Posts Tagged ‘Gene’

Filetype pdf coevolution culture gene

04 Sep

glenn Proctor and Chris Winter. We write essays, flight very high speed photography by Ralph W. For more details, so the chance that someone will find out about our cooperation is slim to none. Theses and more, and as Filetype pdf coevolution culture gene Dark modules. distributed Behavioral Model the SIGGRAPH ’87 boids paper. The […]

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Readers’ Showcase: Gene Smirnov

05 Sep

Gene Smirnov is a regular DPR reader and a working photographer based in Philadelphia. As a music photographer he’s photographed over 300 bands, and now mainly shoots portraits for magazines. He’s got years of professional experience under his belt, but it all began with a Nikon FM10 and a portrait gig for his college newspaper. See his work and learn more about him. Read more

Articles: Digital Photography Review (

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Angelica and Gene Engagement

24 Nov

Engagement photo and video shoot by Jennifer Fujikawa Photography.

See the final image at If you’re looking for a portrait technique with a twist then photography expert Gavin Hoey has just the answer. The technique involves taking multiple images and then using a simple montage effect in Photoshop to join three images into one single photo. The video starts with a strobist lighting tutorial and is completed by the full Photoshop technique so you can watch the whole photo shoot from start to finish.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Posted in Photography Videos