Posts Tagged ‘Drawings’

NVIDIA Research project uses AI to instantly turn drawings into photorealistic images

21 Mar

NVIDIA Research has demonstrated GauGAN, a deep learning model that converts simple doodles into photorealistic images. The tool crafts images nearly instantaneously, and can intelligently adjust elements within images, such as adding reflections to a body of water when trees or mountains are placed near it.

The new tool is made possible using generative adversarial networks called GANs. With GauGAN, users select image elements like ‘snow’ and ‘sky,’ then draw lines to segment an image into different elements. The AI automatically generates the appropriate image for that element, such as a cloudy sky, grass, and trees.

As NVIDIA reveals in its demonstration video, GauGAN maintains a realistic image by dynamically adjusting parts of the render to match new elements. For example, transforming a grassy field to a snow-covered landscape will result in an automatic sky change, ensuring the two elements are compatible and realistic.

GauGAN was trained using millions of images of real environments. In addition to generating photorealistic landscapes, the tool allows users to apply style filters, including ones that give the appearance of sunset or a particular painting style. According to NVIDIA, the technology could be used to generate images of other environments, including buildings and people.

Talking about GauGAN is NVIDIA VP of applied deep learning research Bryan Catanzaro, who explained:

This technology is not just stitching together pieces of other images, or cutting and pasting textures. It’s actually synthesizing new images, very similar to how an artist would draw something.

NVIDIA envisions a tool based on GauGAN could one day be used by architects and other professionals who need to quickly fill a scene or visualize an environment. Similar technology may one day be offered as a tool in image editing applications, enabling users to add or adjust elements in photos.

The company offers online demos of other AI-based tools on its AI Playground.

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Art of Deception: Pencil Drawings Look Like Colorful 3D Splashes of Paint

01 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

Seeming to rise up off the canvass, a viewer would be impressed to discover these swaths of paint to be two-dimensional in nature, but then further shocked to realize the material isn’t paint at all but pencil.

Australian artist Cj Hendry has an eye for hyper-realism, but in this series: instead of using it to draft convincing landscapes or portraits has turned to emulating oil paint.

Layers of carefully applied pencil slowly add depth and dimension to the flat surface, capturing the lush appearance of semi-liquid paints. The effect is so convincing the artist often includes a hand and pencil in photographs of the work to highlight the fact that what is being seen is both two-dimensional and drawn with pencils.

It is a dramatic shift from previous work by Hendry done in black and white. And going to color didn’t mean just picking one per piece, either — each of these colorful works employs a number of different colors, which is not at all obvious at a glance.

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Magic Ink: Highly Detailed Optical Illusion Drawings Pop Off the Page

03 Jun

[ By SA Rogers in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

Strategically placed shadows and highlights make these incredibly intricate nature-themed drawings more than just impressive pages in an artist’s sketchbook. The pieces reveal unexpected depths and textures, and sometimes seem to lift right off the pages and into the real world, as if the sketchbook just couldn’t contain their vitality. Artist Visothkakvei shows off a variety of optical illusion techniques on his Instagram.

Fighting for the night. Once he's freed, the world will turn dark forever.

A post shared by Visothkakvei (@visothkakvei) on

Many of Visothkakvei’s works are contained within the bounds of his books. Though the drawings of flowers, leaves, vines and other organic subjects may look like simple doodles, it’s the way the artist layers them, packs them onto the page and adds shadows that makes them special. Some begin to creep beyond the boundaries of the paper.

Awaken #original #art #visothkakvei

A post shared by Visothkakvei (@visothkakvei) on

And, in some cases, it’s clear that more than just two-dimensional physical drawing is involved, though the artist doesn’t reveal his secrets. Some of this looks like he’s taken a photograph of his own hand working on the drawings, and layered digital drawing on top of it in a style that matches, making it unclear where the originals end and the digital additions begin.

Everytime I do the artwork, I see it around me. #original #art #visothkakvei

A post shared by Visothkakvei (@visothkakvei) on

Doodling #art #visothkakvei

A post shared by Visothkakvei (@visothkakvei) on

Check out lots more of these works, along with videos of the drawings in progress, at

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More Map Art: 27 Cool Cartographic Sculptures & Drawings

05 Jan

[ By Steph in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

map art fairburn 2

Rivers become veins in detailed portraits, mirrored city blocks resemble modernized Persian rugs and urban topographies emerge from rolls of tape in these map-based works of art. Some create the images of cities, countries and continents from unexpected materials, like Manhattan rendered in a 2.5-ton block of marble, while others use complex aerial imagery and cartography as an unexpected medium for drawings and sculpture.

