Posts Tagged ‘Detroit’

Swift action from FAA, US Navy follows Detroit Blue Angels drone incident

17 May

Earlier this week, the Blue Angels flew over Detroit, Michigan, to honor frontline workers. There wasn’t a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) in place but the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) always issues a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) whenever a major event involving manned aircraft is planned. One remote pilot decided to fly his drone dangerously close to the fleet and is now in trouble with the FAA, U.S. Navy, and local authorities.

The drone community was outraged, as well. One individual who felt their wrath, for simply re-posting footage that wasn’t his, is Vic Moss of Moss Photography. ‘My take is that those people who are so vitriolic to me did so out of passion for the industry. While I most certainly did not appreciate it, and its caused no end up exasperation to me, it was all done out of passion for the industry,’ Moss tells DPReview of the thousands of threats and complaints he received over the past few days.

Besides illegal activity, the author of the original footage used copyrighted music in his clip from the classic film “Top Gun.”

Even with the title ‘REPOST! THIS IS NOT MY VIDEO…,’ Moss was compelled to remove the clip, that was viewed over 133,000 times, not only to stop harassment but also for a Copyright claim over the soundtrack the original author chose for the footage – ‘Danger Zone’ by Kenny Loggins from the movie Top Gun.

This is how close the drone got to a fleet of Blue Angels flying over Detroit. Some experts are speculating that is was as close as 100 feet away from the nearest aircraft.

The original minute-long clip, where a drone propeller can be seen buzzing in the corner frame, and in close proximity to the planes, featured credits including the social handle @GIOLUCIA that syncs up with the name Giovanni Lucia on Instagram. The account has since been removed and Lucia has denied taking the footage. He claims he uploaded it for a friend. Regardless of who played what role, posting the footage in a public forum was almost as unwise as taking it.

Dean Greenblatt, who recently secured a victory for the Michigan Coalition of Drone Operators in an unrelated case, commented to DPReview about this incident: ‘FAA regulations mandate operators of sUAS comply with right-of-way limitations. Social media provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to incriminate themselves.’

‘I’ve handled several FAA enforcement actions against sUAS operators. Typically, the FAA becomes aware of violations through electronic publication. Videos can establish flight in restricted airspace, flight over people, or in proximity to emergency service providers. Such documentary evidence makes it difficult to mount a defense to FAA enforcement actions,’ Greenblatt concludes.

An investigation is already underway. Sources claim that even though it may be someone else besides Lucia who captured the footage, both parties face significant legal repercussions for their actions.

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Urban Agrihood: Detroit Produce Project Feeds 2,000 Households for Free

25 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Public & Institutional. ]


The Michigan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI) has developed a multi-acre urban agricultural campus in Detroit with gardens and an orchard designed to feed thousands of local residents.

This so-called “agrihood” reflects a different approach to neighborhood planning and growth centered around urban agriculture — it provides fresh and locally-grown produce to local households. In the case of Detroit, disused land has been repurposed to realize this farm project.


“Over the last four years,” explains MUFI cofounder Tyson Gersh, “we’ve grown from an urban garden that provides fresh produce for our residents to a diverse, agricultural campus that has helped sustain the neighborhood, attracted new residents and area investment.”

The program is about more than just feeding people — it addresses food deserts but also nutritional illiteracy, teaching residents about healthy eating as well as sustainable and local agriculture.


MUFI is currently working to convert an old deserted building into a new Community Resource Center as part of its non-profit educational initiatives. From there, they aim to build a local healthy food cafe and other amenities for serving and connecting with the community. They are also working on a basetern project (turning basements into cisterns) to provide water for the food they grow.

“We’ve seen an overwhelming demand from people who want to live in view of our farm, says Gersh. “This is part of a larger trend occurring across the country in which people are redefining what life in the urban environment looks like. We provide a unique offering and attraction to people who want to live in interesting spaces with a mix of residential, commercial, transit, and agriculture.”

