Posts Tagged ‘D500’

Nikon’s New D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

09 Jan

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

CES 2016 saw the announcement of two important DSLRs from Nikon, including an update to its flagship line, as well as an almost mythical product many had given up hope of ever seeing: a true D300 replacement.

The newly announced D5 is Nikon’s top-of-the-line professional DSLR, with a 20.8MP full frame sensor capable of shooting at up to 12fps with AF and 14fps without (with the mirror locked up). The headline feature, though, is arguably the new 153 point AF system with 99 cross-sensors. AF tracking with this new system will also benefit from the doubling in resolution of the RGB metering sensor used for scene analysis, and the D5 is the first Nikon camera capable of 4K video.

The biggest news though may be the long-awaited replacement of the D300S. The 20.9MP APS-C D500 is Nikon’s ‘best enthusiast DX offering’, and the term ‘enthusiast’ might be an understatement. With continuous shooting speeds of 10 fps and a 200 shot buffer for Raw images, the camera is aimed squarely at action and fast-paced photographers who don’t mind the smaller sensor, or even benefit from its extra reach. It features the same 153-point AF system and 180k-pixel RGB metering sensor of the D5, along with the EXPEED 5 processor. It can also capture 4K/UHD video and also features ‘SnapBridge’, a constant connection to a smartphone using Bluetooth.

Join us as we take a closer look at the technologies inside these cameras.* Pro tip: you may find viewing this slideshow easier if you hover over and click the ‘fullscreen’ button at the upper right of the slide, and use left/right keys to leaf through the slideshow.

* Some of the information in these slides come from Nikon’s technology digest on the D500, here.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Let’s start with the AF module, which is shared between both the D5 and D500. Here is the Multi-Cam 20K in all its glory. It’s a major step up from the Multi-Cam 3500FX module, variants of which were found in the D4s, D810, and D750. Up from 51 total AF points with 15 central cross-sensors, the module in the D5 and D500 offers 153 phase-detect points with 99 cross-sensors spread across much of the frame. 

The improvements don’t stop there though: the module has its own dedicated processor, to deal with the computationally intensive information coming from 153 AF points cross-referenced with the scene analysis system (more on that later). The center AF point is now sensitive down to -4 EV. All 152 other points are sensitive down to -3 EV, much like the D750 and D7200, albeit now with an even wider spread of points.

If Nikon’s claims are true, we can expect formidable AF performance in low light from the D5 and D500 – possibly the best from any DSLR. Although we’ve previously found Sony’s a7S to focus in at nearly -5 EV, its contrast-detect AF, and associated hunting, made it quite slow in practice. -4 EV phase-detect AF on a DSLR should be seriously impressive because it will likely be far more decisive than mirrorless, contrast-based systems. Additionally, cross-type sensors tend to perform better in low light and with low contrast subjects: cross-sensors are able to make focus measurements from subjects containing both horizontal and vertical detail (or, at least, detail that has either a horizontal or vertical component to it). In low light or backlit situations, where lowered contrast already makes it difficult to distinguish subject detail, sensors looking along multiple axes for detail to ‘lock on’ to simply have a higher chance of success than sensors that can only ‘see’ detail with a, say, horizontal component.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Here’s the spread of AF points across the frame in the D5. The new AF module appears to provide more AF coverage across the frame than any previous Nikon full-frame camera (and likely any full-frame DSLR), though not quite as much coverage of phase-detect points as Sony’s recent Alpha 7R II mirrorless full-frame.

55 of the points are user-selectable, indicated by squares. The AF points indicated by dots are essentially assist points, used by the camera if your subject moves to or simply happens to fall in between the user-selectable points. What makes these assist points particularly useful in a Nikon? Nikon’s industry-leading 3D tracking, which’ll select any one of them for you automatically if your subject happens to move, or you recompose, such that it falls under one of these assist points (in AF-C ‘Auto’ and ‘3D’ modes, that is). The video below shows how 3D tracking can be used on a D750 to precisely track an eye, so those wondering how 153 points might be useful, well, imagine this sort of performance but even more precise, with wider AF point coverage.

35 of these 55 points are cross-type: the outermost two sections of 10 points each as well as the central section of 15. This is more clearly demarcated in the next slide.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Here’s what you get by putting the designed-for-full-frame Multi-Cam 20000 module inside the APS-C D500. The AF points stretch out to the literal edges of the frame. Red points indicate cross-sensors. While Canon’s nearest competitor, the 7D Mark II, comes quite close to this level of coverage – with all cross-sensors to boot – it doesn’t quite match it.

