Posts Tagged ‘Embrace’

Learning to Embrace Lens Flaws to Add Character and Nuance to Your Images

24 Mar

The post Learning to Embrace Lens Flaws to Add Character and Nuance to Your Images appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Adam Welch.

Learning to Embrace Lens Flaws to Add Character and Nuance to Your Images Feature

As I grow increasingly “long in the tooth” so to speak, I look back over the last twenty years or so since I first picked up a camera and reflect. I entered the professional arena of photography relatively late, being in my mid-twenties before I began to think about photography more in terms of a profession rather than simply an enjoyable hobby. Since then, it’s been a wild ride. I’ve used all sorts of lenses and have been fortunate enough to evaluate a host of lenses for published tests, many of which can be found right here on Digital Photography School. As of late, I’ve noticed a marked difference in the way I approach lens flaws in my reviews.

A lens with lens flaws can be viewed as an asset

This has caused me to reevaluate how I approach not only my own professional lens tests but my attitudes towards my own lenses and personal photography.

Why do some of us expend our energy searching for a “perfect lens” and feel that a lens’s flaws are determinants of our work? This is the question we’re going to examine today.

Come along with me for a unique investigation of the attitude we often take towards lens flaws and why many of these individual nuances are completely paradoxical and can actually bolster the creative magnetism of your photographs.

A question of character

Consider for a moment what you might consider to be the “ideal lens.” Not in terms of focal length or aperture but rather the quality of the image it is capable of producing. Think about its sharpness and contrast, the way it renders colors, its vignetting, and distortion.

Naturally, I think many of us would like a lens that has maximum sharpness from corner to corner, crisp contrast, zero distortion and vignetting while producing true, rich color tonality.

Why do we think this way?

Lens flaws such as vignetting are sometimes added in post-processing
24mm, 1/640th sec at F/2, ISO 320

What I mean here is why do we feel as if a perfect lens equates to a lens which carries no inherent flaws?

I think we can all agree that issues such as massive chromatic aberration aren’t desirable in any situation. However, I suggest we should begin to embrace other behaviors present in our lenses more as inherent character traits that can enhance our photos rather than issues to be avoided.

Going further (and likely stepping on a few toes), the approach that lenses ought to present the scene or subject as optical perfection could be viewed as quite a photo-modernist attitude.

We find ourselves bombarded with highly-advanced digital cameras capable of enormous resolving power.

Naturally, and rightfully so, we seek out lenses that we feel will bring out the most potential from our cameras. And yet, many of these lenses tend to present themselves as benignly unobtrusive tools that only serve to channel light into the camera while adding as little flavor as possible.

These are new concepts for a new time that have not always been so, at least not intentionally.

Woman crouching to make a photo in the desert
24mm, 1/200th sec at F/10, ISO 80

An unfortunate byproduct of this “lens sterilization” approach is that many, especially those who are just beginning their journey as photo makers, feel a looming sense of inadequacy if their lens or lenses present themselves with so-called lens flaws.

This is a dangerously slippery slope that can often breed the notion of gear dependency over-reliance on one’s own creative opinion and self-expression.

Famous lens flaws

It’s arguably true that some of the best examples of the benefits of embracing the flaws present in your lens come from the recent resurgence of photographers opting to use vintage film lenses with their modern digital cameras. Not only are these lenses relatively inexpensive compared to more modern lenses, but they also carry unique characteristics that have come to be desired.

Case in point, the fabled Helios 44-2 lens.

The Helios 44-2 has lens flaws which are prized
My beloved Helios 44-2

The interesting thing about the Helios (and other vintage lenses) is that it offers a distinctive “swirly” bokeh that has become prized by portrait photographers and others. 

Even more interesting is this swirl is brought about by the type of technical “flaw” with the lens elements, which results in the signature spherical aberration of the bokeh. 

You can also approximately simulate this effect in Photoshop, which I describe here in this article.

