Posts Tagged ‘Daredevil’

Daredevil Santa: Human Flying Drone Enables Sky-High Snowboarding Tricks

24 Dec

[ By SA Rogers in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]


“This isn’t fake, I promise,” said filmmaker Casey Neistat as he announced the impending debut of his ‘Human Flying Drone Holiday Movie’ on Twitter with a dubious-looking graphic. Anyone who saw that tweet could be forgiven for their skepticism, especially since Neistat was teaming up with fellow YouTube star Jesse Wellens of the channel PrankvsPrank to pull off the stunt. But by all accounts, this footage of the ‘world’s largest homemade drone’ is real, and a Santa-suited Neistat is actually flying 25 feet in the air.


No one in the world sells a drone that can lift a human being, so Neistat and his team set out to create one. The octocopter drone, which is augmented with a Samsung Galaxy Gear 360 action camera, reportedly took over a year to build, and the video clip was shot at a ski resort in Finland over the course of four days. In it, the daredevil YouTuber zooms down a slope on a snowboard and then takes off into the sky, going higher and higher before the final jump takes him 100 feet into the air, as smoke bombs fastened to his feet emit vivid pink plumes.



One thing that’s not quite what it seems is Neistat’s single-handed grip on the handle: he’s actually securely fastened to the drone, dubbed ‘Janet,’ by a body harness. The rest of it, as far as anyone can tell, is legit. Looks like fun! Check out how it’s done in the behind-the-scenes video above.

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[ By SA Rogers in Gadgets & Geekery & Technology. ]

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Insanely Ingenious: Longboard Stroller for Daredevil Parents

26 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

longboard stroller prototype

Insane, ingenious, or both, this design combines an alternative way to commute with your kids, assuming you can get past the skateboarding aspect and feel safe moving at speed while pushing your child in this contraption.

The most obvious (and essential) question: how secure is it? While it is hard to say for sure, a wide wheel base makes it  more stable than a conventional skateboard, and the lower center of gravity from the weight of the child should help with balance.

longboard strollers urban travel

The push-bar element of a traditional stroller becomes a handlebar, also allowing for more control by the parent. This same bar wraps around to form a kind of roll cage in case of spills.

longboard stroller roll cage

While it is still a prototype at this point, the Longboard Stroller‘s creators at Quinny are working with Studio Peter van Riet to realize a fully-functional and marketable version of the design. Whether actual adults will buy the finished product and ride it with their children remains to be seen.

longboard stroller stacked prototypes

From its daring designers: “Quinny believes that you don’t have to leave the city when you become a parent; that for parents with a positive attitude and the right solutions, the city is a place full of opportunities. Quinny wants to create these solutions; seamless mobility solutions, so urban parents  have the freedom to move . The longboard stroller is completely fitting this mindset; it’s a concept thought, a different way of thinking  on how parents can move. It’s an alternative solution which makes it easy to travel longer distances in a nice, environmentally friendly way.”

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