But it’s not even these headline features that excite us the most. It’s details such as the addition of an automated system for applying AF fine tune that have really caught our eyes. We’ve written before about how mirrorless cameras, with their direct measurement of focus (rather than a secondary sensor, acting as a proxy) tends to be more accurate when it comes to fine-focusing, especially when using fast lenses. However, we’re not alone in proposing the idea of using DSLR’s often slow, but highly precise live view autofocus to help make it easier to correct for the cumulative errors that can undermine dedicated sensor phase detection systems. Patents have been issued yet this is the first time we’ve seen it implemented in a final product. Automating the process means far more photographers may actually calibrate their lenses for more accurate focus. Furthermore, the reality of DSLR AF is that the optimal calibration values can depend on lighting, environmental factors, wide or tele end of zoom, and subject distance; hence, automating the process will realistically allow users to calibrate more often for any given scenario. Sadly, there’s no indication that calibration values can be saved for different focal lengths or subject distances (a la Sigma lenses via their USB dock), nor is there any mention of higher precision central points that give the latest Canon cameras’ central AF point nearly mirrorless-levels of precision.

We’ve not yet had a chance to use the D5/500’s automated AF fine tune but you can be sure it’ll be one of the first things we try when one gets into our studio.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Remember that ‘scene analysis system’ the AF system cross-references with information from the 153 AF points? It’s enabled by essentially a whole separate image sensor in the DSLR whose sole job is to analyze the scene to understand how to expose and focus it. Now with 180,000 pixels in the D5 and D500, this sensor has doubled in resolution compared to the D4s, D810, and D750.

Confused by how this works? Let’s break it down. Your smartphone or mirrorless camera projects light from the lens directly onto the imaging sensor, which can ‘see’ the scene to focus and expose it properly, even find faces or other subjects and track them no matter where they move to in the frame. DSLRs have it much tougher – all the light entering the lens is being diverted either upward to the optical viewfinder, or downward to a dedicated AF module with its phase-detect sensors that understand only distance. Some of that light going to the viewfinder is itself diverted to a metering sensor, which determines appropriate exposure. Some time back, DSLR manufacturers replaced this rudimentary metering sensor with an actual RGB 2D array or, essentially, an image sensor.

While years ago this image sensor started at a measly 1,005 pixels in the D300, it did enable rudimentary subject tracking (‘3D tracking’ in Nikon terms), since the sensor provided some color and spatial information about the subject underneath any AF point, which the camera could combine with an understanding of subject distance from the phase-detect AF sensors to understand where your subject of interest is at any given moment. Today, cameras like the D750 and D810 provide uncanny subject tracking with their 91,000-pixel metering sensors – able in many cases to track even objects as specific as a human eye. Nikon DSLRs are the only DSLRs we’ve tested to-date that are capable of the level of class-leading tracking precision you see in the videos linked above (Canon’s newer DSLRs do well with distant subjects well isolated with respect to depth, but lag behind in more demanding applications requiring higher precision). Hence, a doubling in resolution of the metering sensor is likely to further Nikon’s lead in this arena. Furthermore, metering applications also benefit from the increased resolution: as the flowchart above indicates, numerous features like face exposure, fill-flash, Active D-Lighting, and highlight-weighted metering will experience increased accuracy. 

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Click on the button at the upper right of the image to view this entire slideshow in fullscreen for a better view.

So what exactly does this 180,000-pixel RGB metering sensor ‘see’ such that it can aid the camera in finding faces and tracking subjects? We’ve taken the liberty of doing some guesswork to simulate a ‘worst case’ representation of how a 180k-pixel sensor might ‘see’ a typical scene being photographed.

If we assume that the 180k figure refers to the total number of red, green and blue pixels, then we can surmise that there’s only, at best, 60k pixels of true spatial information for any given color. For a 3:2 aspect ratio, that’s about 300×200 pixels. So we’ve taken an image and reduced it to 300×200, then blown it back up for ease of viewing. That’s what you see above.

