Posts Tagged ‘Disappearing’

OnePlus teases prototype smartphone with disappearing rear camera

03 Jan

OnePlus is expected to display its Concept One prototype smartphone at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas next week. At this point there are no plans to put the Concept One into production, instead, the device is meant to showcase OnePlus innovation in mobile device tech.

Ahead of the show the company has already posted a teaser video on Twitter, showing an ‘invisible’ rear camera that can be hidden under the glass rear panel. According to OnePlus ‘color-shifting glass technology’ is used to achieve the effect.

The team at Wired already had the chance to have a closer look at the technology and reports OnePlus is using the same technology found in sunroofs to control the transparency of the glass panel. When inactive the camera is hidden under tinted glass. When the camera is in use, the tint can be adjusted via an electrical signal and the camera and lenses become visible behind the panel.

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Disappearing Road: Cross Quickly, Before It’s Swallowed by the Sea Again

25 Feb

[ By SA Rogers in Destinations & Sights & Travel. ]

passage du gois

Twice a day, when the tides go down, this causeway appears to connect the French mainland to the island of Noirmoutier, but cross quickly or the road will disappear, stranding you in the middle of the Bay of Bourgneuf. The Passage du Gois was built upon a strip of silt that just barely elevates it above the surface during low tide for a little over an hour at a time. Crossers often wait too long to get started, bet that they’ll be able to make it across, and lose.

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Once it starts flooding, it happens quickly. That’s why there are elevated rescue towers located along the stretch – you might just have to swim over to one, climb up and wait it out. When the tide is low, abandoned, ruined cars can be seen littering the sand.

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Each year, runners gather for the Foulées du Gois, a race across the causeway. The road also tends to be covered with seashells, making it a popular destination for both souvenir-seeking tourists and locals who look for edible shellfish.

passage du gois wikimedia

Photos via Flickr Creative Commons: garder le cap, ludovic, pics by brian, oliver gobin, alain bachellier, marc bourbon, oliver hankeln, wikimedia commons

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Instagram Stories launch as ‘disappearing’ photo and video slideshows

03 Aug

Instagram has taken inspiration from Snapchat and launched a new feature called Stories. With Instagram Stories, users can capture numerous videos and photos, alter them with stickers, drawing tools, and by adding text, then post them to a single ‘story’ slideshow that won’t clutter up followers’ feeds. Once 24 hours pass, these story posts will disappear.

Instagram Stories are only visible to followers when the account is set to private; likewise, users can block specific followers from seeing their stories. Though story posts do not allow comments, users can swipe up to see which followers and accounts have viewed the content. Instagram users can feature parts of their stories on their profiles, as well.  

Stories posted by the people you follow are accessible via a bar at the top of your content feed. The profile photo of users with new story content will be visible with a colored ring around it in this bar. Tapping on the profile photo will pull up the story and navigate the user back and forth within the story, while swiping will jump the user to a different story altogether.

Instagram says the feature will be rolling out to iOS and Android users across the globe over the next few weeks.

Via: Instagram Blog

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Disappearing Architecture: 15 Mirrored Buildings Distort Perception

04 Jul

[ By SA Rogers in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

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Dazzling in the most literal sense, architecture clad in mirrored glass or stainless steel almost seem to become part of the sky and landscapes that surround it so you can’t quite tell where the man-made objects end and nature begins. That’s often the point, with architects creating structures that virtually disappear into their surroundings (to the chagrin of more than a few birds.)

Reflection Field by Phillip K Smith III, Indio, California

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Reflecting the vast open sky and signature palm trees of Indio, California, where Coachella is held each year, the installation ‘Reflection Field’ by Phillip K. Smith III consists of five monolithic volumes that transform all day along with the environment. At night, colored light is projected from within.

Refinished French Country House

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It’s safe to say there’s no French country estate quite as dazzling as this one, now that its facade has been entirely replaced with mirrors. Architecture studio Bona-Lemercier worked with artist Xavier Veilhan and set designer Alexis Bertrand to transform a 1960s home into ‘Le Château de Rentilly,’ a contemporary art gallery.