The lens flaws of the Helios 44-2 caused the distinctive swirl bokeh in this photo.
Made with the Helios 44-2 at F/2, 1/320th sec and ISO 320. Note the distinctive swirling of the background.

There are, of course, other lenses that have been embraced due to their inherent optical qualities as of late. These include the cult classic Kodak Aero Ektar, the Zeiss Jena series, and the Lomography Petzval along with many others.

The Petzval, purposefully engineered to offer heavily swirling bokeh and vignetting, is especially interesting.

The bottom line here is there could very well be a predominantly apparent splitting of the schism with photographers choosing lenses that offer more inherent character. This makes for more unique photos as it is left to the user to determine the exact application where and when these lenses work best.

Embracing the imperfections

Let’s face it, there are many cases where we have to make do with the lenses we have, myself included.

I used my very first digital camera for years with only the “kit lens” included with the camera.

The lens wasn’t considered an upper-tier piece of glass, but it was all I knew and, for me, it was beautiful.

Looking back, I can’t find a fault other than my assumption that it wasn’t good enough because it was the lens that came in the box. This is highly revealing of the common mentality of today’s photographic climate. It’s quite easy to look at our gear as the scapegoat for what might be lacking in our photography simply, well…because.

Camera and lens being held

There’s no denying that we all evolve as photographers and with that evolution, we must recognize that we will eventually outgrow our tools.

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t shy away from our lenses because they might exhibit properties that are undesirable by the common mentality of our age.

Your lens isn’t sharp corner to corner? It has a heavy vignette at its wide-open aperture?

Think about these problems from a practical standpoint for a moment. How often do you add in a post-crop vignette in Lightroom during post-processing? Do you ever add an intentional Gaussian blur?

These questions hint at a deeper insight into our own approach to photography. Could it be that the very characteristics that we desire in our photographs tend to be viewed with a negative connotation depending on the context?

What’s the endgame?

The purpose of these thoughts is to show that the merits of any camera lens are truly based in the eye of the beholder.

Sure, there are some poorly-made, un-sharp monstrosity lenses out there that hinder rather than help you make the photographs you want. At the time, many of the lens flaws we have been conditioned to abhor possibly aren’t as detrimental as we might think once we drill down and identify for what they are.

This is the main objective of this article.

It could very well be that the old cliche’ of “the best lens is the one you have with” carries with it connotations which extend past mere practical convenience. This is especially applicable if you are new to photography.

As a professional photographer who has used some of the best modern lenses on the market, I can tell you my favorite lenses have been those that fit my own proclivities, regardless of their inherent flaws and quirks.

Lens flaws can make for great photos with character
Made with the Helios 44-2,

So I will leave you with this bit of hard-learned wisdom; there are no perfect lenses, just as there are no perfect photographs or perfect photographers for that matter.

All lenses have some measure of flaws, no matter their cost. Just because you might be using a “kit lens” or one that happens to have several so-called lens flaws, doesn’t mean that you can’t go out and make terrific photos as long as you shoot what makes you happy.

The post Learning to Embrace Lens Flaws to Add Character and Nuance to Your Images appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Adam Welch.

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How to Embrace MINIMALISM for IMPROVED Landscape Photos [video]

21 Sep

The post How to Embrace MINIMALISM for IMPROVED Landscape Photos appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk.

In this video from Mark Denney, he looks at how embracing Minimalism can improve your Landscape Photography.


Mark uses some of his photos to illustrate some of the following points:

5 tips for achieving minimalist landscape photography

1. Include an obvious subject

Use an obvious subject without filling the frame with it. It draws the viewer’s eye in.

2. Expansive Composition

Use a lot of negative space around your subject to make your subject stand out further.

3. Minimizing color

Color can be distracting (if there are many colors) in a minimalist composition. Many minimalist photos are black and white, quite monotone or only make use of a few colors so that the composition is not busy.

4. Use of light and shadows

Consider using dappled light, striped light, or spots of light so that light is the main subject in the scene. This can work well for minimalist photography.