In reality, the metering sensor is likely to ‘see’ a bit more resolution, since the above only represents the spatial resolution of any one color channel (or 3 R, G, and B pixels combined). Even still, you can get an idea of how the sensor can detect faces, and even understand what was underneath your selected AF point when you initiated focus in order to track it even if it moves to a position underneath a different AF point. With such increases in resolution of the scene analysis system, we wouldn’t be surprised if DSLRs one day were capable of eye detection. And while we fully expect the D5/500 to be capable of tracking an eye, it’ll only do so in ‘3D tracking’ mode once you’ve ‘told’ the camera where the eye of interest is by initiating focus with your focus point over it. We’ll be curious to see if the automatic face detection in ‘Auto’ area mode prioritizes eyes of faces. 

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Click on the button at the upper right of the image to view this entire slideshow in fullscreen for a better view.

Compare the last image to this one (use the left/right keys on your keyboard for ease): a 213×142 pixel representation of the same image that simulates the spatial resolution of any one color channel for the 91,000-pixel RGB metering sensor in previous full-frame Nikon DSLRs. It’s not hard to imagine how even with this level of understanding of a scene, previous Nikon full-frames were able to track quite well. But every bit of resolution helps increase precision of tracking, so while the image above isn’t a huge step down from the last image representing what the new 180k-pixel sensor sees, there’s still a significant difference.

And remember, Nikon already led the industry with its previous 91,000-pixel RGB sensor, even performing better at subject tracking than the Canon 5DS and 7D Mark II with their 150,000-pixel RGB+IR metering sensors. Hence, we expect the doubling in metering sensor resolution to further widen the gap in performance between Nikon and all other DSLRs, potentially making the Nikon platform the best for applications that benefit from continuous subject tracking (barring any missteps on Nikon’s part). Continuous eye tracking on a Sony a7R II is still likely to give the D5/500 a run for its money, but general subject tracking of any subject, even to aid ‘focus-and-recompose’ by having the camera automatically select an appropriate AF point to stick to your subject as you recompose, will likely remain unparalleled on these Nikons compared to any other camera. 3D tracking’s ability to combine scene analysis with the distance information reported by every AF point on the phase-detect sensor makes for subject tracking that I, personally, find indispensable shooting candid portraits or weddings and events in a more photojournalistic style: I ‘define’ my subject by initiating focus on it, and the camera retains focus on it no matter how I recompose or where the subject moves to as long as I keep the shutter button half-depressed.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Click on the button at the upper right of the image to view this entire slideshow in fullscreen for a better view.

The 180k-pixel metering sensor is a huge step up from previous DX offerings from Nikon, which only featured – at best – a 2,016-pixel RGB metering sensor. The 90-fold increase in metering sensor resolution should bring a level of subject tracking to the DX format never before seen.

Above is a 55×37 pixel representation of our previous image – and this time that’s a sort of ‘best case’ representation of what cameras like the D7200’s scene analysis system ‘saw’. Instead of showing you what any one color channel sees, we’ve decided to show you what 2k pixels in total looks like, as one-third of this resolution is a pixelated, unintelligible 32×21-pixel mess (from this forum discussion). In other words, the image above represents only a 30x drop in resolution compared to our previous 180k-pixel representation, and so likely underestimates the increased performance the scene analysis system in the D500 is likely to exhibit compared to previous DX offerings (which still performed surprisingly well for their low resolution metering sensors).

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Another feature enabled by the RGB metering sensor is flicker reduction. While this is only available in video on the D5, the D500 is capable of waiting until the right moment to fire the shutter under flickering light, so as to achieve and maintain proper exposure. Although Canon has been offering this since the 7D Mark II, it’s the first time we’re seeing this feature in a Nikon camera.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

It’s worth emphasizing here something Nikon clearly emphasized in their press conference: one of the true advantages of a DSLR over current mirrorless cameras is the lack of viewfinder lag and the true view of the scene – at least in between mirror blackouts – compared to the typical stop-motion sequence of last-shot images most mirrorless cameras exhibit during fast bursts. This simply makes it easier to follow action with an optical viewfinder than with a mirrorless camera, which is why in the video screenshot above, the photographer was able to maintain the center AF point over his subject with the D5, while missing the subject with the ‘mirror-less’ camera example on the left. It’s worth noting though that Nikon’s own 1-series cameras provide a live feed even during continuous shooting, which actually circumvents this shortcoming of mirrorless (hint: that’s how mirrorless cameras will undoubtedly address this issue in the future).

