Posts Tagged ‘Foul’

30 Foul Weather Photos for Inspiration

24 Nov

By John

This week I want to give you a little push to get out of your comfort zone. Turn of the television and get outside and shoot – no matter what the weather. As a matter a fact, in spite of the weather is even better!

Take your photography up a level

Many photographers pack up their gear and head home at the slightest sight of inclement weather. But some of the very best and most dramatic images are to be had if you are willing to brave the elements. Just make sure you are prepared and stay safe. Take the follow precautions:

  • a rain cover for your bag
  • a rain cover for your camera, it’s not water proof!
  • rain gear and boots for yourself, there’s nothing more uncomfortable than being wet or cold or both
  • stay a safe distance away of lighting – you are after all carrying with you a lighting rod (tripod)

Having said that, I hope these images inspire you to do what most others do not as this will almost certainly take your photography up a notch. Being willing to do what’s hard or unpopular is the key to standing apart and making some “wow” images to amaze your friends.

Here are 30 foul weather photos by photographers who did just that, enjoy!

By QtrFlash

By Evan Bornholtz

By Marcus T Ward

By arbyreed

By Marcus Böckmann

By Masashi Mochida

By Gabriel Anast

By Mark Dumont

By Boston Public Library

By Robyn Jay

By Mark A Coleman

By Navaneeth Ashok

By Jean Piere Candelier

By DaveTBear

By hinderik

By Marilylle Soveran

By ap.

By M Gleason

By phani_astronomy®

By Viola & Cats =^..^=

By jimmedia

By Pam Link

By Joe Vahling

By Simon

By Rehman Chughtai

By Roy

By Hartwig HKD

By Héctor García

By David Yu

Added – extra photo just for our commenters that wanted “fowl weather”

By Kevan Davis

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

30 Foul Weather Photos for Inspiration

The post 30 Foul Weather Photos for Inspiration by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

Digital Photography School

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Posted in Photography


Party Foul

30 Oct

A couple weeks back Lindsey and Michelle came to visit.  Since it also happened to be Michelle’s birthday Lindsey brought some delicious cupcakes and party favors.

This is the result of our labors… kudos to the two of them for the best expressions EVER!

…click it to make it bigger…

Jake Garn Photography

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