Posts Tagged ‘ends’

Canon EOS R5: The long game ends with a big leap

23 Apr
The fruit of Canon’s R&D emerges from the shadows

Canon has been the best selling camera brand for most of the digital era. Different people might ascribe this dominance to different areas of strength, be that lens design, ergonomics, color response or simply very successful marketing that’s resulted in a history of cameras that people want at a price they’re willing to pay. For the past few years though, its once proud reputation for innovation hasn’t seemed so evident.

Canon’s US press releases still proudly boast about how many patents the company has been granted, but its electronics development prowess hasn’t shone especially brightly in recent models. The EOS R5’s disclosed specs reveal a camera capable of generating and processing immense amounts of data. This suggests a leap forward in Canon’s semiconductor design and one that might shed some light on why some of their most recent cameras have seemed somewhat lackluster.


It’s difficult to over-stress how much of a technical challenge it is to capture and record 8K footage. Just four years ago virtually every camera maker we interviewed said that 4K was really difficult because of the heat generated in the process and there are many models that stop recording or become very hot if they shoot for extended periods. Canon is promising a camera that can capture four times as much data, from the full width of its sensor while still being able to run its dual pixel AF system in parallel.

The EOS R5’s disclosed specs suggests a leap forward in Canon’s semiconductor design

If that doesn’t strike you as ground-breaking, consider that the EOS R5 can shoot 4K at up to 120 fps. Then look around the current batch of large sensor cameras and count how many can achieve 4K/60. It’s a short list, and one that gets even shorter if you mark off the ones that can only do so using a cropped region of their sensor. The EOS R5 almost certainly sub-samples to achieve this, but that’s still a lot of data.

We don’t know the camera’s full specs, yet, but this all points to a radical improvement in sensor and processing technologies.

A history of innovation

Canon was the first camera maker to fully embrace CMOS technology for its DSLRs, which gave it industry-leading performance for many years (it was another seven years until we saw a camera with a CMOS chip from Sony Semiconductor). It was also the first company to produce a large sensor camera that could capture Full HD video. Technologies such Dual Pixel AF show that the company has continued to work away at pushing its cameras forwards.

And yet, the last few generations of Canon stills cameras haven’t always sparkled, particularly in terms of video: notably the most processor-intensive feature. The EOS 5D Mark IV had to crop its sensor to deliver 4K and still showed a fair amount of rolling shutter when it did, suggesting there was a major bottleneck either in terms of sensor readout rate or the ability to process this data fast enough.

It’s also interesting to note that Canon cameras tend to achieve much lower shot-count ratings per Watt Hour of battery capacity than other companies manage, which is likely to be indicative of lower processor efficiency.

The EOS R, as the first RF mount camera, had plenty of innovations in it, but its cropped 4K video suggests a similar lack of processing power to that of the EOS 5D VI, which wasn’t especially cutting edge two years earlier. The EOS R5 is a vast leap forward from this.

And this has seen Canon’s specs begin to fall behind. This need to crop to produce 4K video was off the pace in when the 5D IV was launched in 2016 (Sony’s a7R II offered full-width 4K capture a year earlier), so to see that same limitation in 2018’s EOS R looked a little embarrassing compared to the oversampled 4K footage offered by Leica, Nikon, Panasonic, Sigma and Sony in their contemporaneous full frame models. It’s a similar story with the EOS 6D II and EOS RP and, despite the appearance of a novel 32MP sensor in the EOS M6 Mark II, the need to sub-sample the chip to generate its video also hints at a processing bottleneck.

So why had this company with a history of innovation dropped so far behind its rivals?

What’s been going on, then?

While it sources 1-inch and smaller sensors from other companies, Canon makes its own APS-C and full-frame sensors and generally hasn’t made them available to rival camera companies. This means that Canon has to recoup its R&D costs entirely from its own models, whereas most other camera makers buy all of their sensors in from a supplier that can spread out those costs amongst its many customers. That obviously creates an incentive for Canon to keep using the same chips for as long as it can.

The differing challenges of building cinema and consumer cameras make it impossible to say whether know-how has been reserved for the Cinema EOS line or has trickled down from it.