5. Keep it simple

Think differently and outside the box, but keep it simple. Look for a distraction-free palette to work with. Often it is more about what you don’t have in the frame rather than what you do.

So shake up your focus with your landscape photography, and give Minimalism a try. If you are interested in learning more about Landscape Photography, check out our Landscape and Nature Course!


You may also be interested in:

  • Tips for Achieving Minimalism in Photography
  • Minimalism: Using Negative Space In Your Photographs
  • Tips for Using Negative Space in Photography to Create Stunning Images
  • How to Photograph a Minimalist Landscape
  • The Minimalist Landscape Photographer: What do you really need?
  • 5 Guidelines of Minimalist Photography to Help Improve Your Work
  • Tips for Minimalist Photography in an Urban Environment

The post How to Embrace MINIMALISM for IMPROVED Landscape Photos appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Caz Nowaczyk.

Digital Photography School

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Posted in Photography


Study finds consumers are ready to embrace selfies as a tool

27 Jan

For some, selfies are a form of self-expression. Others find them annoying. But one thing is certain: they won’t go away anytime soon. A Sony-commissioned study has found that the top ten future uses for smartphone cameras will include banking, shopping, healthcare and dating. The study finds that over a third of consumers would feel more secure if banks used selfies as passwords and a quarter would prefer to see their general practitioner via a selfie or video call than in-person.

The study was undertaken by futurologist organization Futurizon with the market research company OnePoll who conducted data research and surveyed 6500 people across the UK, Germany, France and Spain.

The report identified the top ten ways consumers believe selfies could be used in the next five years:

  1. Dating: Taking a selfie with your date to find out what they really think
  2. Medical: Over a quarter of people would prefer to see their GP via a selfie or video call, in the first instance
  3. Banking for the selfie generation: Nearly half of 25-34 year olds would feel more secure if accessing their bank through a ‘selfie password’
  4. In leisure: Around half of thrill-seekers would like to try a ‘selfiecoaster’ – a rollercoaster that puts you in control of capturing your experience on the ride
  5. In a gym / fitness: selfies that work with AI (Artificial Intelligence) to capture body monitoring e.g. testing heart rates and even suggesting how to improve on technique and how accurately a move is being performed
  6. Made to measure clothes: taking a 3D body image for made-to-measure clothes
  7. In retail: using your smartphone camera to try on different outfits suited to your body shape, at the touch of a button
  8. Social currency: paying for entry to the cinema or a tourist attraction through a selfie
  9. Robots: Using your smartphone to control drones or robots to take selfies from other or extreme locations
  10. Home: Using selfies to secure and access our homes and cars

Dr Ian Pearson, Futurologist and creator of the Future of Selfies report said, “The results clearly show that selfies are well on their way to transitioning from frivolous fad to technological phenomenon, and provide food for thought to a number of industries. The potential is huge, and it will be exciting to watch this unfold over the coming years.”

Most of the selfie applications described above seem technologically possible today. So, if there’s a market for them, we’ll probably be able to use them at some point in the short to medium term.

Would you be interested in using selfies in any of the ways listed above? Let us know in the comments. 

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Embrace the change in your life

03 Jan

Samantha moves away

I met Sam when she was kind enough to model at one of our photography workshops a few years ago, since then we’ve done well over a dozen shoots and have become close friends.  I love talking to Sam, sometimes we get lost in conversation for hours, if my camera is nearby I’ll pull it out, if it’s not I don’t, but it’s during days like this that I usually shoot my favorite images.  We were talking about change, and dreams, and boys and her moving to Boston (which just happened this past week).  I jotted down some of my favorite things she shared… hope she doesn’t mind!

