patterns in how visual content related to the words in the captions.

This is where the AI2 research comes in, with the study posing the question: ‘Do vision-and-language BERT models know how to paint?

Experts with the research institute build upon the visual-text technique described above to teach AI how to generate images based on its understanding of text captions. To make this possible, the researchers introduced a twist on the masking technique, this time masking certain parts of images paired with captions to train a model called X-LXMERT, an extension of the LXMERT model family that uses multiple encoders to learn connections between language and visual data.

The researchers explain in the study [PDF]:

Interestingly, our analysis leads us to the conclusion that LXMERT in its current form does not possess the ability to paint – it produces images that have little resemblance to natural images …

We introduce X-LXMERT that builds upon LXMERT and enables it to effectively perform discriminative as well as generative tasks … When coupled with our proposed image generator, X-LXMERT is able to generate rich imagery that is semantically consistent with the input captions. Importantly, X-LXMERT’s image generation capabilities rival state-of-the-art image generation models (designed only for generation), while its question-answering capabilities show little degradation compared to LXMERT.

By adding the visual masking technique, the machine had to learn to predict what parts of the images were masked based on the captions, slowly teaching the machine to understand the logical and conceptual framework of the visual world in addition to connecting visual data with language. For example, a clock tower located in a town is likely surrounded by smaller buildings, something a human can infer based on the text description.

An AI-generated image based on the caption, ‘A large painted clock tower in the middle of town.’

Using this visual masking technique, the AI2 researchers were able to impart the same general understanding to a machine given the caption, ‘A large clock tower in the middle of a town.’ Though the resulting image (above) isn’t realistic and wouldn’t be mistaken for an actual photo, it does demonstrate the machine’s general understanding of the meaning of the phrase and the type of elements that may be found in a real-world clocktower setting.

The images demonstrate the machine’s ability to understand both the visual world and written text and to make logical assumptions based on the limited data provided. This mirrors the way a human understands the world and written text describing it.

For example, a human, when given a caption, could sketch a concept drawing that presents a logical interpretation of how the captioned scene may look in the real world, such as computer monitors likely sitting on a desk, a skier likely being on snow and bicycles likely being located on pavement.

This development in AI research represents a type of simple, child-like abstract thinking that hints at a future in which machines may be capable of far more sophisticated understandings of the world and, perhaps, any other concepts they are trained to understand as related to each other. The next step in this evolution is likely an improved ability to generate images, resulting in more realistic content.

Using artificial intelligence to generate photo-realistic images is already a thing, though generating highly specific photo-realistic images based on a text description is, as shown above, still a work in progress. Machine learning technology has also been used to demonstrate other potential applications for AI, such as a study Google published last month that demonstrates using crowdsourced 2D images to generate high-quality 3D models of popular structures.

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Google researchers use AI to generate 3D models from random Internet images

13 Aug

Researchers with Google Research and the Google Brain deep learning AI team have published a new study detailing Neural Radiance Fields for Unconstrained Photo Collections (NeRF). The system works by taking ‘in the wild’ unconstrained images of a particular location — tourist images of a popular attraction, for example — and using an algorithm to turn them into a dynamic, complex, high-quality 3D model.

The researchers detail their project in a new paper, explaining that their work involves adding ‘extensions’ to neural radiance fields (NeRF) that enable the AI to accurately reconstruct complex structures from unstructured images, meaning ones taken from random angles with different lighting and backgrounds.

This contrasts to NeRF without the extensions, which is only able to accurately model structures from images that were taken in controlled settings. The obvious benefit to this is that 3D models can be created using the huge number of Internet photos that already exist of these structures, transforming those collections into useful datasets.

Different views of the same model constructed from unstructured images.

The Google researchers call their more sophisticated AI ‘NeRF-W,’ one used to create ‘photorealistic, spatially consistent scene representations’ of famous landmarks from images that contain various ‘confounding factors.’ This represents a huge improvement to the AI, making it far more useful compared to a version that requires carefully controlled image collections to work.

Talking about the underlying technology, the study explains how NeRF works, stating:

‘The Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) approach implicitly models the radiance field and density of a scene within the weights of a neural network. Direct volume rendering is then used to synthesize new views, demonstrating a heretofore unprecedented level of fidelity on a range of challenging scenes.’

There’s one big problem, though, which is that NeRF systems only work well if the scene is captured in controlled settings, as mentioned. Without a set of structured images, the AI’s ability to generate models ‘degrades significantly,’ limiting its usefulness compared to other modeling approaches.

