Posts Tagged ‘explores’

JPEG Committee explores using AI and blockchain tech for image compression

25 Feb

On February 17, the JPEG Committee published the results from its 86th Meeting, detailing some of the topics of discussions and potential future plans. Among other things, the committee issued a Call for Evidence on what it refers to as learning-based image coding solutions, something following the JPEG AI activity the committee launched a year ago. As well, the committee has expanded discussions on the use of blockchain technology and distributed ledger technologies (DLT) for JPEG.

During the 85th JPEG meeting last year, an effort dubbed JPEG AI was initiated in order to explore the use of image coding technologies to increase compression efficiency. During the new 86th JPEG meeting, this effort was expanded to a formal Call for Evidence, which is described as the first step in considering the ‘standardization of such approaches in image compression.’

In the JPEG AI Call for Evidence, JPEG Committee states:

‘This activity aims to find evidence for image coding technologies that offer substantially better compression efficiency than available image codecs with models obtained from a large amount of visual data and that can efficiently represent the wide variety of visual content that is available nowadays.’

In addition, the most recent meeting featured an Open Discussion Session on Media Blockchain that involved ‘interactive discussions’ on media blockchain and its various uses, namely its suitability for addressing ‘challenges in transparent and trustable media transactions.’ The committee has shared the presentations and pitch slides from these discussions on its website.

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Altopias: Speculative Art Explores Both Dark & Light Futures

17 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

iceberg on a beach

The world of future-focused artwork tends to examine extreme outcomes, but this artist’s visions represent a compelling range of possibilities from catastrophic to optimistic, Dystopian to Utopian with other shades of gray in between.

dust storm in barcelona

no snow in alps

First consider the range of negative outcomes and what they would do to villages, towns and cities around the world (as illustrated in this first round of images above and below) – built environments afflicted by surprising climatic changes like heat waves, ice storms and droughts.

venice run dry

desert meets water

On the one hand, Evgeny Kazantsev considers these disaster scenarios, from dust storms in Barcelona and villages in the Alps without snow to Venice gone dry and oceans overrunning desert cities. But this is only half of the story.

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Altopias Speculative Art Explores Both Dark Light Futures

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What If? Apocalyptic Art Explores Ends of Industrial Worlds

15 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

skyscraper world close up

What if we filled the world with nothing but cars, or skyscrapers, or if we simply started building an industrialized mountain (like a modern-day Tower of Babel) that reached forever upward?

giant skyscraper filled world

modern tower of babel

Michael Kerbow is a San Francisco explores ways in which a world could end of industry were iterated to a point of near-infinite proportions – his works depict bottomless mines, planets covered (and carved out) with man-made structures and much more.

world filled with cars

hollow pursuits world

With titles like Fool’s Gold, Hollow Pursuits, Witching Hour and Diminishing Returns, it seems clear where the artist stands on the issue of endless industrialization in the face of limited resources and finite space.

industrialized future world

While he works with assemblage and digitally-manipulated photography, Kerbow’s large-scale paintings in particular show fascinating possible worlds where urbanization has pushed past the limits of reason and sustainability.

endless mining world

Of himself, he writes: “My work explores the way in which we engage with our surroundings and the possible consequences our actions have upon the world in which we live. Through my work I attempt to question the rationale of our choices, and try to reveal the dichotomy that may exist between what we desire and what we manifest. Recently my work has focused upon the mechanisms that power our society and examines how they may influence the construct for a possible future.”

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Handmade Car Explores the Abandoned Railroads of Mexico

24 Jun

[ By Steph in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

Custom Railroad Exploration Car 1

Over 5500 miles of abandoned railways stretching from one end of Mexico to the other enticed two brothers to build an incredible retro-futuristic exploratory car. The SEFT-1 is modeled after a midcentury vision of a spaceship with an all-metal exterior and faceted windshield, and it’s equipped with modern sensors and navigation tools as well as wheels that can ride on rails.

Custom Railroad Exploration Car 2

The railroads of Mexico were abandoned in 1995 due to flagging profits, and have been left to decay ever since. Ivan Puig and Andrés Padilla Domene, both artists, wanted a novel way to experience these nearly-forgotten transportation corridors.

Custom Railroad Exploration Car 3

Custom Railroad Exploration Car 4

The SEFT-1 can drive on roads like an ordinary car, or use its extra set of front wheels to guide it along the rails. SEFT-1 stands for Sonda de Exploracion Ferroviaria Tripulada, which translates as Manned Railway Exploration Probe.

Custom Railroad Exploration Car 5

From 2010 to 2012, the brothers took the SEFT-1 on a journey that took them all the way to Ecuador, gathering data, videos, photos, objects and stories that tell the tale of what has happened to all those miles of tracks after their official use came to an end. Those findings are currently on display at London’s Furtherfield Gallery.

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Short Film Explores Intersection of Fashion & Architecture

14 Nov

[ By Steph in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

Kaplinski Fashion Architecture Film 1
Fashion and architecture intersect in a short film called Kaplinksi, wherein models wear and then break out of architectural structures made of children’s wooden blocks. The film is a collaborative work between filmmaker Benjamin Seroussi and architect David Tajchman, and features abstract, geometric Constructivist design from the Soviet Union circa 1920.

Kaplinski Fashion Architecture Film 2

Kaplinski Fashion Architecture Film 3

The four-minute black and white film explores both the human body as a framework for architecture, and architecture as a cage. Abstract cities and skyscrapers form around the models, and begin to self-destruct. Constructivism inspired both the photography and the look of the film.

Kaplinski Fashion Architecture Film 4

Kaplinski Fashion architecture film 5

The blocks used in the film are ‘Kapla blocks,’ small pine rectangles of identical size and shape that are stacked rather than interlocking, so any structures made with them are temporary and rather fragile. The name of the film refers both to these bricks and to the Russian influence of the aesthetic.

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Confessions of a camera snob: DPR reviewer explores mobile photography

14 Mar


When camera reviewer Amadou Diallo found himself assessing a smartphone camera for our mobile photography site, Dpreview Connect, he had his doubts about what the hardware could accomplish. But his review of the HTC X One (published late last year) challenged his preconceptions about camera phone photography and inspired him to embrace both the limitations and the possibilities of shooting with a mobile device. Read more about his experience on

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