Posts Tagged ‘Dahlia’

On Assignment: Dahlia Flute Duo

10 Jun

Whenever possible, I scout not only location but also time of day when planning an outdoor shoot. Especially if that shoot is in the evening.

When does the sun set? Where does the sun set? When is golden light? Where will it come from?

So in this case, the I knew the ideal pop of tree-filtered backlight would happen at about 7:22pm. And at that time we were ready and in place, waiting for the light.

Shame about the sun not showing up.


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Posted in Photography


Dahlia Rosella flower opening time lapse

08 Dec

Dahlia ‘Rosella’ flower opening , pompom shaped, time lapse. Filmed by Neil Bromhall for I had the flower rotate as it slowly opened over a period of 4 days. Camera Nikon D300, studio flash, pan head and time lapse control. Interval 1 frame every 4-6 minutes Music ‘Early Morning’ by Oliver Ledbury

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Posted in Nikon Videos