The researchers explain how they build upon this AI and advance it with new capabilities, saying in their study:

The central limitation of NeRF that we address in this work is its assumption that the world is geometrically, materially, and photometrically static — that the density and radiance of the world is constant. NeRF therefore requires that any two photographs taken at the same position and orientation must have identical pixel intensities. This assumption is severely violated in many real-world datasets, such as large-scale internet photo collections of well-known tourist landmarks…

To handle these complex scenarios, we present NeRF-W, an extension of NeRF that relaxes the latter’s strict consistency assumptions.

The process involves multiple steps, including first having NeRF-W model the per-image appearance of different elements in the photos, such as the weather, lighting, exposure level and other variables. The AI ultimately learns ‘a shared appearance representation for the entire photo collection,’ paving the way for the second step.

In the second part, NeRF-W models the overall subject of the images…

‘…as the union of shared and image-dependent elements, thereby enabling the unsupervised decomposition of scene content into static and transient components. This decomposition enables the high-fidelity synthesis of novel views of landmarks without the artifacts otherwise induced by dynamic visual content present in the input imagery.

Our approach models transient elements as a secondary volumetric radiance field combined with a data-dependent uncertainty field, with the latter capturing variable observation noise and further reducing the effect of transient objects on the static scene representation.’

Upon testing their creation, the researchers found that NeRF-W was able to produce high-fidelity models of subjects with multiple detailed viewpoints using ‘in-the-wild’ unstructured images. Despite using more complicated images with many variables, the NeRF-W models surpassed the quality of models generated by the previous top-tier NeRF systems ‘by a large margin across all considered metrics,’ according to researchers.

The potential uses for this technology are numerous, including the ability to generate 3D models of popular destinations for VR and AR applications using existing tourist images. This eliminates the need to create carefully-controlled settings for capturing the images, which can be difficult at popular destinations where people and vehicles are often present.

A PDF containing the full study can be found here; some models can be found on the project’s GitHub, as well.

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This AI that can generate a 3D walking model from a single still image or painting

22 Jun

Researchers with the University of Washington and Facebook have detailed a method using artificial intelligence to animate a person using a single still image. The algorithm is called Photo Wake-Up, and it will be presented at the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition on June 19.

The Photo Wake-Up algorithm is given a single still image, such as a photo of a person standing or even an image of a less-than-realistic painting. The system animates the character or person featured in the still image, enabling it to step out of the photo and move forward in 3D space. The hole in the image where the character was located is automatically filled in by the software.

According to the study, the method can create a 3D character from the still image that is capable of walking, running, sitting, and jumping in 3D. The resulting animations can be experienced using augmented reality, enabling artwork in museums to literally walk off the wall, for example.

Despite the input image only providing a single camera position, the resulting 3D model can be viewed from the side and back, as well. The quality varies based on the image; a sample video shared by the researchers shows some 3D models that look more realistic than others.

As has already been demonstrated with AI-based faced generation technologies, it’s likely the quality of this method will improve greatly over coming months and years. The study follows a different method revealed by Samsung in May that can transform a still image of a face into an animated, talking video.

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This website uses AI to generate portraits of people who don’t actually exist

16 Feb

A new website called This Person Does Not Exist went viral this week, and it has one simple function: displaying a portrait of a random person each time the page is refreshed. The website is pointless at first glance, but there’s a secret behind its seemingly endless stream of images. According to a Facebook post detailing the website, the images are generated using a generative adversarial networks (GANs) algorithm.

In December, NVIDIA published research detailing the use of style-based GANs (StyleGAN) to generate very realistic portraits of people who don’t exist. The same technology is powering This Person Does Not Exist, which was created by Uber software engineer Phillip Wang to ‘raise some public awareness for this technology.’

In his Facebook post, Wang said:

Faces are most salient to our cognition, so I’ve decided to put that specific pretrained model up. Their research group have also included pretrained models for cats, cars, and bedrooms in their repository that you can immediately use.

Each time you refresh the site, the network will generate a new facial image from scratch from a 512 dimensional vector.

Generative adversarial networks were first introduced in 2014 as a way to generate images from datasets, but the resulting content was less than realistic. The technology has improved drastically in only a few years, with major breakthroughs in 2017 and again last year with NVIDIA’s introduction of StyleGAN.

This Person Does Not Exist underscores the technology’s growing ability to produce life-like images that, in many cases, are indistinguishable from portraits of real people.