Guest Houses by Peter Pichler, South Tyrol, Austria

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A pair of vacation homes in the South Tyrolean Dolomites by Peter Pichler offer up space for guests without interrupting the property owners’ view of the stunning mountains. Reflective, but coated in a glare-reducing film to prevent bird collisions, the two ‘Mirror Houses’ blend into the property so they don’t compete with the client’s garden and existing 1960s farmhouse.

Mirrored Ziggurat by Shirin Abedinirad

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“In this installation I have been inspired by the pyramidal structure of ziggurat, a common form of temple in ancient Mesopotamia, attempting to connect earth and sky, so humans could be nearer to God,” says artist Shirin Abedinirad. “The Mirrored Ziggurat acts as a staircase, which seeks to connect nature with human beings and to create union of ancient history and today’s world. The installation offers a transformative view of the self. The Mirrored Ziggurat has seven levels that represent seven heavens. For me, mirrors amplify this paradise, giving light; an important mystical concept in Persian culture, and a medium creating an optical illusion.”

Mirrored Auditorium by MVRDV, Tianjin, China

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It’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s reflection when gazing inside the transparent facade of MVRDV’s beautiful new library at the Binhai Cultural Centre in the Chinese city of Tianjin. A mirrored spherical auditorium inside the main atrium reflects both the interior space around it (including all those books!) and the park outside.

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Disappearing Architecture 15 Mirrored Buildings Distort Perception

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Ghost Rider: Disappearing Audi Billboard Made of Water Vapor

26 Mar

[ By Steph in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

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It’s a wonder nobody crashed their real cars doing a double-take at a glowing Audi that seems like an apparition, appearing in a fog and then disappearing just as quickly. German ad firm Thjnk came up with this ephemeral ad campaign for the hybrid-electric Audi A7 Sportback h-tron quattro to highlight the fact that nothing but water vapor comes out of its exhaust.

“We asked ourselves, where do you place ads for the most environmentally friendly and progressive engine Audi has ever built? Nowhere. So for the car that leaves nothing behind but vaporized water, we created ads that leave nothing behind but vaporized water.”

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Though the agency doesn’t specify how the effect was achieved, it seems that an LED image is projected onto water vapor to get that ghostly look. The ads were placed in busy areas of big cities at night, flashing briefly and then vanishing.

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Check out 300+ other creative advertising campaigns, from guerrilla marketing to controversial ads using revolting imagery and graphic content to hawk hand soap, nose trimmers and other products and services.

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The Mysterious Disappearing Filters in Photoshop

15 Aug

If you use filters in Photoshop CS6, Creative Cloud (CC) or CC2014 you may notice that some of your old favorites are missing. Some (sadly) are gone forever, and others are just less easy to find. So, here’s what you need to know about the filters that are gone, how to make those that are hidden more accessible and why that might be important.


First to Photoshop CC 2014. Gone from this version is the Oil Paint Filter. This was the sole remaining filter left when support for the Pixel Bender plug-in was removed from Photoshop CS6.

Also gone from this version is the Kuler Extension which you could get to by choosing Window > Extension > Kuler, and Mini Bridge too. In addition, any older Flash based extension panels are also no longer supported. That said there is a new html based Kuler extension with a different feature set that you can download from Adobe here.


Missing but not gone…

In Photoshop CS6, CC and CC2014 some filters groups are missing from the Filter menu. Those missing are the Artistic, Brush Strokes, Distort, Sketch, and Texture groups. The filters themselves are still available from the Filter Gallery but the actual menu options for those filters are no longer visible by default.


Luckily you can restore those filters to the Filter menu. To do this, go to your Preferences dialog on Mac by choosing Photoshop > Preferences (on PC select Edit > Preferences). Click the Plug-Ins group of preferences and locate and select the checkbox for” Show all Filter Gallery groups and names” and click Ok.


If the filter groups don’t appear on the Filter menu immediately, close and reopen Photoshop.


