Posts Tagged ‘Donald’

Photojournalists won’t be allowed to capture the handing over of the articles of impeachment against Donald Trump

18 Jan

Image US Capital, West Side. Captured by Martin Falbisoner used under CC BY-SA 3.0

It’s been revealed the United States Senate will be cracking down on the press corps for the Senate impeachment trial of U.S. President, Donald J. Trump, severely limiting photojournalists ability to document the monumental moment.

Later today, when House leaders hand off the articles of impeachment to the Senate, still photographers won’t be allowed to document the monumental moment, an unprecedented move that’s raising concerns over credentialed reporters’ and photographers’ ability to exercise their First Amendment right to the freedom of the press.

According to a report from Roll Call, Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael C. Stenger are putting in place restrictions that will allow just a single video camera to be present in the room. No still photographers will be allowed to press the shutter and no audio recordings will be allowed.

Even after today, the remainder of the trial will see only a single press pen set up on the second floor of the Senate, where legislators will enter and exit the chambers. Reporters and photographers won’t be able to move outside the pen, except for before and after the processions when they’re escorted by proper authorities.

Following news of these restrictions, The Standing Committee of Correspondents, a five-member panel of journalists representing the credentialed press in Congress, fired back saying the restrictions ‘fail to acknowledge what currently works on Capitol Hill, or the way the American public expects to be able to follow a vital news event about their government in the digital age.’

Roll Call reports the ‘planned restrictions […] rejected every suggestion made by the correspondents,’ regarding press access during the trial and The Standing Committee of Correspondents has rejected the claim these planned restrictions are being put in place to protect the lawmakers, saying Capital Police have implemented these rules ‘without an explanation of how the restrictions contribute to safety rather than simply limit coverage of the trial’

Other individuals chimed in on the matter, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a U.S. Representative for the NY-14 district, who shared the following tweet:

Photographer and teacher David Hobby also shared his thoughts on the matter, saying:

Unfortunately, these restrictions likely mean photographer David Burnett won’t be able to use his now-iconic 4 x 5 film camera to capture the transfer of articles for the third impeachment in U.S. history.

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See Wall: Graffiti Praising & Parodying Donald Trump

22 Jan

[ By Steve in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]


Donald Trump is destined to leave his mark on the world stage but the world’s graffiti artists have been leaving Trump-related marks for some time.


The notorious “wall” Trump has theatrically threatened to build along the US-Mexico border already exists – in parts – and older sections have been renewed, reinforced and in some places made redundant. One example of the latter can be found about a mile west of Tijuana airport: the so-called “old border wall” situated on American territory.



Graffiti collective Indecline created the above “¡Rape Trump!” mural on a section of the rusty, corrugated sheet metal wall in late 2015, roughly six months before Trump clinched the Republican nomination for the U.S. presidency. Check out this video by Indecline posted at their website. The caption “¡Rape Trump!”, by the way, is a sort of Spanish pun – the word “rape” translates roughly to crop, trim, shave or snuff while the ball gag adds a dash of kinkiness to the mix.

Great Brickin’



So crowdfunding graffiti is a thing now: graffiti artists The Paintsmiths paid for the above mural through online sales of their photo-book Are We There Yet? The artwork features Trump figuratively and literally walling himself in, and can be found at the corner of Nelson Street and All Saints Street in Bristol, UK.

Where’s Wall-Donald?


It’s not as if Donald Trump just popped up out of nowhere: the larger-than-life real estate developer took over The Trump Organization way back in 1971 when The Donald was only 25 years old. Indeed Trump was here, was there, and now it seems he’s everywhere.

Punchdrunk Trump




The island nation of Malta is chock-a-block with ruins of all ages, many of which have been co-opted by graffiti artists under the government’s benign gaze. The unusual and intriguing work above, by Czech artist ChemiS, complements abandoned and deteriorated architecture by featuring a young boxer and Donald Trump. Whatever one’s political bent, you can’t deny this particular work is a knockout.

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See Wall Graffiti Praising Parodying Donald Trump

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[ By Steve in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

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DIY revolution: Donald Weber’s Molotov cocktail ‘portraits’

22 Mar


Photographer Donald Weber returned to his former home of Kiev during the civil unrest last month. Working without a commission, Weber avoided news-style images of the running battles between protestors and police, he says he attempted to take ‘a macro view of the situation.’ As well as architectural images of the homemade barricades and portraits of some of the participants, he also created a series of images detailing the protesters’ weapons of choice – homemade Molotov cocktails. See photos of Weber’s unique perspective

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