As described by NVIDIA last year, StyleGAN can be used to generate more than just portraits. In the video above, the researchers demonstrate the technology being used to generate images of rooms and vehicles, and to modify ‘fine styles’ in images, such as the color of objects. Results were, in most cases, indistinguishable from images of real settings.

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Four Ways to Generate Stunning Bokeh in Your Images

06 Aug

Bokeh refers to the blur in the background of an image, and for photographers, stunning bokeh is like gold. We want it, struggle for it, need it. Yet how do you generate stunning bokeh consistently?

Fortunately, there a few simple ways to create high-quality background bokeh.

macro flower bokeh photography tulip - Four Ways to Generate Stunning Bokeh in Your Images

In this article, you’ll find four ways that will enhance your ability to produce pleasing bokeh, and therefore increase your photographic versatility and skill.

I’ll first discuss techniques such as increasing the subject to background distance and shooting wide opened. Then I’ll explain bokeh-enhancing situations such as backlighting. You’ll finish with the knowledge to creatively generate stunning bokeh in your own images.

macro flower bokeh photography aster - Four Ways to Generate Stunning Bokeh in Your Images

What is pleasing bokeh?

A quick word on great bokeh: In general, bokeh simply refers to the background blur generated by a lens. However, there are two types of bokeh that I’m going to focus on here.

The first is what I will call geometric bokeh. Geometric bokeh is out of focus highlights that actually take on a geometric shape. This particular shape depends on the nature of the lens, but circles, hexagons, heptagons, and octagons are all fairly common.

When properly utilized, this type of bokeh can add an impressive edge to your images.

macro flower bokeh photography aster geometric bokeh

The lights in the background of this image produce geometric bokeh.

I will refer to the second type of bokeh as creamy bokeh. This is the smooth, out-of-focus look that photographers often strive to achieve.

macro flower creamy bokeh photography daisy

This daisy image has very creamy bokeh.

Both types of bokeh can be generated, but require slightly different methods. Let’s take a look at each.

1. Shoot wide opened

This is really the bread and butter of creating stunning bokeh. Regardless of whether you want geometric or creamy bokeh, shooting wide open (that is, with an aperture in the f/1.2-2.8 range) will greatly increase your chances of achieving it.

I will focus on creamy bokeh here.

macro flower creamy bokeh photography tulip

A wide aperture assisted me in producing a really creamy bokeh background.

If you stop down your lens so that the depth of field is far less shallow, you’ll find that you lose the possibility of nice, creamy backgrounds.

This is because a larger depth of field means that the background is rendered less blurry. To generate the creamiest bokeh, you want to blur the background as much as possible. It’s as simple as that.

To generate better creamy bokeh, widen your aperture to decrease the depth of field. Only then will you start to achieve that beautiful, creamy look and stunning bokeh.

2. Maintain a good subject to background distance

Another essential aspect of producing pleasing bokeh is keeping a good distance between the subject and background. As in the first tip, this applies to both creamy and geometric bokeh, but I’m going to focus on creamy bokeh here.

When I talk about the subject to background distance, I’m referring to the distance between the elements of the photograph that are in focus—your subject—and the elements of the photograph that are out of focus, i.e. your background.

macro flower bokeh photography - Four Ways to Generate Stunning Bokeh in Your Images

Why does having a good distance between the subject and background enhance the quality of creamy bokeh?

It has to do with the depth of field. A greater distance between the subject and background means that the depth of field (the area that is sharp within the image) ends far before the background. The background is then rendered in the form of a lovely blur, rather than as a more in-focus mess.

So in order to increase the creaminess of the bokeh, increase the distance between your subject and your background.

3. Find bright highlights behind the subject

I’ve talked a bit about generating creamy bokeh, now it’s time to turn briefly to geometric bokeh.

Impressive geometric bokeh is created by highlights. One way to get strong geometric bokeh is to look for bright lights in the background.

macro flower bright geometric bokeh photography

The water behind this flower was reflecting the setting sun.

You can achieve this in a few ways. For instance, you might look for objects that filter sunlight, such as leaves. They break up the rays of the sun and turns them into small pinpricks of light that then become impressive geometric bokeh.

You can also look for elements that reflect light. Water is a great option. Another is water droplets. Areas that are wet with morning dew can generate beautiful bokeh when placed behind the subject.

macro flower bokeh photography dandelion - Four Ways to Generate Stunning Bokeh in Your Images

Third, you might search for small light sources in the background. Car lights, street lamps, or christmas lights all work well, especially when shooting after sunset.

