Posts Tagged ‘Exotic’

This video game offers an in-game photo studio for shooting exotic cars

08 Aug

Players of the next version of PlayStation’s Gran Turismo Sport will be able to create professional looking photographs of their cars using a new feature that offers a surprising amount of ‘photographic’ control over the way the images turn out. For us mere photographic mortals, it might be the closest we’ll ever get to shooting a $ 2.5 million car with a $ 50,000 camera…

The Gran Turismo features is called ‘Scapes’, and it lets players place their favorite cars in a wide range of scenes—from landscapes to city streets and interiors—and adjust their camera ‘controls’ to dial in things like depth of field.

A control panel down the side of the screen has software-like sliders for exposure compensation, aperture, shutter speed and focus. The car can be turned and parked where you like, the lights switched between beam settings, and the color temperature of the whole scene can be adjusted to create warm and cool effects.

More than a passing thought has gone into creating the Scapes mode, and the control of the images really seems extensive.

Users can alter the color balance of shadows, mid-tones and highlights using RGB sliders, while grain effects can be added along with vignetting and distortion corrections. And if that’s not enough, you can even blur the background using a panning effect, to deliver a race day atmosphere in one of around 1000 scenes.

For more information, check out the Gran Turismo website.

Information from PlayStation:

‘Scapes’, the New World of Photography

Go on a photography trip with your favorite car.

The ‘Scapes’ feature is a new format of photography, borne from a True HDR workflow and physics based rendering technologies. Each photo spot contains all the light energy information of that scene as data. Even the incredible brightness of the Sun is physically recorded and contained in each of these photos; and because each image also contains spacial information for that scene, it is now possible to ‘place’ cars into real world photographs.

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Tips for Landscape Photography in Exotic Places

11 Dec

The Exotic Landscape

Landscape photography is difficult. If you live in a location that lacks spectacular landscapes, or you just fancy going somewhere new, travelling to a new location – especially a beautiful one – may seem like the solution. A few days ,or a week, in a national park or other beautiful spot with your tripod and camera sounds like a great way to create some wonderful new images. What could go wrong?

Actually, plenty. The weather (and consequently the light) might not do what you want. If you are shooting by the sea, the timing of the tides may not be conducive to taking great photos. You may not have time to find the best places to take photos, and be able to get on location when the light is at its best.

I wrote more about that, and the advantages that concentrating on your local landscapes here, in my article The Intimate Landscape – 5 Tips for Better Landscape Photography.

Does that mean you should give up the idea of travel altogether? Of course not. Travel broadens the mind and provides fantastic new photo opportunities. It’s also a lot of fun. But because time is tight when you are travelling, you need to plan well to make the most of the opportunities that come your way. I’m going to show you how in this article.

Do your research before you leave

Research is very important. If your visit is brief, you’re going to be under time pressure. The more preparation you do, the better prepared you will be.

1. Use Flickr and 500px

The Exotic Landscape

Get on both of these websites (Flickr and 500px are both free to join) and search for photos taken in the place that you are going. The results will give you a great idea of the potential of that location. You might also find some new spots, away from the ones that everybody else seems to photograph.

If you are going to a coastal location, try and figure out how the changing tides affect the composition of the images you see. Some places are at their best at high tide, and others are at low tide. If this is the case, do an online search for tide tables. If the best photo opportunities are at low tide, for example, then the ideal time to travel there is when low tide coincides with sunset or sunrise, so you can take advantage of the golden hour and twilight.

Got a question about an image? Why not send the photographer a message and ask for their advice? Not everybody will reply, but you may receive invaluable advice from those that do.

2. The Photographer’s Ephemeris

The Exotic Landscape

When you are looking at other people’s photos, bear in mind that the light, and the direction it comes from as the sun rises and sets, changes during the year. There’s an easy way to calculate where the sun will rise and set in any given location, at any time of the year. Simply download The Photographer’s Ephemeris – this application will do the calculations for you. It’s free for Windows and Mac OS X; ideal for research before you go, and you can buy apps for smart phones and tablets; useful if you may need to use it while out in the field.

3. Check the weather forecast

The Exotic Landscape

It sounds almost too obvious to mention here, but it’s important to check the weather forecast before you go. Most trips are booked ahead of time, but long range forecasts are only accurate a few days in advance. Checking the forecast helps you prepare.

