Posts Tagged ‘Dirt’

Like a Music Festival, Minus the Dirt: Social Hostel Offers Indoor Camping

19 Sep

[ By SA Rogers in Boutique & Art Hotels & Travel. ]

If you love the sense of community at multi-day outdoor music festivals like Glastonbury, Coachella and Bonnaroo but hate the mud, dust, noise and filthy porta-potties, this hostel was designed just for you. Cao Pu Studio designed ‘Together Hostel’ as an indoor camping experience, with guests staying in translucent individual ‘tents’ under a common roof. The experience emphasizes socializing, with lots of shared interactive spaces, but provides a tad more privacy than the average hostel bunk room.

The tents are organized in groups of four or five, making the hostel ideal for small groups traveling together, or for travelers prioritizing making new connections with strangers. Each tent is equipped with power sockets, extension cords and reading lights. Each of the timber-framed structures is finished in frosted polycarbonate, which doesn’t offer total privacy, but at least gives occupants a sense of their own personal space within the larger hostel without shutting them off altogether. If you’re backpacking, you can even roll out your sleeping pad in the theater area at night instead of sleeping in a ‘tent’ for a lower rate.

There’s a food court with lots of seating, a shop, a bar, a small theater space, a kitchen, offices and plenty of private showers and restrooms in addition to the tents, which come in single or double sizes. Modular tables in the central hall fit together like puzzle pieces, creating larger or smaller surfaces depending on whether you want to sit with a big group or dine alone.

The concept capitalizes on growing trends (voluntary or not) toward living in smaller spaces and in closer quarters with others rather than spreading out in suburban-style homes. People who travel on the cheap are accustomed to giving up space and privacy in exchange for a good deal, and this design makes the experience feel cleaner and more intentional. Would you stay at the ‘Together Hostel?’

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How to Quickly Remove Dirt Spots Using Median in Photoshop

07 Sep

You’ve rolled out your white background for your shoot; whether it’s vinyl or paper. It’s a bit dirty from shoes, but you’re under pressure to get the shoot done, so you carry on regardless. When the shoot is over and the photos are back on the computer, that’s when you see how bad it really was. The scuff marks, the footprints, the stray hairs, these are going take ages to clone out. You’re sorry now that you didn’t clean it up, or cut off some paper. Sigh. Better just getting going on the processing.

But wait! There’s a better way.

It doesn’t have to all be cloned out. There’s an easy way, using one of Photoshop’s lesser known tools called Median. Median is a form of blurring, where groups of pixels get changed to the middle value of the pixels. Higher values are reduced, lower values are increased, averaging out the values.

Steps for cleaning up your white background

So your floor has specs of dust, hair, and just general footprint dirt on it.


Step one – duplicate layer

Duplicate your background layer by dragging it on to the New Layer icon at the bottom of the Layers panel.

Cleaning a white background 2

Alternatively, use the shortcut Command/Control + J. If you’ve got a set of layers, then use the shortcut Shift + Cmd/Cntrl + Option + E to stamp them into a new layer.

Step two – Median

Go to Filter>Noise>Median.


Move the Radius slider until the dirt disappears. I’ve used 10 here.

Cleaning a white background 4

Step three – apply a layer mask

If you’re not familiar with Layer Masks, you can use the Erase brush to bring remove the areas you don’t want blurred, but I recommend using Layer Masks.Cleaning a white background 6

A white Layer Mask reveals everything on the layer, while a black mask conceals the contents of the layer. You want a black mask for this layer, so hold down the Option key on Mac (Alt for PC), and click the New Layer Mask icon at the bottom of the Layers Panel. A black mask appears on the layer and the Median filter is concealed.

Next, select the Brush Tool (or use the shortcut B), then hit D for Default colours. Then use the shortcut key X to swap foreground and background until the foreground (i.e. the top swatch in the tools panel) is white. With a soft brush, paint over the dirt to reveal the Median filter’s affect. Don’t go too close to the edges of your subject. If you make a mistake, press X to swap the brush to black, and paint it back to hide that area again. This is the beauty of Layer Masks, you can reveal or conceal over and over again without having to undo (this is called non-destructive editing).


This trick isn’t limited to backgrounds. You can be use it on any areas of continuous tone, for a quick result. I’ve had to use it on skies, where I’d accidentally used a dirty sensor cleaning brush and left marks on the sensor. Here’s how you could fix such an issue using Median.

Fixing a dirty sky with Median

As with the background cleaning technique, start by duplicating the background layer. You can see the issue quite clearly in the sky (below), and in the smooth parts of the river.


Next, apply Filter>Noise>Median. The issue will need a far higher Radius than the background required.


Select only the sky area

Next, hide the Median layer by clicking on the eye on the layer, then select the layer underneath. From the tools panel, choose the Quick Selection tool or press W. From there, drag the cursor along the sky, close to the buildings. Because of the hard edges against the sky, the selection is made easily.