Fourth, if you really want to create bokeh but are struggling to find the proper conditions, you can create them yourself. Bring a string of fairy lights with you when you’re shooting, and place them behind the subject.

macro flower bokeh photography yellow

I used fairy lights to create the geometric bokeh in this image.

Geometric bokeh is not all that common in photographs, but can be fairly easily produced. Just follow the tips discussed above!

4. Put the subject in the shade, with a bright background

This method of generating stunning bokeh is unique, in that it can produce amazing creamy bokeh when used one way, and amazing geometric bokeh when reversed.

Both ways involve making sure that your subject is in the shade. Both methods also involve having a bright background. Ideally, you should be shooting in the early morning or late evening when the sun is low in the sky.

macro leaf autumn bokeh photography

Where the techniques diverge is in the placement of the sun.

If you shoot with strong frontlighting—that is, if the sun comes from behind you, over your shoulder—position your subject so that beautiful golden light spills onto the background behind your subject (while your subject remains shaded).

Then that golden light will often render the background similarly golden, and you’ll find that your bokeh becomes wonderful and creamy.

macro flower bokeh photography cosmos

If you shoot with strong backlighting—that is, if the sun comes from behind your subject—position the subject so that the sun must go through trees, leaves, branches, or grasses. As mentioned above, this creates bright highlights behind the subject.

These are then blown into beautiful geometric bokeh.

macro flower bokeh photography

Feel free to experiment. Try to vary the amount of shade on your subject, moving from complete shade to direct backlighting.

macro flower bokeh photography

This flower was more directly backlit.

Whether you choose to shoot with frontlighting or backlighting, by placing your subject in the shade and working during the “golden hours” of sunrise and sunset, you’ll generate beautiful bokeh.


While photographers often struggle to create beautiful bokeh, it doesn’t have to be hard. By shooting with a wide aperture, using a large subject to background distance, by positioning the subject so that bright highlights exist behind it, and by using special types of lighting, you can begin producing images with stunning bokeh.

macro flower bokeh photography hyacinth

Know other ways of generating great bokeh? Please share them and your bokeh images in the comment area below.

The post Four Ways to Generate Stunning Bokeh in Your Images appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Future of Fenestration: Every Window Will Generate Solar Power

28 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

solar power windows

Better, cheaper and easier than solar windows, this newly-patented flexible coating can be applied to existing glass and plastic surfaces, turning any aperture into a source of electricity. With this technology on all of its surfaces, buildings can generate up to 50 times more solar energy per structure.

solar energy polymer

Developed by SolarWindow Technologies, this inexpensive approach has a payback time of as little as one year (far less than the 5 to 10 years of traditional solar approaches. As the technology evolves and expands, it is only a matter of time until every window draws energy from light.

solar generation panel transparent

By adding it to the inside surface of a window, the process protects the tech from exterior sources of damage and simplifies application. The solution is also lightweight and adaptable, making it easier to retrofit existing architecture without cost-intensive shipping or labor-intensive installation processes.

solar sheet making process

These sensitive photovoltaics can draw power from lunar energy and artificial lights in addition to the sun’s rays. Their relatively low price per unit reinforces the sensibility of simply putting them on all sides of a structure, including those with less natural light.

solar window tech

Effectively invisible wires draw electricity from the exposed surfaces while a uniform and architecturally-neutral color tinting process allows for a variety of of looks and degrees of transparency.

solar light neutral color

This new substance can be deployed as a sticky film on a surface or potentially even painted on as a liquid. The organic (but secretive) constituent source materials of the core polymer include common elements such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen.

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[MODIFIED] Mozilla Firefox – Plugins and Extensions – Generate Passwords Automatically with pwgen

22 Sep

If you’re tired of creating passwords every time you log into a new web service, the pwgen extension can generate passwords for you.

Although some web services let you logon with a preexisting Facebook, Google, Twitter, or Yahoo account, many still require generating user accounts where you need to enter passwords. Required for security, good passwords should include a variety of characters including lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and punctuation symbol. However, generating these passwords can be cumbersome.

The “pwgen” extension for Mozilla Firefox can help reduce some of the annoyances when signing up for new accounts by creating passwords for you. New passwords are automatically copied to the clipboard so you can paste them into websites and (optionally) password management applications. And if you don’t like a password or don’t find it tough enough for your needs, just click the “P” again to generate a new one….

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