Posts Tagged ‘employs’

Getty employs robots for underwater shots in Rio

13 Aug

Prior to the start of the games in Rio we got a glimpse of the gear that Getty photographers are using to cover the Olympics. This week, we’ve seen a couple more of the tools the organization is using – a pair of robotic underwater camera housings. 

Veteran Getty photographer Al Bello talks about using the robotic camera housing with CNN Money, and says that they give an obvious advantage over the static underwater systems that they’ve used in the past. The robotic system allows him to pan, tilt and zoom a Canon EOS-1D X II enclosed safely in the housing as athletes pass by overhead, eliminating the guesswork that the static system required. 

You can see more of Bello’s work above and below the water in Rio by following him on Twitter and Instagram.

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NASA employs 150-year-old photography technique to measure shock waves from supersonic flight

28 Aug

NASA has turned to a process devised in 1864 to help it measure shockwaves created by supersonic aircraft flight. The method, schlieren photography, was invented by German scientist August Toepler to observe the effect of objects moving through transparent media, such as water or air. Read more

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Film scanner employs smartphones to digitize negatives

13 Jun


A new smartphone gadget promises to use your mobile device to digitize your 35mm film. Compatible smartphones snap photos of backlit film inserted into the device while an app automatically inverts the negative image. See the Lomography Smartphone Film Scanner in action on

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