Google Maps as Persian Rugs by David Thomas Smith

map art persian rugs 1

map art persian rugs 2

map art persian rugs 3

Images composited from Google Maps screencaps are reconstructed piece-by-piece into mirrored images inspired by Persian rugs in ‘Anthropocene,’ a series by David Thomas Smith. The Dublin-based artist chooses locations that are centers of global capitalism, including Dubai, the Beijing International Airport, and industrial sites like the Delta Coal Port in Vancouver, British Columbia. “This collision between the old and the new, fact and fiction, surveillance and invisibility, is part of a strategy to reflect on the global order of things,” says the artist.

Manhattan in 2.5 Tons of Marble

map art marble manhattan 1

map art marble manhattan 2

Japanese sculptor Yutaka Sone did, in fact, use Google Maps and aerial photographs to render an accurate replication of Manhattan in this whopping 2.5-ton block of white marble. But most of his inspiration actually came from a series of helicopter rides in which he got a feel for the city, ultimately carving it as if it were an elevated plateau. The details of the sculpture are so accurate, residents of the city can locate their own buildings by counting the blocks.

Topographical Tape Maps by Takahiro Iwasaki

map art tape 1

map art tape 2

Best-known for his intricate thread sculptures, Japanese artist Takahiro Iwasaki has also created topographical maps carefully sliced into fat rolls of gray and blue electrical tape. The landscape replicated on the gray roll is Victoria Peak, a mountain located on the western half of Hong Kong Island.

Map Portraits by Ed Fairburn

map art fairburn 1

map art fairburn 3

Ed Fairburn uses paper maps as canvases for incredibly detailed portraits, rendering human features as topographical landscapes on top of street maps, star charts, railroad blueprints and other types of maps. The portraits seem to blend seamlessly with the landscape features, with rivers and roads running through them like veins.

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Pencil vs. Camera: Illusion Drawings Pop Off the Page

28 Jan

[ By Steph in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

Pencil vs Camera Optical Illusion Drawings 1

You might think artist Ben Heine has Photoshopped himself into his own pencil drawings, but he’s actually standing on top of them. Much like the mind-bending optical illusions produced in chalk by sidewalk artists, these are flat drawings that just seem like they’re three-dimensional.

Pencil vs Camera Optical Illusion Drawings 2

Pencil vs Camera Optical Illusion Drawings 3

Pencil vs Camera Optical Illusion Drawings 4

The Belgium-based multidisciplinary artist mixes photography and drawings for the series ‘Pencil vs. Camera,’ one of his best-known projects. The drawings seem to pop out from the page when viewed from a certain perspective, making it look like the artist is interacting with his own creations.

Pencil vs Camera Optical Illusion Drawings 5

Pencil vs Camera Optical Illusion Drawings 6

“I just make art for people,” says Heine. “I want them to dream and forget their daily troubles. I used to write poems many years ago, I want to convey a poetic and philosophical meaning into my pictures, each new creation should tell a story and generate an intense emotion, like a poem, like a melody.”

Ben Heine Scenery Drawings

Another part of the series blends Heine’s drawings with landscape photos so they match up. The artist selects a location, draws a fanciful illustration, and then takes a photo of the combined results.

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Pointless Diagrams: Daily Architectural Nonsense Drawings

26 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

pointless set of pyramids

A quick doodle drawn in the heat of the moment on a napkin at an architectural cocktail party is more likely to be a concept diagram than a phone number. There is nothing architects love more than a sexy drawing with dotted lines, curvy arrows and a few key color accents.

pointless building paths

pointless chutes and ladders

Josh Lewandowski is a Minnesotan architect who is taking things to the extreme, producing a new diagrammatic sketch daily … with a catch: they do not represent anything and are ends unto themselves. The series is dubbed simply Pointless Diagrams.

pointless landscape model

pointless series of towers

Of his work, Josh writes: “I started this blog because for as long as I can remember I’ve always drawn and doodled 3d sketches that have an unapologetic dearth of meaning.” He draws his “inspiration from architecture, furniture, engineering, geometry, cereal boxes, Lego instructions, and Etch A Sketch memories. I always use pen and ink because erasing is for wimps.”

pointless pool diagram

pointless impossible tree spiral

The works are populated with walkways, bridges, staircases, pools, trees and more, yet a whole never really emerges from the parts except when the viewer’s imagination takes part. Thus the mysterious and subjective side of the equation.

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Pointless Diagrams Daily Architectural Nonsense Drawings

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