Posts Tagged ‘Entry’

Labyrinthine Loophole: Bar Entry Maze Beats 500 Meter Minimum Distance Law

17 Apr

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Following a Supreme Court of India ruling that bars must be a minimum of 500 meters away from highways, one intrepid watering hole wrapped itself in a 250-meter maze to effectively circumvent the law. Handed down earlier this month, the ruling has closed down liquor-serving establishments across the country prompting some to get creative.

Owners of the Aishwarya Bar in North Paravoor, a Kochi suburb, maintain: “We have done nothing illegal. The plot behind the bar also belongs to the owner and we have constructed an extended way to reach the bar. Now it is 520 meters from the highway. We are set to approach the circle inspector of excise with the new route map to authorize the reopening of the bar.”

Perhaps most remarkably: since the purpose of the law relates to walking distance (rather than linear), officials have given their blessing to this unusual solution — he intent of the legislation, after all, is to reduce intoxicated driving accidents. With that potential code violation remedied, the only accusation left leveled against the establishment related to changing around the property without a building permit, resulting in a small fine.

The solid-walled fence shaping the labyrinth was installed at minimal cost in a matter of days, expanding into adjacent property also owned by the bar’s manager. Pub crawlers, meanwhile, may find themselves somewhat lost when loaded, but at least there are no dead ends. However, bars like this one may still find themselves with fewer customers since the federal ruling also prohibits roadside signage directing drinkers to pubs. Other specific exceptions have been granted on a case-by-case basis, but this particular solution may lead to a series of similar approaches.

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LED Buddha Vaults & Smart Card Entry: High-Tech Cemetery in Tokyo

05 Mar

[ By Steph in Culture & History & Travel. ]

rurden high tech cemetery 1

When visiting a deceased loved one at this Tokyo cemetery, you’ll swipe a smart card upon arrival at the door so that the particular LED Buddha statue representing the correct vault will light up, making it easy to locate on a wall of identical figures.  At Ruriden, a futuristic charnel house belonging to Koukoko-ji temple, cremated remains are kept in storage lockers in this unusually high-tech environment, eliminating the need for loved ones to maintain graves.

Traditionally, each family in Japan would own a plot of land and a stone tomb in a physical cemetery, costing up to $ 40,000 and requiring upkeep and maintenance fees. But as space gets tighter in the urban areas, the prices for those tombs are getting out of control, and cemeteries like Ruriden are stepping in to offer an alternative.

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You may not even be able to touch the glass separating your hand from that little glowing buddha if your relative’s vault happens to be high up on the wall of 2,046 altars, but seeing the statue illuminated can help provide a sense of connection to the gravesite, and you can still access the remains.

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When you visit, the remains will be delivered to a communal vault in the floor via a forklift and conveyer belt system. A digital slideshow puts images of your deceased loved one on display. Ashes are stored in these vaults for 33 years for family visits, before being buried below the Ruriden.

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600 of the plots are currently in use, and 300 more have been reserved by elderly Tokyo residents planning for their own deaths. Vice recently took a tour of the complex and spoke to people shopping for their own high-tech graves. Employees at the cemetery even speculate on the possibility of interactive, holographic representations of dead relatives in the future. Read the whole story at Vice.

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Top two images via Vice/Emiko Jozuka; remaining images via

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Entry Level Mirrorless Cameras

11 Jan

This holiday video covers the entry level offerings of the new mirrorless class of cameras. Entry Level Mirrorless Cameras Learn more about Kelby Training
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Entry Level DSLR Holiday Roundup

10 Jan

Approaching the Holiday season, this video covers some affordably priced DSLR camera models. Entry Level DSLR Holiday Roundup
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Facebook: Our new YouTube channel: In this tutorial video we ‘re going to show you why it is necessary to shoot with an ND Filter especially in bright daylight situations. Camera settings: ISO 100 Shutter speed: 50 Aperture: F/1.4 Twitter: More DSLR videos on our channel: Official website:
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Oh, Sleeper “Children Of Fire” Guitar Tablature Contest ENTRY (WINNING VIDEO)

16 Dec

This is my entry for the “Oh, Sleeper ‘Children Of Fire’ Tablature Contest.” Killer album by OS. Best to date. Go out and BUY it! EDIT: Well, turns out that I won the competition and the Jackson Warrior! Thanks for everyone’s very kind words! Thanks for watching 😉 Gear Used: Borrowed JACKSON JS-1 (busted headstock and only 22 frets!) with EMG 81/85 Borrowed AxeFX Ultra (Das Metal) Borrowed Nikon D7000 Trial of Sony Vegas Pro 10 Ibanez BTB (tuned up to C standard) POD X3 (Bulb’s Bass Patch)
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CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR MY MONTHLY NEWS LETTER: Pick up an “OH SNAP” T-Shirt! Follow me on these social outlets: http http ================================================= Part1: Today’s video tutorial we’ll talk about the different file shooting formats available on your DSLR — RAW and Jpeg. There is much debate amongst photographers, amateurs and professionals alike, as to which format is better to shoot with. Well, this choice is very subjective and is based upon what you’re shooting. Consideration must be given to the amount of post production work you’ll be doing, as well as the venue. There are plenty of scenarios that call for JPEG and there are some that demand RAW. Ultimately, you’ll have to decided if you have the computing power and storage to go ballistic and shoot RAW for everything. I hope to provide some clarity on what these two sides are constantly battling over. Thanks for watching!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Guide to Entry Level Digital SLRs

14 Aug

If you’re in the market for your first digital SLR, this video will look at three models you should consider.

Digital Cameras. The Esquire Digital Man, Barry Sonnenfeld, has been on the road traveling with sweetie. What a better time and place to test out the Leica D-Lux 4, the Panasonic Lumix DMC-LX3, and the Leica M-9. Watch hundreds of free full-length streaming movies and TV shows on Tags The Esquire Digital Man Digital Cameras Ep: 01009 Barry Sonnenfeld technology high tech review Men in Black crackle free TV movies originals Pushing Daises The addams family Miller’s crossing When Harry met sally Big Raising Arizona geek faq cnet leica panasonic still photography travel
Video Rating: 2 / 5