Posts Tagged ‘experiencing’

New Sony a1 firmware update (version 1.10) addresses EVF and IBIS issues some users were experiencing

29 Jun

Sony has released a firmware update for its a1 camera that addresses, amongst other things, in-body image stabilization (IBIS) and electronic viewfinder (EVF) blackout issues some users have been experiencing.

Before getting to the new details of the version 1.10 firmware update for the Sony a1, let’s look at what led to the EVF and IBIS issue being discovered.

Last month, photographer and DPReview forum member Jamieson Dean (f1point4andbethere) shared in a post on our Sony E-mount forum that he was having issues with the IBIS in his then-new Sony a1. In the video demonstration (embedded below) he shared in the post, Dean shows how his Sony a1 unit would delay the activation of the IBIS mechanism with both Sony and third-party lenses.

In replies to Dean’s original forum post, other photographers chimed in and said they too had been experiencing IBIS issues with their respective a1 units, while others also noted there was an issue with the EVF of their a1 units blacking out at times. Eventually, Dean was able to get in contact with Sony to replace his a1, but the new unit had the same IBIS problem. In fact, as visible in the below comparison video, the problem was even more pronounced in the replacement a1.

‘I don’t believe my usage of the camera is outlandish,’ said Dean in a follow-up post. ‘I have had this issue with both my original A1 as well as the replacement that Sony gave me […] It occurs with all non-stabilized lenses, and happens roughly 50% of the time for me during normal use.’

Now, over a month later, it seems Sony has addressed EVF and IBIS issues, even if it hasn’t specifically addressed the latter in its firmware update changelog:

  • Improves overall AF performance and stability
  • Improves operability when using the Remote Camera Tool app Note: Make sure you have updated the Remote Camera Tool app to the most recent version
  • Improves eye sensor detection performance with strong light sources, such as sunlight [this is believed to be the issue behind the EVF blackout problem]
  • Improves operational stability when using the Imaging Edge Mobile apps
  • Improves operational stability when using the SEL100400GM, SEL200600G, or SEL600F40GM lens
  • Improves the overall stability of the camera

As visible in a new video from Dean, the 1.10 firmware update fixes the lag previously seen in both of Dean’s a1 camera units. Dean says ‘the ibis is flawless now’ and notes ‘it’s working at least on par with [his] a7 III now’ in new forum posts made today.

Regardless of whether or not you were experiencing any of these issues, firmware version 1.10 for the Sony a1 appears to be substantial from a reliability and usability standpoint, so be sure to download it using the link below.

Download firmware version 1.10 for Sony a1

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Drop-Offs & Experiencing New Perspectives

23 Aug

If you’ve noticed as of late I haven’t been blogging as regularly as I have in the past. There certainly is no shortage of things to write about, but life has been an interesting ride as of late.  My focus the past several months has been primarily on family and for good reason. In a couple of months we’ll have a new member of the family arriving. This is something my wife and I have  wanted for several years and in this time we’ve been on a wild  roller coaster of highs and lows. We’re incredibly happy to have a 2nd child on the way. As I’m sure you’re curious, I know two details about the baby. First I do know the baby is a boy. Second my son has bequeathed this baby the nickname “baby cranky”. This nickname came about when I asked my son what he’d want to name his baby brother and apparently “cranky” was at the top of his 3 year old mind. Interestingly enough because I was curious I also asked him at the same time what he wanted to name the baby if it was a girl and his response was equally amusing, “wimpy”.

The process of being a parent has been hard, but amazing. While I thought I knew what sleep deprivation was as a night photographer, it is nothing compared to the prolonged sleep deprivation needed to care for a new baby. When my first son was born both my wife and I had brief moments of hallucination from our lack of sleep. We look back at those moments fondly. One hard truth about parenting beyond sleep deprivation is that time becomes precious. My time in the field for now is less than before and will remain that way, but it is deliberate and with purpose.

The one common element between parenting and photography that I enjoy is the ability to take in new perspectives. Seeing & experiencing a young child interpret the world with out bias, internal filters or awareness of boundaries is exhilarating and hilarious.  This ability to see new perspectives is what makes parenting and photography so attractive and addicting.

With that I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from my son:

When asked what he’d wish for when he sees his first star, “More stars!”

Here’s to more stars!


Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Drop-Offs & Experiencing New Perspectives

The post Drop-Offs & Experiencing New Perspectives appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.


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Drop-Offs & Experiencing New Perspectives

19 Mar

If you’ve noticed as of late I haven’t been blogging as regularly as I have in the past. There certainly is no shortage of things to write about, but life has been an interesting ride as of late.  My focus the past several months has been primarily on family and for good reason. In a couple of months we’ll have a new member of the family arriving. This is something my wife and I have  wanted for several years and in this time we’ve been on a wild  roller coaster of highs and lows. We’re incredibly happy to have a 2nd child on the way. As I’m sure you’re curious, I know two details about the baby. First I do know the baby is a boy. Second my son has bequeathed this baby the nickname “baby cranky”. This nickname came about when I asked my son what he’d want to name his baby brother and apparently “cranky” was at the top of his 3 year old mind. Interestingly enough because I was curious I also asked him at the same time what he wanted to name the baby if it was a girl and his response was equally amusing, “wimpy”.

The process of being a parent has been hard, but amazing. While I thought I knew what sleep deprivation was as a night photographer, it is nothing compared to the prolonged sleep deprivation needed to care for a new baby. When my first son was born both my wife and I had brief moments of hallucination from our lack of sleep. We look back at those moments fondly. One hard truth about parenting beyond sleep deprivation is that time becomes precious. My time in the field for now is less than before and will remain that way, but it is deliberate and with purpose.

The one common element between parenting and photography that I enjoy is the ability to take in new perspectives. Seeing & experiencing a young child interpret the world with out bias, internal filters or awareness of boundaries is exhilarating and hilarious.  This ability to see new perspectives is what makes parenting and photography so attractive and addicting.

With that I leave you with one of my favorite quotes from my son:

When asked what he’d wish for when he sees his first star, “More stars!”

Here’s to more stars!


Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved

Drop-Offs & Experiencing New Perspectives

The post Drop-Offs & Experiencing New Perspectives appeared first on JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography.


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Sony offers NEX-5N adjustment for users experiencing video clicking

24 Sep

Sony has posted a note on its support site saying it will modify NEX-5N cameras of users troubled by clicking noises during video recording. The company points out that the phenomenon only occurs: ‘if the camera undergoes sudden motion while recording; motion generally inconsistent with smooth video recording.’ But has said it will make an ‘adjustment’ to the cameras (during the warranty period) of users who feel they’re likely to encounter the issue. The company doesn’t say that only people combining jogging with their videography need apply, but…
News: Digital Photography Review (

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Sony offers NEX-5N adjustment for users experiencing video clicking

24 Sep

Sony has posted a note on its support site saying it will modify NEX-5N cameras of users troubled by clicking noises during video recording. The company points out that the phenomenon only occurs: ‘if the camera undergoes sudden motion while recording; motion generally inconsistent with smooth video recording.’ But has said it will make an ‘adjustment’ to the cameras (during the warranty period) of users who feel they’re likely to encounter the issue. The company doesn’t say that only people combining jogging with their videography need apply, but…
News: Digital Photography Review (

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