DSLRs have also been optimized to make quick phase-detect AF measurements in between those quick mirror blackouts, allowing cameras like the D5 and Canon’s 1D X to acquire AF almost instantaneously even during 12 and 11 fps bursts. Impressive to say the least. That’s not to say mirrorless cameras aren’t catching up – in good light, Samsung’s NX1 can often successfully continuously refocus at 15 fps. Which means, yes, we do have to call out Nikon for suggesting that all mirrorless cameras have ‘soft and slow AF’: we can’t help but wonder if in that particular video sequence, the Sony Alpha series camera were left in AF-S, as cameras like the a7R II can, in fact, successfully refocus on approaching subjects (and when it can’t, the box doesn’t remain green as it does in the out-of-focus example in the Nikon press conference video – unless the focus mode is left in AF-S).

Regardless, though, with mirrorless cameras you’re still left with the issue of difficulty in following the subject without a live view during bursts.

Video: Matt Granger

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Another feature that really helps fast-paced photography is direct access to AF point selection. The D500 is the first DX-format Nikon to sport a dedicated AF-selection joystick, pictured right below and to the left of the AF-ON button. In fact, short of the D4/D5-series of cameras, it’s the only Nikon camera to feature this joystick. Cameras like the D750 and D810 dedicate their D-pads (pictured here above the ‘info’ button) to AF point selection, which works well, but never felt as fast as Canon’s dedicated AF-selection joystick. So the joystick is a welcome addition.

And if we understand correctly, the D500’s touchscreen LCD can also be used to directly access AF point selection (don’t quote us on this yet though). We first saw this on the D5500, where in OVF shooting you could dedicate the right half of the touchscreen to AF point selection. This made it really easy to use your thumb to instantly jump over to any AF point instantaneously, without your eye ever leaving the viewfinder. It’s actually faster than using a dedicated joystick, and we’re hoping to see similar functionality in the D500. The D5 does not retain this functionality with its touchscreen, though.

This brings me to a point I’ve made for some time to manufacturers now: why not just replace the AF joystick and area where your thumb rests with an AF touchpad? It could be relatively small, but with a 1:1 mapping to selectable AF points such that – over time – your thumb would learn to quickly jump to, or near, any desired AF point. For enhanced precision of selection, make the touchpad pressure sensitive and have different pressures activate different granularity of AF point movement. Want to avoid accidentally shifting the AF point? Allow the user to adjust pressure sensitivity of the touchpad. The possibilities are limitless with some good hardware and some clever programming.

Speaking of fast AF point selection, those fond of the ‘focus and recompose’ technique should take note: turn on Nikon’s ‘3D tracking’ in AF-C, place your selected AF point over your subject, half-press and hold the shutter button, then recompose. This is probably the fastest way to select a different AF point: by having your camera do it automatically using Nikon’s industry leading subject tracking. If your subject falls outside of the AF area, just let the camera track it all the way out to the nearest AF point, then hold down the AF joystick (‘sub-selector’) to lock AF, and continue recomposing.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Speaking of ergonomic improvements, notice anything different near the shutter button? That’s right, you no longer have to re-assign the movie button to ISO, because there’s now a dedicated ISO button! This is a boon for one-handed shooting: previously, I’d always reassign the movie record button to ISO so I could change ISO setting during one-handed shooting (since the ISO button is usually on the left side of Nikon DSLRs).

It’s also worth pointing out the button next to the ISO button: the dedicated exposure compensation (EC) button. Common to most higher-end Nikons, this button is really not to be overlooked. It means easy, consistent access to exposure compensation no matter what shooting mode you’re in, including M mode with Auto ISO. Certain competitors without dedicated EC dials or buttons make it it quite difficult to bias brightness in M mode with Auto ISO engaged (looking at you: 1D X, which will make you sacrifice the SET button for EC or make you pull your eye away from the viewfinder to use the Q menu to adjust EC in M mode).

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Not to be overlooked is the new SB-5000 Speedlight: the company’s new flagship flash. Its standout feature is its ability to operate and trigger via radio frequency, a first for Nikon’s line of portable flashes. This brings the Nikon system in-line with what Canon has offered for some time now, and also obviates the need for 3rd party accessories.

Nikon claims that when the flash is paired with the WR-R10 Wireless Remote Adapter set and a D5 or D500, the flash will operate without a direct line of sight at a range of up to approximately 98 feet (30 meters). With that same combination, the flash will be able to control up to six groups or 18 Speedlights. Photographer Todd Owyoung confirms that Nikon CLS features like TTL, Manual power, Groups, and Flash Exposure Compensation settings are all accessible directly via the camera menu system as it essentially always has with Nikon’s sensible flash system design. Just with the added power of radio control, now. And with Nikon’s extensive button customization, this will all be accessible with just one button press.

