It’s easy to forget about the video function built into your camera phone.
It’s just that videos end being too big to send to friends, and who wants to wait for a video to download anyway?
Man, are we spoiled. Back in our parents’ day, they had to carry 20lb VHS recorders just to shoot a few minutes of film! Us? We have a video recorder that fits in our pocket.
Vine fixes all of this and then some.
It’s an app that lets you share snippets of video –six seconds to be exact– in a super-digestible format. As you scroll through a stream of friends’ videos, the video on your screen instantly plays.
This isn’t just another Instagram. It’s a whole new platform for showing off your creativity. There’s so much you can do in six seconds!
Plus, you get to share life-experiences with friends as they happen. And that right there is pretty much the coolest thing your phone has to offer.
So get it, and then read on for all the best tips, ideas, and inspiration on Vine.
The Ultimate Guide to Vine
p.s. Hey DSLR lovers! Have you seen the Lensbaby Spark? It’s a way fun, bendable tilt-shift lens that’s totally affordable.
Read the rest of The Ultimate Guide to Vine: Pro-Tips, Awesome Ideas, and Who to Follow! (1,319 words)
© lisbeth for Photojojo, 2013. |
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