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Detroit Agate: Auto Factory Paints Accidentally Form ‘Fordite’

20 May

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

shaped fordite

Culled from paint deposits in old car factories, these may look like exotic gemstones, but their colors reflect years of layering and hundreds to thousands of assembly-line stops. They are frequently referred to as Detroit Agate, or simply: Fordite.

fordite image

Workers at the time, and urban explorers in later years, grew fascinated and started chipping off the results to save and ultimately shape into jewelry and other objects.

fordite rings

Historically, automotive bodies were painted by hand, and the spray-painted layer would drip onto surrounding surfaces and equipment (or simply be coated indirectly).

natural detroit aggregate

The pain would end up backed onto these surfaces, where it would solidify and grow thicker over time, up to inches over the years.

fordite encursted form

Like layers in a rock to a geologist, these faux-minerals tell stories of automotive history through their vibrant and varied colors, including changes in favorites over time. While you can still find this in raw form or polished pieces online, be warned: pre-1970s layers may contain lead.

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Doom & Bloom: 36,000 Flowers Adorn Condemned Detroit Duplex

28 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]

florist abandoned house project

Bought at auction by a florist last year, this dilapidated multifamily home was destined to be demolished but given a last chance to blossom thanks to a team of florists and array of volunteers packing the place inside and out with a flowers.

floral arrangements exterior porch

floral abandoned beauty

floral room spiral design

Deserted houses in Detroit are famously sold for as little as a dollar by the city, giving florist  Lisa Waud (photos by Heather Saunders) an idea.

floral work in progress

floral filled bathtub

She purchased this place for just $ 250 at auction, then turned a trash-filled abandonment into a work of art as well as a fundraiser for a flower farm and design center on the site.

floral interior space closet

flor creative wall decor

floral rich colorful arrangement

The Flower House was given over to contributing florists, each encouraged to turn a space, wall or ceiling into a blank canvas for their creations. The results are remarkable.

floral exterior packing planning

floral decor creative

floral home exterior

Following the project, “the house that held the exhibition will be responsibly deconstructed and its materials repurposed. the land will be converted into a flower farm and design center on their formerly neglected properties.”

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Decaying Detroit: Google Street View Shows Transformations

05 Jun

[ By Steph in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

Detroit Decay 1

The architectural equivalent of ‘Faces of Meth,’ these compiled Google Street View images of Detroit from 2009 through 2013 paint a poignant portrait of decay in the city. Entitled ‘GooBing Detroit,‘ a tumblr blog uses Google Street View Time Machine to follow the fast transformation of houses from cute and cheerful suburban residences to overgrown vacant lots.

Detroit Decay 2

Detroit Decay 4

Much has been said about the decline of a once-great city, and the seemingly diminishing chances of a comeback. The city’s 78,000+ ‘feral houses‘ are the stuff of legend, seeming to revert back to a wild state the way domesticated animals tend to do when left to their own devices.

Detroit Decay 3

The Street View images are often astonishing in the rapid transition in a span of just a few short years. A stretch of houses may have cars parked in the driveways, toys on the lawn and other signs of life all around in the first image, while by the third or fourth they’re barely discernible among the overgrowth.

Decaying Detroit 5

Decaying Detroit 6

Decaying Detroit 7

While these images really drive home how much Detroit has lost over the last three decades, many residents aren’t ready to give up hope, despite the fact that the city’s population has declined from a peak of 1.8 million to just 700,000. There are indeed areas of the city that still thrive, but the question of an overall plan (either to break the city into manageable pieces or reinvigorate it as a whole) remains an open one.

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Then & Now: Hybrid Images of a Deserted School in Detroit

13 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

It is one thing to see a building in a state of disrepair and imagine what it would have been like when it was occupied and vibrant. It is quite another to overlay a photograph, taken from the precise same spot, bringing into sharp focus the difference a day, week, month, year or decade can make.

DetroitUrbex takes documentation to new depths (and heights) in this series of collages that show historical use and present conditions in abandoned structures through the lens of students and teachers overlaid with the haunting shots of an urban explorer.

The hybrid results span decades, including a combination of more-recent color photographs and archival black-and-white ones, capturing ordinary activities and everyday people and putting them in a strange and haunting context.

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