The SB-5000 is a significant addition to Nikon’s flash line-up, not only for the radio-triggered control it brings during applications where line-of-sight isn’t feasible or practical, but also because pairing flashes to the WR-R10 is arguably preferable to pairing to the outdated SU-800 commander – which is so dated that it attaching it to your camera disables Auto ISO. That said, we really hope to see an radio-controlled update to the SU-800 commander, since the WR-R10 remote adapter doesn’t have an IR/red AF assist beam, which I personally find indispensable for dance floor photography at weddings where I typically only use off-camera flash anyway and, therefore, prefer not to waste the weight of a full-blown flash on my hotshoe.

Which reminds me: I don’t mind the lack of a built-in flash one bit on the D500 (or D5 for that matter), as I’ll take the bigger pentaprism box and its increased viewfinder magnification (or space for a higher resolution metering sensor) over an on-board flash that I’ll never use compared to the bounce or off-camera flash of a Speedlight.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

The D5 and D500 are Nikon’s first 4K capable DSLRs, but 4K comes with some severe limitations. On the D5, recording is only available for 3 minutes at a time (29:59 for the D500), and both cameras record 4K UHD (no DCI 4K) with a heavy crop factor. It’s nearly a 1.5x crop factor (nearly Super 35) on the full-frame D5, while the D500 experiences an even larger crop factor for 4K, pictured in red above (the yellow rectangle outlines the DX/Super 35 area on the D500, compatible with Full HD).

All in all – and perhaps we’re being a bit cynical – we’re not terribly excited about the inclusion of 4K on the two cameras. Yes 4K can be a pretty handy thing to have (and the uses for it will only increase as more people buy 4K capable displays), but there are numerous hints that these cameras aren’t making the most of it. Aside from the heavy crop factors above, lack of oversampling and almost certain presence of rolling shutter will likely limit the usefulness of 4K video from these cameras. Furthermore, the continued absence of focus peaking to aid manual focus or zebra warnings to help set exposure are starting to look like major oversights. And, although we’d love to be surprised, we’re concerned that Nikon’s continued adherence to the less efficient 8-bit H.264 compression system and its reluctance to publicize bitrates means the in-camera capture won’t be as exciting as the headline specs suggest. That said, there’s always the option to output 4K over HDMI to an external recorder, so it might find some use for more dedicated video shooters – if a good signal is sent over HDMI.

And then there’s autofocus in video, where Nikon DSLRs tend to fall well behind the competition. Lack of any form of on-sensor phase-detect AF, even available in Canon’s nearest D500 competitor the 7D Mark II, means that AF in video is essentially unusable.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

On a more positive note, there are some solid additions to video on these cameras, like Active D-Lighting (ADL). We’ve always found Nikon’s ADL to be quite effective at reducing exposure to retain highlights, while boosting deeper tones to retain shadows. And ADL does a nice job of this global contrast reduction while attempting to preserve local contrast using its advanced tone-mapping algorithms.

This can be computationally intensive though, so has not been available previously in video. With the new EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, though, ADL is available in movies at resolutions up to 1080p.

For incredibly high contrast scenes, when ADL’s highest setting may not be enough to tame the scene’s extreme contrast, you can use the Flat picture profile and grade your footage later.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

On the D500, the EXPEED 5 processor even enables electronic vibration reduction (VR) in videos up to 1080p. Electronic VR can correct for horizontal and vertical movement, as well as rotation. This helps stabilize video footage, particularly when combined with optical VR in lenses.

The combination of electronic (or ‘digital’) and optical VR or IS (image stabilization) is something we tend to see more of in mirrorless cameras, like Olympus’ E-M5 II or the latest 1″-type sensor compacts from Canon and Sony. It’s great to see in a DSLR form-factor.

There’s no mention of this feature in the D5, though.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Then there’s that continuously-connected wireless system. Snapbridge sounds very impressive – making use of the low-energy Bluetooth standard to maintain a connection between the cameras and a smart device so that images can be transferred without having to constantly re-establish connections. Our experiences suggest that the easier a feature is to use, the more likely we are to use it and the more likely we are to appreciate its benfits (something that often crosses our minds when DSLR shooters tell us they don’t use video on their camera). 