Another possibility is that Canon has been keeping this know-how for its more profitable pro video users, holding the main EOS line back to avoid cannibalizing its Cinema EOS sales. But this isn’t necessarily true: the Cinema EOS cameras work in an environment where large batteries and built-in fans are the norm, meaning there isn’t the same pressure on them to be as super-efficient as the mainline EOS cameras need to be. So I’m not sure that’s what we’ve seen: if anything it’s just as likely that the EOS R5 is benefitting from lessons Canon learned through the process of developing the Cinema EOS line.

Playing the long game

Instead, I wonder whether Canon made the decision to step back from the constant two-year development cycle for sensors and processors that other camera makers build their model ranges around, and instead decided to conduct a longer-term project to reclaim the technological lead it’d previously enjoyed.

There are, perhaps, parallels with the way Canon approached its switch to autofocus, back in the 1980s: seemingly content to let Minolta and Nikon own the AF market, only to leap ahead with its EOS system.

Taking a longer-term approach would explain both why the company had dropped so far behind and how it can now not just to catch up but jump ahead

We may never know for sure, but I can’t think of a time when Canon has so clearly fallen behind what the rest of its rivals are offering. That’s why it looks to me like the apparent lull in Canon’s innovation might have been because it wasn’t content to just keep up with its rivals but instead was willing to cede a little ground in the short term, so that it could take a significant lead in the long run. That would explain both why the company had seemingly dropped so far behind and how it’s now looks able not just to catch up, but to jump ahead.

Of course this is likely to be little comfort for customers who bought Canon cameras from the end of the previous cycle, built on technology that was significantly outdated in comparison to their rivals.

So while the rest of the market has been constantly tussling over small gains, seemingly leaving Canon in the dust, the industry’s biggest player appears to have been patiently working to leapfrog them all, taking a bigger lead than we’ve become used to seeing in the industry.

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Google ends free ‘original quality’ image backups for the Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL

20 Oct

The newly unveiled Google Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL smartphones will not include three years of free ‘original quality’ Google Photos storage, the company has confirmed. Details about the change were quietly listed on the Google Store’s Pixel 4 product page following the company’s press event on Tuesday, revealing an elimination of the perk Google has offered since the launch of its original Pixel model.

All Android mobile devices come with free Google Photos storage for images and videos captured with the handset, but there’s a catch: the content is compressed from its original quality down to ‘high quality.’

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The Pixel smartphone line has remained notable among its peers by offering atypically excellent camera quality, particularly in low-light environments. Before the Pixel 4, Google relied on computational photography, not extra lenses, to give its phones an edge. This time around, however, Google has taken steps to remain competitive with Apple by packing more than one camera into its newly unveiled Pixel 4 devices.

Many consumers, particularly photographers who prefer Android over iOS, have anticipated the launch of this phone specifically for its mobile camera capabilities. That makes Google’s decision to end its free ‘original quality’ photo storage particularly baffling. Buyers must either sign up for a paid storage plan or settle for compressed backups.

As recently noted by XDA, the Google Store’s Pixel 4 page reads, ‘Never worry about storing, finding, or sharing your memories thanks to unlimited storage in high quality on Google Photos.’ That feature comes with a small disclaimer that states:

Google Photos offers free unlimited online storage for all photos and videos uploaded in high quality. Photos and videos uploaded in high quality may be compressed or resized. Requires Google Account. Data rates may apply.

Google offers multiple cloud storage plans under its Google One subscription, which starts at $ 1.99/month for 100GB of storage if you pay annually. The Pixel 4 smartphone is available to preorder from the Google Storage now for $ 799.

Update (October 16, 2019): Corrected pricing of the entry-level Google One subscription plan.

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Google’s unlimited full-res photo storage for Pixel 2 owners ends in 2020

10 Oct

Google is offering Pixel 2 buyers a special perk that allows them to store an unlimited number of full-resolution photos and videos through Google Photos, but it comes with a catch. Fine print listed at the bottom of Google’s Pixel 2 product page notes that the free unlimited full-res storage is only available until 2020; at that point, the handsets will revert to Google Photos’ typical ‘high-quality’ unlimited storage option.

‘High-quality’ is the term Google uses to denote a 1080p video resolution and 16MP image resolution.

