Posts Tagged ‘Faith’

Gotta Have Faith

29 Jul

Creating for the sake of creating is like oxygen to an artist, these are our breaths!
Jake Garn Photography

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Faith Lift: 14 Modern Churches Reinvent Religious Architecture

18 Apr

[ By SA Rogers in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

The classic silhouette of a church may be iconic and instantly recognizable, but modern-day religious architecture proves itself to be adaptive after all, evolving into a broad variety of dramatic shapes that frame views of the natural world and prioritize a sense of community. These 14 modern church designs run the gamut from small, modest chapels on the beach to grand, showy structures with undulating rooflines and unexpected interiors.

Cliffside Cross-Shaped Church Concept by OPA

Mimicking its own Casa Brutale design for a residence built into a cliff face, Greece-based firm OPA (Open Platform for Architecture) reveals ‘Chapel of the Holy Cross,’ proposed for the island of Serifos with a single cross-shaped glass facade facing the Aegean Sea. The entire structure is dug into the rock to take advantage of thermal insulation and avoid disrupting the surface landscape.

Synhavnen Church Proposal by NOMOstudio

Submitted as a proposal to a competition to design the first new church to be built in Syndhaven, Copenhagen in 30 years, this design by NOMOstudio is envisioned as a landmark with a deeply sloping roof covered in steps, allowing the public to climb the structure all the way to its peak for spectacular views of the sea.

Seashore Chapel by Vector Architects

Right on the sand of China’s Beidaihe Beach, the ‘Seashore Chapel’ offers a peaceful getaway. “We imagine the seashore chapel as an old boat drifting on the ocean long time ago,” says Vector Architects. “The ocean receded through time and left an empty structure behind, which is still lying on the beach.”

Rainbow Chapel by Coordination Asia

Located within a museum park, ‘Rainbow Chapel’ by Coordination Asia aims to attract young creative couples with a bright, contemporary design enclosed in 3,000 vivid glass panels in 65 colors for a kaleidoscopic effect. Its exterior design of a circle set within a square references fullness and unity contained by honesty and virtue.

Sunset Chapel by BNKR Arquitectura

The sun sets over the sea directly behind the altar cross in ‘Sunset Chapel’ by BNKR Arquitectura, which is set within a forest and designed to mimic an oversized boulder. The faceted concrete structure looks different from every angle, and features slatted openings along its upper level that let in fresh air and sunlight.

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Faith Lift 14 Modern Churches Reinvent Religious Architecture

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[ By SA Rogers in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]

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Keeping the faith: Pentax K-1 video overview

10 May

Pentax shooters have waited a long time to join the full frame club, and with the release of the K-1 DSLR that wait is finally over. But thanks to its 36MP sensor, some innovative features, and a very aggressive price point, the K-1 will likely appeal to photographers outside the Pentax sphere as well. We take a look at what makes this camera unique.

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30 Guys That Bring Faith Back to Instagram Photography

27 May

Instagram is the photo sharing and social networking service of the moment, bought solidly to the forefront with the acquisition of Instagram by Facebook and the release of the iPhone 5. With more than 5 million photos being uploaded every hour by the 50 millionusers across the world, Instagram is certainly representative of a larger iPhoneography movement that is captivating Continue Reading

The post 30 Guys That Bring Faith Back to Instagram Photography appeared first on Photodoto.


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Mike Kelley’s Leap of Faith

13 Nov

It's a truism that creative growth is nonlinear.

Which is to say that, while we (hopefully) do improve steadily over time, meaningful growth happens in fits and starts. You have an experience of some sort, and after you come out of it you realize you will never be the same photographer again.

Now, while you certainly can wait for someone to hand you that experience on a platter, doing so is putting the ball in someone else's hands. Which is fine if you are both patient and lucky.

Or, you can do what architectural photographer Mike Kelley did, and decide to make it happen on your own. Read more »


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