Posts Tagged ‘Dreaming’

California dreaming: The zen of photography with Rinzi Ruiz and Jonathan Alcorn

11 Dec

Street photographer Rinzi Ruiz and photojournalist Jonathan Alcorn are both based in the Los Angeles area, but their personal photography takes them to very different places. Ruiz thrives in the bustle of downtown L.A., while Alcorn loses himself photographing skateboarders and surfer-types at Venice Beach. They each find their zen in these environments, shooting until the sun is low in the sky, letting everything slip away except for the shot. Take a look at what zen means to these photographers, and let us know in the comments where you find yours.

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Dreaming for a living: The conceptual composite photography of Colin Anderson

12 Oct

Australia-based conceptual artist Colin Anderson is re-defining what it means to be a modern photographer. An early adopter of Photoshop, Anderson creates complex allegorical images from a number of visual elements, including stills captured with a medium format camera and 3D elements created from scratch. Find out what he’s learned from a long career in editorial and commercial photography. Read more

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