Next click “Select and Mask” (outlined in red above). You’ll see the sky clearly, and the rest of the image faded. Brush the cursor over the tips of the buildings, street lamps and other things that need to be protected from the blurring effects of the Median filter. Press return (enter) to create a selection with marching ants visible.

Turn the visibility back on for the Median layer. Press the Layer Mask icon in the Layers panel to create a mask.


You will see areas where the Median filter has blurred edges, so you’ll need to brush the mask with a black brush to hide these. You don’t need to be precise, using a large soft brush along the edge of the buildings will make it a quick job.


Remove the Median where it has blurred the edges of the city buildings.

The final part is to go along the water with a white brush, set to 50% Opacity, to hide the dirt in the water.


The final image looks far better than the original.


Much quicker than manually cloning the dirt out, right?

Have you tried this method, how did it go? Do you have another fast way of removing dirt? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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The post How to Quickly Remove Dirt Spots Using Median in Photoshop by Sean McCormack appeared first on Digital Photography School.

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Dirt Cheap: World’s Largest 3D Mud Printer Makes Green Homes

23 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

3d printer aerial view

Able to print full-sized structures from mud and clay, this 40-foot-tall 3D printer represents a huge step toward printing affordable housing from free materials. The project was unveiled yesterday, debuting with a live demonstration at a three day rally event in Italy along with a series of workshops and conferences.

giant 3d house printer

wasp printer

Representing a hybrid of biomimicry, new technologies and ancient building techniques, the BigDelta printer from World’s Advanced Saving Project (WASP) draws inspiration from natural and human precedents.

3d printer demo

3d printer scale models

BigDelta’s structural strategies and resulting home shapes are informed by a breed of wasp that constructs mud homes as well as a long human tradition of creating earthen dwellings.

3d mud printer above

Building with water, dirt, clay and plant fibers taps into a set of plentiful organic resources, reduces environmental impacts, obviates the cost of and need to ship materials and provides naturally robust and insulated housing shells.

3d mud printer nozel

The lightweight steel frame of the printer itself, supporting a giant printing nozzle suspended in its open center, is easy to collapse and transport between construction sites.

3d printer italy stage

This larger model follows a smaller Delta prototype used to execute a series of complex geometric structures at reduced size, testing the technology and materials.

The design aims to address a growing housing crisis: “by 2030, international estimates foresee a rapid growth of adequate housing requirements for over 4 billion people living with yearly income below $ 3,000. The United Nations calculated that over the next 15 years there will be an average daily requirement of 100.000 new housing units to meet this demand.”

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Wellsite Dirt Moving.

13 Jan

Finally finished stripping the soils, started moving dirt editing with adobe lightroom, shot with the nikon 70-200mm vr1 and the nikon d300 camera


yt3d -CMR: Dirt 2 Gate Crusher in 3D

08 Nov

same like my previous one but better, with fixed reflections and tuned stereo separation to improve the 3d effects. PS: I’ve driven slower for the effect. This video doesn’t show how bad/good player I am
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Please view in HD! This is a 3D video, so you need to either be able to cross your eyes, or have colored 3D glasses. YouTube provides many options for viewing 3D videos, on the bottom right of the screen. Unfortunately, 3D doesn’t work for mobile devices. View the rest of my 3D photos here!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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2010 Tachyon XC Helmet Cam Motocross – 3D Dirt Bike Action

14 Dec FACEBOOK LINK: This was taken with the New 2010 Tachyon XC 3D System. Just like the regular Tachyon XC, the 3D system is shockproof, waterproof, and foolproof. Put it on your helmet or bike or take it deep underwater, for recording extreme action – in 3D! The 3D glasses that you have from the theater will not work with this kind of 3D. You will need the red and blue “anaglyph” glasses. Don’t just go to see X Games in 3D. Record your own! Check it out at:
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Posted in 3D Videos


yt3d – Dirt 2 Gate Crusher replay in 3d stereo

09 Mar

Colin McRae: Dirt 2 with Nvidia 3d Vision, really nice game to play stereoscopic (except some car shading). I’ve chosen the Gate Crusher because there’s a really nice 3d effect when the car crushes the gates and pieces fly through the screen level. Also did some instants/rewinds/slow-motion to fully reveal the awesome effect. My settings to play 3d: res 800×600 MSAA4x (don’t yell, 3d requires some specs which I don’t have) All Ultra (best of dx9 ofc) except shadows – low My relevant specs: CPU: AMD Athlon Dual-Core 5000 (2200Mhz) Memory: 3GB DDR2 Dual Channel 533Mhz Graphics: Gainward GT 240 1024MB DDR5 OS: Windows 7 Ultimate x64 FPS: 60+ w/o 3d Vision; 35-40 with 3d Vision; 18-24 with 3d Vision and Fraps 3.0.3 in full size 1600×600 and recording Anyway, it seems we don’t really need high-end machines to play this gorgeous piece.
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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