What if the forecast is for rain and cloudy skies? Then you need to work out how you are going to cope with that (for example, you could work in black and white, or concentrate on creating evocative images showing the background blurred out by the rain). If rain is forecast, make sure you have a waterproof camera bag to protect your gear and lens cleaning tissues or cloths to clean water off your front lens element. A cover to protect the camera is also a good idea (you can buy them from Amazon or BH Photo & Video).

4. Take minimal gear

Think about the gear you need to take. It’s a personal choice, but the trick is to find the balance between taking enough lenses and accessories to create great images, but not carry so much that you are so worn out when you arrive at your destination that you are too tired to take photos. For example, on a recent trip I took my 17-40mm wide-angle zoom and an 85mm prime lens (plus cable releases, filters etc). That’s it – because of my preparation I knew that I wouldn’t need anything else.

Tripods are tricky. You need to compromise between weight and stability, not always easy. If you need to buy one, this article (How to Buy a Tripod) covers the factors you should consider.

Don’t forget personal items, such as protective clothing, rain coats, food, wather etc. They all add weight to your load.

5. Be flexible

Good planning gives you a great head start, but don’t be afraid to change plans when you’re on location if you learn something new. Use local knowledge to your advantage. Why not ask the person you deal with in your accommodation, the best places to take photos? You might see postcards, or a local photo book in a shop, that show you new places to take photos. The weather may do something unexpected. Don’t get so locked into your plans that you are unable to see fresh opportunities.

Above all – have fun. Enjoy yourself and create some beautiful images.

Mastering Photography

Mastering Photography

My ebook Mastering Photography: A Beginner’s Guide to Using Digital Cameras introduces you to photography and helps you make the most out of your digital cameras. It covers concepts such as lighting and composition as well as the camera settings you need to take landscape photos like the ones in this article.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.

Check out our more Photography Tips at Photography Tips for Beginners, Portrait Photography Tips and Wedding Photography Tips.

Tips for Landscape Photography in Exotic Places

The post Tips for Landscape Photography in Exotic Places by Andrew Gibson appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Exotic Green Getaway: Lush Villa Made of Local Materials

05 Apr

[ By Steph in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

Alila Villas Eco Travel 1

Merging traditional Balinese visual flair with the openness of modern architecture, Alila Villas Uluwatu is a picturesque resort with individual villas connected by bridges over sparkling expanses of water. The hotel is set on a gently sloping hillside, and eschews typical high, pointed Bali-style roofs in order to maintain a democratic view of the sea. Made of locally sourced materials, the hotel and villa development aims to balance environmental responsibility with a sense of luxury.

Alila Villas Eco Travel 5

Alila Villas Eco Travel 2

Located in Uluwatu on the Bukit Peninsula of Bali, Alila Villas has 50 hotel suites and 35 residential villas.  Rather than standing out in stark relief against the natural setting, like many other self-consciously tropical resorts in the area, Alila Villas follows the natural contours of the land.  The terraced, low-pitched roof of the main structure was made of Balinese volcanic pumice rock that can support the growth of ferns and other vegetation, mimicking the look of local hillside farms.

Alila Villas Eco Travel 4

Each of the hotel rooms faces the gardens, which are full of reflecting pools and native plants, making them feel as if they extend into the outdoor spaces. The villas are glass structures encased in slatted wood, which screens the sun and provides a bit of privacy. Each has its own pool with a cabana overlooking the ocean.

Alila Villas Eco Travel 3

The stone walls of the resort came directly from the site itself, and all other materials were sourced from either Bali or the neighboring island of Java. Sustainable materials, careful preservation of vegetation, rainwater collection, a greywater recycling system and large roof overhangs that provide natural cooling come together for an eco-friendly getaway that honors the local culture and history.

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[ By Steph in Boutique & Art Hotels & Global. ]

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Exotic Cars in Sydney – February 2010

22 Dec

Some of the photos I have taken of exotic cars in February 2010. All of the photos have been taken in Sydney and with my Nikon D300.
Video Rating: 5 / 5


Curves ENT shoot with Affinity Model Lang and Exotic Nissan 240

04 Dec

Curves ENT shoot with rSellos photography and OTG Video
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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