Posts Tagged ‘Flyby’

Mathematician turns Juno images into stunning Jupiter flyby video

04 Jun

Since NASA’s Juno probe entered Jupiter’s orbit a year ago, it’s been sending back high-resolution images of the solar system’s biggest planet.

When NASA released the latest batch of images, last month, German mathematician Gerald Eichstaedt got to work, turning them into into a video. Using software that he wrote, Eichstaedt used Juno’s trajectory data to determine the probe’s exact position when it captured an image, and then placed that image on a spherical model of the planet. The resulting video combines 36 images from the probe to simulate a Jovian flyby.

London-based filmmaker Seán Doran saw the video when Eichstaedt uploaded it to and spent another 12 hours smoothing the thousands of frames, before adding a soundtrack.

It’s almost like being there. Almost…

Watch Gerald Eichstaedt’s original video

Read more about NASA’s Juno mission

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Fly-by: Learn how to shoot the Milky Way from an airplane

24 Jun

Photographing the Milky Way from the ground can be challenging in itself, but photographer Ian Norman has taken the challenge to new heights. In a new video tutorial, he explains how he and his partner Diana Southern photographed the Milky Way from an airplane. 

Together, the couple make up the team behind Lonely Speck, a blog dedicated to astrophotography. They were on a flight to Budapest when they began to wonder if they could capture the Milky Way from the plane. Sure enough, after some trial and error outlined in the video above, they found it was possible. Ian explains in the tutorial how he layered multiple exposures in post-processing to reduce noise in his final images.

The results are pretty amazing. We know what we’ll be doing next time we get bored on an overnight flight. 

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International Space Station Flyby 2-1-09

13 Dec

A time-lapse clip framed by the frozen Lake Michigan shoreline. A lone enthusiast waits for the visit. Clip ends with a pan to the west to see setting Venus. View in higher quality by clicking the link under the ‘sound’ button. Music created with Abaltat and GarageBand. 400+ stills recorded with a Nikon D300 through a Sigma 10-20mm f4 lens. there is also an hd version on vimeo: for sky watching tips, check out: More of Ken’s work can be seen at http
Video Rating: 4 / 5

I have made this video from my photography to show the beauty and wonder of the first and best national park. I hope more people visit the park so that they can see the beauty with there own eyes. As a 16 year old, I try to get out to the park at leas 1 week a year, but that is not enough for me. I hope to be able to take a winter trip sometime in the coming years. My passion is photography, especially wildlife, so please rate and comment on my video. All photos and video were taken and processed by me, and the music is royalty and DRM free.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


22 Imaginative Flyby Concept Aircraft From Days Gone By

16 Nov

[ By Marc in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

At some point the science of flight became a reality. At the time, it seemed like such a futuristic shift, however, that imaginations continued to soar forward into the future, thinking about what was to come. With this vision of future flight came some wild concepts for gigantic blimps, personal aircraft, and everything in between.

(Images via iheartchaos, gajitz, dvice, youngester)

The current shape of aircraft are based on scientific principles that generate enough thrust to create lift, while still serving as an efficient means to transport cargo. This doesn’t mean this is the only way to get in the air. Tohoku University researchers are reaching into the past – they think biplanes may be the best shape for supersonic flight. Synergy aircraft are an attempt to make flight achievable by all; including families. A radical lightweight design may just be the ticket to making this a reality. Lockheed’s Cormorant is a plane concept in which the craft spends much of its time underwater, bringing stealth to a new dimension. The final image is a great example of our currents visions of the future of aircraft, which very well may look as ridiculous and outlandish as some retro futuristic examples look to us now.

(Images via airliners, crackajack, finalgear)

This experimental craft is showing its years, from when it was designed to push the limits of technology. Captain Rickenbacker’s airplane of the future was designed in 1929 and clearly never left paper, which is probably for the best. With propellers being the end all and be all of aviation, it made sense to just keep adding more. The Ekranoplan is a seaplane designed to lift off close to the surface of the water. It has a radical design and was actually used in the Russian navy for some years before being discontinued.

(Images via io9, enviro, belovedcars, leehamilton)

The future of aviation takes many forms. Take the Sky Tug for example, a futuristic blimp model that was designed for the Navy and will be entering active service, mainly for use in carrying cargo across difficult terrain, on behalf of commercial interests. The name of the crazy looking plane is Claire, and its design is an effort to create a sustainable aircraft for future air travel. Another current concept was commissioned by NASA and also hopes to accurately reflect the shape of new planes. This blue airship is able to use the helium in its stores to land and lift off effortlessly, at least, that’s the idea. Whether this plan comes to fruition is anyone’s guess.

(Images via internetdebris, psipunk, listsoplenty)

Even after seeing visions of the future of flight that are crazy by today’s standards, it’s still easy to laugh at attempts of futurism in the past. Judging by old magazines, we should all be in flying cars by now. Designer Leong Huang Zi came up with this design for the Aerial Rescue Chopper that actually looks like something that could work (though it would be mighty expensive). Lastly, a vision from the past of an actually working flying car called the ConvAir Car, that was meant to bring the power of flight home. Unfortunately, the idea never got off the ground.

(Images via electriccabinet, aviastar, io9)

Personal transport for the military and police officers have always been of interest to forward-thinkers, but it’s as yet unattainable on an inexpensive and effective basis. The De Lackner DH-4 “Aerocycle” was a prototype meant to revolutionize combat transportation, but it was deemed too impractical. Oddly enough, the final image depicts a vision of the future deemed quite practical (in the future).

(Images via warrenellis, plan59, darkroastedblend, darkroastedblend, scifilists)

This vintage craft was envisioned by Matsujir? Murakami, while the much more intimidating craft is a 1946 vision created by artist George Shepherd. The large gray ship is more watercraft than airplane, but it holds the same slick design as many of the other visions. Some craft were designed to fly, and land on water, while others were meant to “soar across the seas.” A gigantic ekranoplan, meant to be a mix between water and aircraft, is a Russian concept from 1965. Lastly, a plane that can lift off and land vertically. For obvious reasons, this is not the best way to tackle this problem…

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[ By Marc in Technology & Vintage & Retro. ]

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