Posts Tagged ‘FEST’

Teaching at Porto Photo Fest this October

09 Jun

Just a quick heads-up for anyone based in Europe that I’ll be teaching several classes at the Porto Photo Fest on October 12-13 this fall. This is the only time I’ll be teaching in a public event this year.

The folks at PFF gave us a lot of control in structuring the classes (which they may live to regret!) But we think we have come up with some really cool stuff.

PLEASE NOTE: There is currently early bird pricing in effect. So if you might be interested, it’s worth acting in a timely manner.

Co-Teaching with Sara Lando

I’m stoked to once be again collaborating with Sara Lando, one of the most creative people (and brilliant photographers) that I know. We will be co-teaching a class, something we last did together in Ireland in 2017.

This Sunday, October 13 class will be on photographing people. It will be taught from two different perspectives. Sara and I will essentially be representing the right and left sides of your brain respectively.

We’ll be flipping back and forth from between the lighting/technical side and the interpersonal/creative side. This is a class designed both to enhance your strengths and, more important, to really go after your weaknesses. At some point Sara and I will probably get into an argument. (Not to worry, she’s Italian, so this is perfectly normal.)

This setup is probably my very favorite approach to teaching lighting, because it interweaves some more organic/human/creative layers with f/stops and lighting techniques.

The course description is not very detailed, so here is what you should know. We’ll be a class of (max) 20 people, usually split into two groups of ten. We’ll work all day progressively hitting both the interpersonal stuff (with Sara) and the technical stuff (with me.)

We will further separate into smaller groups of 3-4 people, and you’ll be shooting all day. Lighting equipment will be provided. If time permits, we may bust out a little Iron Chef-style competition at the end of the day. We’ll have to see. No matter what, this class will be both fast-paced and fun.

Portrait Class details and signup

In the Fish Bowl

Later Sunday evening, Sara and I will transition from our co-class to an onstage event where we’ll be putting some of these yin-yang principles to the test in front of an audience, real-time, mistakes and all. Think of it as a tag-team portrait session between two brains that think nothing alike.

If you are in the day class, you are automatically included in the evening event. But you can also attend separately.

(Way) Outside the Box

On Saturday morning (October 12) I’ll be doing a 3-hour talk on some of the things we usually don’t think about as photographers. But these are things that, in retrospect, probably should have been obvious. This is an evolution of a talk I have given in Seattle, Berlin and London.

This class is designed to help you to integrate your photography with the rest of your non-photo life skills and expertises; to learn to think of photography not as an end-all but as a catalyst for creating more powerful and unique other things.

We’ll look at how other photographers have quietly applied this approach to great ends, and I’ll help you to roadmap how you can learn to adapt this thought process to your own situation.

In short, the key to being able to compete effectively with the bajillion other image makers out there is to create, and then own, a very un-level playing field. Because if life is not going to be fair anyway, it should at least be unfair in your favor.

Class details and signup


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Crack the Code in London Street Art Created for Tech Fest

16 Aug

[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

Campus Party Street Art Code

If you’re among the attendees of international technology festival Campus Party, which will take place during the first week of September in London, you have a much better chance of cracking the codes featured in a new series of street art than the average passerby. The murals were commissioned by the festival in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Government Code and Cypher Schools team, which broke the Enigma code.

Campus Party Street Art Code 2

Each freehand painting features the face of a code developer, including Alan Turing, Samuel Morse and Tim Berners-Lee, along with a code. Onlookers are challenged to break the code, and anyone who successfully does so can enter it into a special location on the Campus Party website for a chance to win two tickets to the event.

Campus Party Street Art Code 3

“Mixing raw graffiti with complex binary decimals, these visual contradictions are set to spring up in London, Manchester and Birmingham as we work our way towards the launch of Campus Party at The O2 on September 2nd,” say the organizers.

Campus Party Street Art Code 4

Other forms of code that have popped up in street art include QR codes for digital nomads, binary and other ‘geekfiti‘, and, of course, traditional ‘hoboglyphs.’

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[ By Steph in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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Wek Fest Texas 2012 (GH2 + Anamorphic)

08 Feb

Location: Palmer Events Center (Austin, Texas) Camera: Panasonic Lumix GH2 Lenses: Lumix 14-42mm (kit) @ 18mm and ~F4 for all but a couple shots and my recently acquired Century Optics anamorphic adapter. I have a series of high quality Nikkor lenses as well but until my lens splint arrives I didn’t want to put that much weight on the front of the GH2. Firmware: factory (non-hacked)


Gannon 3D – Bent Fest EP VIDEO pt1

24 Oct

See a higher quality uncut version here! Use Magenta and Green 3D glasses to view this in 3D, the same kind used for Coraline animated film. Here’s a link where you can buy them cheap. This is the video accompaniment that played behind me at Bent Fest 2010. I recorded vocals and uke over my backing tracks and added some new visual gems. The music is available as a free download on my website. don’t forget to enjoy parts 1-5 A huge thanks to John Carlucci who shot many of the visuals.

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SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10

20 May

Check out these visual art images:

SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10
visual art
Image by asterix611
SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10

SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10
visual art
Image by asterix611
SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10

SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10
visual art
Image by asterix611
SPAIN ART FEST ’10 / Spain Culture New York – Times Square, Manhattan NYC – 10

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Posted in Photographs