Posts Tagged ‘Europe’s’

Forgotten Heritage: Exploring Europe’s Largest Deserted Places

13 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Travel & Urban Exploration. ]

abandoned core moss covered

For the past three years, this bold and big-thinking photographer has located and explored some of the world’s most vast abandoned spaces, from power stations and cooling towers to gigantic castles and expansive mines.

abandoned radar dome images

abandoned plenum chamber interior

abandoned giant wind turbine

For Matt Emmett, “these places are far more interesting than the ‘official’ world heritage locations or tourist attractions.” He focuses on ruins that inspire awe and eschews dilapidated cities and derelict neighborhoods for a purer experience of forgotten places that show no trace of recent human occupation.

abandoned nuclear control desk

abandoned lung passage space

Silence is part of the key. “From the point of view of a photographer there is a total lack of distraction in the stillness of a derelict building; the sound and movement associated with people or workers has been removed, for me this makes them far more sensory than when they are occupied. Your mind can easily focus on what is around you and takes in so much more.”

abandoned film set doors

abandoned spatial experience shot

His recent destinations include large-scale industrial and military complexes with huge interiors and giant-sized artifacts that engender awe through sheer scale. Signs advising no entry, prohibited access or trespasser prosecution only make these building infiltrations more intriguing.

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Forgotten Heritage Exploring Europes Largest Deserted Places

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London Approves Europe’s First City-Spanning Bike Superhighway

04 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Cities & Urbanism. ]

london transit

Catering to some of the 170,000 cyclists that ride across London every day, this segregated bicycle lane will stretch from west to east, pass through the heart of the city and span 18 miles when completed. Approved by mayor Boris Johnson, a second route will also eventually span perpendicular to this first one, reaching south to north and crossing the first in the middle of the city.

london separated bicycle pathway

Allocating bikers lane space on par with that given to cars and separated by safety curbs, this plan represents a huge shift in how London treats cyclists and the largest such endeavor of its kind to date. Few long bike paths on the planet can boast such separation for bikers from city traffic, a move that makes bike lanes much more accessible to bikers of all ages and abilities.

london dedicated bike paths

As The Guardian‘s Peter Walker describes, “The effect is humanizing, civilizing, relaxing, enchanting. It makes the city immediately more appealing. Beyond all that it also rebuts the perennial complaint that the push for London bike routes is the niche hobby horse of a small coterie of middle-class, male cyclists. The whole point is that if you create safer cycling you necessarily create more inclusive cycling.”

bike path lanes

Building on a series original-but-modified proposals shown directly above and below, the new path with pass along the Victoria Embankment to connect Tower Hill and Paddington, re-purposing existing lanes used by motorists and linking up with a north-south route that would connect King’s Cross with Elephant and Castle.

bike path city

While the removal of motorized vehicular space has drawn complaints from some, it fits London’s larger vision of reducing car traffic in and through the city (dovetailing with existing strategies including a hefty congestion tax).

bike path urban

Other cities will be looking to the results of this radical change, which could have significant global influence on urban design strategies around city cycling for years and decades to come.

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Europe’s Landscape Photography Event of the Year – Streamed Live

13 Nov


Image By Joe Cornish

onLandscape magazine’s landscape photography conference takes place amongst some of Britain’s most dramatic countryside in the English Lake District on 22nd and 23rd November 2014.

Billed as Europe’s biggest landscape photography event of the year it brings together some of the continent’s best known and loved photographers and the entire weekend is to be beamed out live via satellite and streamed around the world by StreamScape.

Luminous-Landscape is happy to announce that our readers can stream the video from the conference or download segments all for a special price. (see below)


The Swedish photographer Hans Strand tops the bill talking about the opportunity and inspiration Iceland has given him in his photography. Rafael Rojas the Spanish photographer, now living in Switzerland, who runs, a massively popular photographic website, will be looking at which ingredients are needed to produce fine art landscape photographs.

While Britain’s best loved landscape photographer Joe Cornish pushes photographers to think at a higher level about their photographs, discusses some lesser known works and provides some thought provoking concepts for landscape photographers to take on-board.

Other speakers include the critically acclaimed Jem Southam whose work has been displayed in the Victoria & Albert Museum, Alan Hinks OBE, the only British photographer to climb all 14 of the world’s mountains over 8,000 meters.

The list goes on with David Ward, Paul Gallagher, David Clapp and Paul Wakefield all offering inspiration and insight any landscape photographer would love to hear.

Streamed Live

The streamed event will give internet viewers the opportunity to question the speakers in special internet only “Green Room” interviews after each of their presentations. Particular need to viewers who are in different time zones has also been taken into account with special DVR functions allowing viewers to tune in at any time and rewind to the start of the day.

For those who are unable to watch over weekend all the videos will be available to watch on-line or download for at least 1 year after the event.

The cost of the streaming weekend pass with the Luminous-Landscape discount code is £12.95 – just over US$ 20 and offers amazing value. Tickets to actually attend the event are still available at £225 (US$ 375). 

The Luminous-Landscape discount code is LL35 and active till the end of the conference.

To book your weekend pass and for more information visit


The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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Europe’s Last Dictator

28 Jan

Irina is the sister of imprisoned Belarusian presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov. Through her eyes this doc charts the violent crackdown that followed the 2010 rigged elections and its dreadful aftermath. Powerful, award-winning photography captures Orwellian images of brute force used against unarmed men and women. We see the state-sponsored torture, murder and kidnap that defines Belarus today. A rare glimpse into Europe’s most repressive state. “We formed a group to lead negotiations with the government, but the troops were called”, Iryna Khalip, journalist and wife of presidential candidate Andrei Sannikov, says over the phone. “My husband was badly beaten, we’re on the way to the hospital.” Suddenly her voice becomes raised with panic. “Looks like we’re being arrested. We’re on the ground…They’re hitting my face!” She screams and then the phone cuts out. This episode is part of Lukashenko’s promise to “wring the necks” of all those who joined the opposition during the elections. Iryna Khalip and Andrei Sannikov were imprisoned after this arrest. Irina Bogdanova, Andrei’s sister, has lived in England for 18 years. The other side of Europe, she has turned her house into a refugee camp for all those who have escaped Lukashenko’s violent crackdown that night. A crackdown that it appears Lukashenko may have premeditated. Staggering images of the protest show riot police beating their shields in unison, and bloodied, disorientated protestors. “There was no resistance
Video Rating: 5 / 5

SERGEJ-LJUSKA ORAHA (Official Music Video) HD Director and director of photography: Zoran Veljkovic Screenplay: Sergej Cetkovic Producer: Sam Clews ( D3 Pictures London ) EditIng and postproduction: Aleksandar Kerekes Keky ( Visual Infinity Belgrade ) Make up: Leanne Hatherau Filmed with RED ONE camera
Video Rating: 4 / 5