You may be wondering if there is any real reason to return these filters to the Filter menu when they are all still accessible via the Filter Gallery. The answer is that there is a difference in how the filter is referred to in the Layers palette depending on whether you select it from the menu, or the Filter Gallery.

In the image below I first selected the image layer and chose Filter > Convert for Smart Filters to make the layer a Smart Object. I then applied the Diffuse Glow filter to the photo by choosing Filter > Filter Gallery. I selected the Distort group of filters and applied the Diffuse Glow filter and clicked OK.


The Layers palette entry for this filter simply reads Filter Gallery, there is nothing to say what filter was applied to the image. Worse still if I were to apply multiple filters this way the entries in the Layers palette will each read Filter Gallery so I have no visible indication of what filters have been applied or in what order.

Contrast this to the image below where I applied the Palette Knife filter by choosing Filter > Artistic > Palette Knife > OK and the Layers palette shows the filter name. So, even though the settings for the filter are applied using the Filter Gallery dialog, the very fact that the filter was initially selected from the Filter menu results in the filter’s name appearing below the Smart Object layer in place of the less helpful “Filter Gallery”.


This is the case if you apply multiple filters from the Filter menu, and also if you select one filter from the menu and then change your mind and apply a different one when the Filter Gallery appears. The trigger seems to be that you start the process of applying a filter in the menus and not via the Filter Gallery.

If you use filters a lot then it’s best to have them appear on the Filters menu and to use them from that menu rather than the Filter Gallery.

An Oil Paint Filter option

If you’re bemoaning the demise of the Oil Paint Filter in Photoshop CC 2014 there are some options available. One option is to keep an older version of Photoshop on your computer so you can use that version when you need to use that filter.

If you are using Windows, there is a Windows only plug-in called GREYCstoration which you can find more details about here. This is an open source filter typically used for noise reduction that will double as an Oil Paint filter which installs inside Photoshop. Make sure you download the correct version for your version of Windows (there are x86 and x64 versions), unzip the file and copy the 8bf and bin files into your Plug-ins folder. Then you will find the filter in your Filters > Noise category. To date there is no Mac equivalent for this filter.


Some sites have also suggested you try the Pixel Bender Accelerator for Photoshop that allows you to run Pixel Bender files in Photoshop CS6 and later. This will be of use to you if you want access to Pixel Bender filters that are available as .pbk files. Unfortunately the Oil Paint Filter was never distributed as a .pbk file so it appears that, inspite of suggestions to the contrary, this application won’t be of use for getting access to the Oil Paint filter.


That said, this application is great for running Pixel Bender filters in later versions of Photoshop so, if that’s what you’re seeking to do it is worth a look.


The post The Mysterious Disappearing Filters in Photoshop by Helen Bradley appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Disappearing Bed for Tiny Flat Rolls Under Kitchen Floor

21 Jan

[ By Steph in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

Disappearing Bed Tiny Apartments 1

When you’re trying to pack an entire apartment worth of furniture into just 130 square feet, where do you find the room for a full-sized bed? The answer, in this case, is a place you’d likely never expect: under the kitchen floor. ‘Disappearing Bed’ rolls under a raised platform to go away altogether when floor space is required, or it can be pulled halfway out like a drawer to serve as a couch.

Disappearing Bed Tiny Apartments 2

Architects Julie Nabucet and Marc Baillargeon found every possible inch of space in a tiny micro flat in Paris, hiding storage and extra functions in nearly every corner. Raising the kitchen to accommodate the hidden mattress is not only an incredibly clever solution, but also makes the room feel larger by adding an extra level.

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A rectilinear table tucks away under a series of under-table cabinets, or can be swung out in front of the couch to act as a coffee table. Desk-height shelving that runs in an L-shape along the wall provides workspace, and staggered wall cabinets hide away clutter.

Disappearing Bed Tiny Apartments 4

The stairs leading up to the kitchen offer hidden storage space for shoes, and the narrow bar overlooking the living space is hollow to hold magazines, books and other small items.

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