“I am learning to embrace the change in my life.  It is taking me to new places and doing new things and in the journey I am discovering so much.” -Sam

Click for a larger image

Embrace the change in your life.
Because change is the only constant. Changing relationships, seasons, moods, friends, our surroundings.
Sometimes I feel  as though I am addicted to change, like I wanna see how many different people I can be.
Because if change is the only thing I can count on, then I better get use to it.
Get use to the heartbreak, get use to being let down, get use to new experiences, get use changing your mind- and then changing it all over again.
if possibilities are endless, then i am never the same person twice.
It’s like a cycle really, the cycle of change.
Change your clothes, change your attitude , change your perspective.
How many different ways can i see this world?
Change your outlook-what do you  think you know?
Life is magic, if you let it be.

-Sam Law

“The world is just a dream, because guess what, when you’re dreaming it’s just your subconscious, just rolling, when you’re awake that subconscious is still rolling. Everything we see we have so much connected to it. Isn’t it interesting how sometimes when you start telling stories with people, your idea of the story changes, your perception on it changes or all of the sudden the memory is different because someone is all, no I saw it this way. We all have these complex perceptions and where they are rooted, in the human psyche, if this is just a dream (which I strongly believe it is) then I’m creating it.  If I realize I’m dreaming it.  If I’m aware of that subconscious that’s playing all the time then I can train it.” -Sam

“The world is the best teacher” -Jake
“Only if you’re the best student.” -Sam
“I get worried. Poor students, get hard life lessons.” – Jake
“Have you ever heard the quote, in school you study and then you take the test but in life you take the test and then study where you f*%$ @# up?” -Sam

“I think I have the best life ever, and I don’t even know it sometimes. Like sometimes I just forget. We have the luxury of daydreaming and wonder about how we’re going to fix our problems. We just get to think.” -Sam

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Embrace the change in your life

16 Oct

Samantha moves away

I met Sam when she was kind enough to model at one of our photography workshops a few years ago, since then we’ve done well over a dozen shoots and have become close friends.  I love talking to Sam, sometimes we get lost in conversation for hours, if my camera is nearby I’ll pull it out, if it’s not I don’t, but it’s during days like this that I usually shoot my favorite images.  We were talking about change, and dreams, and boys and her moving to Boston (which just happened this past week).  I jotted down some of my favorite things she shared… hope she doesn’t mind!

“I am learning to embrace the change in my life.  It is taking me to new places and doing new things and in the journey I am discovering so much.” -Sam

Click for a larger image

Embrace the change in your life.
Because change is the only constant. Changing relationships, seasons, moods, friends, our surroundings.
Sometimes I feel  as though I am addicted to change, like I wanna see how many different people I can be.
Because if change is the only thing I can count on, then I better get use to it.
Get use to the heartbreak, get use to being let down, get use to new experiences, get use changing your mind- and then changing it all over again.
if possibilities are endless, then i am never the same person twice.
It’s like a cycle really, the cycle of change.
Change your clothes, change your attitude , change your perspective.
How many different ways can i see this world?
Change your outlook-what do you  think you know?
Life is magic, if you let it be.

-Sam Law

“The world is just a dream, because guess what, when you’re dreaming it’s just your subconscious, just rolling, when you’re awake that subconscious is still rolling. Everything we see we have so much connected to it. Isn’t it interesting how sometimes when you start telling stories with people, your idea of the story changes, your perception on it changes or all of the sudden the memory is different because someone is all, no I saw it this way. We all have these complex perceptions and where they are rooted, in the human psyche, if this is just a dream (which I strongly believe it is) then I’m creating it.  If I realize I’m dreaming it.  If I’m aware of that subconscious that’s playing all the time then I can train it.” -Sam

“The world is the best teacher” -Jake
“Only if you’re the best student.” -Sam
“I get worried. Poor students, get hard life lessons.” – Jake
“Have you ever heard the quote, in school you study and then you take the test but in life you take the test and then study where you f*%$ @# up?” -Sam

“I think I have the best life ever, and I don’t even know it sometimes. Like sometimes I just forget. We have the luxury of daydreaming and wonder about how we’re going to fix our problems. We just get to think.” -Sam

Jake Garn Photography

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