Posts Tagged ‘Doodles’

Turn your doodles into Google satellite images with Land Lines

05 Jan

Looking for a moment of zen? We suggest spending a couple of minutes playing with Land Lines, a game that draws on Google’s satellite images of Earth.

So maybe it’s not quite a ‘game.’ Its creators Zach Lieberman and Matt Felsen call it an experiment, one that analyzes basic scribbles (zig zags and curves, nothing fancy) and finds a satellite image of Earth with matching features. It runs on either a mobile or desktop web browser.

Lines that you draw with your finger or a mouse become roads, shorelines and runways before your eyes, almost instantaneously. It runs seamlessly, and it’s oddly soothing. Give it a try and learn more about how it all came together.

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Sketch in 3D: Remarkable Drawing App Gives Doodles Depth & Dimension

23 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Graphics & Branding. ]


Programs like Sketchup have allowed amateur artists and architects to sculpt and design in three dimensions for years, but this app facilitates far more informal works that really look like sketches in 3D.

Mental Canvas is part of a suite of software for Microsoft Surface that takes more conventional sketched forms and allows users to navigate and expand them in three-dimensional space, retaining the character of rough drawings.


The infinite-depth approach of this digital canvas software lets users zoom in and rotate their view, adding layers along the way and inspecting their work from various angles. The effect is remarkable as these illustrations show.


From its creators: CAD modelling “comes at a cost. The cost is that one, you have to have a fully resolved three-dimensional model, even if it’s just a cube; second it’s very hard to edit a CAD model, it’s not fast and fluid like a sketch. At any given moment when you’re sketching, the designer or artist has full control over everything in that representation, but with a CAD model, that’s defined by the computer.”

This clever approach liberates an artist from the ordinary constraints of a physical page or even a drawing tablet, letting them shape worlds that maintain the character of a sketch but can be used to tell and frame stories in new ways.


As with programs like Sketchup, a bookmarking tool allows users to save and store various views then retrace their steps, creating potential for 3D storytelling. It also lets a user pick the perfect shot, navigating three-dimensional space to select an ideal perspective. A dynamic dial tool, meanwhile, lets the artist rotate between colors and line qualities without backing out of the drawing.

As any good architect knows, an unfinished-looking drawing can be an asset: “A sketch has a quality when it’s unfinished; there’s so much possibility, there’s so much room for interpretation, and [Mental Canvas] expands the idea of a sketch. It makes it less flat. In architecture you always want that “Wow” design that gets everyone excited in the room, and [Mental Canvas] enhances it.”

One can see a lot of similarities here between Mental Canvas and tools being developed for augmented and virtual reality platforms. In a way, this program closes the gap, allowing users with more ordinary tools, devices and interfaces to accomplish something wonderful in 3D space.

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Real 3D Sketches: 3 Furniture Sets that Draw on 2D Doodles

15 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

3d sketch furniture set

Like photo-realistic art in reverse, these three-dimensional objects are carefully crafted to look like rough-edged, hand-sketched representations. If the approach looks familiar, you might be recalling our previous coverage of work by Daigo Fukawa from the Tokyo University for the Arts.

3d chair doodle art

3d furniture design detail

In this series, Jinil Park indeed also with sketches of this chairs, table and lamp set. The artist then hammered wires to create variegated metal lines in the air that look convincingly like those one would expect to find where pen meets paper. These pieces were then welded together to form the finished products.

3d line minimalist vases

If the first set seems to have too fine a point on things, you might prefer the subtler work of Maya Selway instead. This designer has crafted a series of vessels made to look like minimalist outlines. Each piece is perfectly balanced to create the illusion of incompleteness while still being able to stand on its own.

3d furniture design process

Speaking of the intersection of 2D and 3D, any article would be remiss not to mention the remarkable work of FRONT, a group that takes virtual 2D-captured sketches (drawn by hand in the air) and turns them into 3D-printed models.

3d printed chair design

3d printed sketch furniture

A camera-linked computer program extrapolates the form from the gestures of the designers, then extrudes a corresponding shape with surprising (and increasing) accuracy coupled with a strong touch of whimsy (like a 3D Doodler writ large).

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