Google Photos allows any user to upload an unlimited number of photos and videos at up to this high-quality threshold; anything that exceeds it is compressed when uploaded and that compressed version is stored. The Pixel 2 will sidestep this restriction, but only for a couple years.

Non-Pixel phone users can upload full-resolution videos and images for free up to a 15GB threshold. Once that threshold is reached—or, for Pixel 2 owners, once 2020 arrives—additional storage space can be purchased starting at $ 2/month (depending on location).

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What If? Apocalyptic Art Explores Ends of Industrial Worlds

15 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

skyscraper world close up

What if we filled the world with nothing but cars, or skyscrapers, or if we simply started building an industrialized mountain (like a modern-day Tower of Babel) that reached forever upward?

giant skyscraper filled world

modern tower of babel

Michael Kerbow is a San Francisco explores ways in which a world could end of industry were iterated to a point of near-infinite proportions – his works depict bottomless mines, planets covered (and carved out) with man-made structures and much more.

world filled with cars

hollow pursuits world

With titles like Fool’s Gold, Hollow Pursuits, Witching Hour and Diminishing Returns, it seems clear where the artist stands on the issue of endless industrialization in the face of limited resources and finite space.

industrialized future world

While he works with assemblage and digitally-manipulated photography, Kerbow’s large-scale paintings in particular show fascinating possible worlds where urbanization has pushed past the limits of reason and sustainability.

endless mining world

Of himself, he writes: “My work explores the way in which we engage with our surroundings and the possible consequences our actions have upon the world in which we live. Through my work I attempt to question the rationale of our choices, and try to reveal the dichotomy that may exist between what we desire and what we manifest. Recently my work has focused upon the mechanisms that power our society and examines how they may influence the construct for a possible future.”

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Kids Posing Guide: Early Bird Discount Ends in 36 Hours

19 Jun

NewImageA few weeks ago we launched a brand new Kids Portraiture Printables collection in the dPS store with a 25% off Early Bird Discount (40% off if you get it with the companion eBook).

This post is just a quick note to let you know that that discount ends in just over 36 hours.

The printables collection is just $ 14.99 and gives you access to five kids posing models that cover all ages – Babies, Toddlers, Little Kids, Bigger Kids and Tweens.

Each of the 5 modules includes:

  • a tutorial to help you master posing kids of that age
  • a printable version of the poses that you can print out and fold up to take with you
  • a digital version that you can keep on your phone or tablet to use when photographing kids


As an optional extra you can bundle this posing collection with our previously released Kids Portraiture eBook and save 40%.

The collection and eBook have been getting fantastic reviews from other websites like Two Days in Dublin who writes:

“If you want to improve your photography and capture those special moments, I recommend this e-book for those already in the business, just starting out in picture-taking, or for moms looking to capture great photos of their own kids!”

The Early Bird special ends in just over 36 hours so grab yours today here and start taking gorgeous photos of your kids.

The post Kids Posing Guide: Early Bird Discount Ends in 36 Hours by Darren Rowse appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Exposure: Alex Washburn looks for where the Autopista Ends

21 Jan


Alex Washburn used to be a photographer for until she quit her job, put her belongings into storage and set off on a journey around the world. Last October she and her boyfriend embarked on an epic trip by motorcycle from San Francisco to the southernmost tip of South America. At present Alex is somewhere in Columbia, posting images to her Instagram account as she journeys south. Click through to see a selection of her stunning travel photographs. 

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27 December, 2012 – Our Holiday Sale Ends Next Week

27 Dec

All good things must come to an end, including our year-end sale. Want to purchase any of our tutorials or Video Journals? Want to save 25%?

If you wait till next week you just might wait too long. 

Our -25% Off Sale
ends next Tuesday night

The Luminous Landscape – What’s New

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Flickr introduces users to Aviary as Picnik ends

05 Apr


Flickr has added the option to use the Aviary photo editing service, following Google’s decision to close the Picnik service that had previously been offered. Flickr users will be able to make basic edits and image corrections using Aviary which, unlike Picnik, is HTML 5-based – allowing its use on non-Flash devices such as the iPad. However, while Aviary offers similar cropping, filter and sticker options, it loses Picnik’s paintable curves adjustments and other more advanced options.

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