And in our connected age, there’s no excuse for camera manufacturers to not facilitate ease of image management and sharing. DSLRs have it a little tough in this regard: they’re not running the full-blown OS smartphone cameras have access to, which means that apps and ecosystems are limited in scope. But we’ve seen smartphone connectivity evolving in DSLRs, and we’re all for it. We’ll be curious to test out how SnapBridge functions on the D500.

We’ve covered a bit of ground in this slideshow, so if we were to sum up our overall thoughts on these cameras, they’d be as follows: we’re impressed that Nikon has taken a tried-and-true system and improved significantly on it. Nikon has addressed shortcomings, like lack of cross-type AF sensors, radio-controlled flash, buffer depth and burst speeds in DX format, as well as added some serious goodies: unprecedented AF frame coverage, low light AF ability, and automated focus calibration. Combine these with best-in-class object tracking in continuous AF, and the high performance sensors we typically see from Nikon that offer class-leading ISO performance and dynamic range, and we potentially have some industry-leading DSLRs on the horizon.

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Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

08 Jan

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

CES 2016 has turned into a big event for Nikon thanks to the release of the company’s new D500 and D5 DSLRs. We were able to get some hands-on time with both cameras, and it’s fair to say that we’re impressed with what we’ve seen so far.

Fans of Nikon’s performance-oriented APS-C cameras have been imploring the company for years to release an update to the well regarded D300s. (OK, maybe ‘imploring’ is the wrong word – shouting, demanding, and even begging may be more accurate.) The wait is finally over, and Nikon has come through with the long anticipated D500, a camera sure to appeal to those who have waited so long.

Standout features include a 20.9MP APS-C (DX) sensor, a significantly overhauled autofocus system, 10 fps shooting, and 4K/UHD video recording.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

One of the obvious questions many have asked is ‘What happened to the D400?’ Nikon tells us that since this camera shares much of the same underlying technology and performance characteristics with the D5 that it made more sense to align the names of the two cameras as well. Bad news: if you’ve been waiting for the D400 it looks like you’re not going to get it. Good news: you can get a D500 instead. 

As you would expect, the D500 feels very solid in your hands and there’s no doubt this camera is intended to be a workhorse. The top and rear of the camera are magnesium alloy, while the front is made of carbon fiber. Nikon claims it has the same level of weather sealing as the D810.

Video shooters will be excited to learn that the camera shoots 4K/UHD (3840×2160) video at up to 30p internally. Additionally, it can output uncompressed video over HDMI (we’re still waiting for confirmation of the bitrate) and it’s even possible to do both simultaneously should you require it. To keep your shots steady, the camera includes 3-axis (horizontal, vertical, rotation) electronic VR in video that should work with any lens, but that particularly benefits when combined with optical VR in certain Nikkor lenses to yield incredibly stabilized video footage – with X, Y, roll, pan and tilt corrections in total. These 5-axes of stabilization we tend to see more in competitive mirrorless offerings, such as in the E-M5 II, or with the slew of 1″-type compacts we saw recently from Sony and Canon. So it’s encouraging to see in a more dated form factor like the DSLR. We haven’t yet had a chance to test this last feature in person but it’s definitely on our to-do list as soon as we get a chance.

In addition to the HDMI port for uncompressed video out, there are also microphone and headphone jacks as well as a USB 3.0 connection.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

The bright viewfinder provides 100% coverage at 1.0x magnification and is a good match for the new 153-point AF system. In fact, it’s the same AF system that you’ll find on the D5. Since the AF system was developed for a full frame camera it provides coverage that extends almost to the edges of the frame. Of those 153 AF points, 99 are cross-type for enhanced precision. 

Another feature Nikon added to the camera (which we really want to test when we get hold of a production sample) is ‘Auto AF Fine-Tune.’ It’s designed to use the live-view image on the sensor to auto calibrate the phase detect autofocus system for any particular lens. We’ve been looking forward to this type of feature for years since in theory should greatly ease the process of micro-adjusting lenses.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

The D500 gives you much, though not all, of the performance of the D5 in a smaller, crop-sensor body. For example, it can shoot 10 fps with a 200 shot raw buffer. To do this it utilizes the same EXPEED 5 image processing engine as the D5. In our hands-on test we were impressed with continuous shooting. Even the sound of the shutter firing at 10 fps is somehow satisfying, and that 200 shot raw buffer is… awesome.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

The D500 includes dual card slots, including one XQD and one SD card slot. If you want to get the maximum performance out of the camera you’ll want to use XQD cards, which have higher write speeds (and come at a higher cost).

To get photos off the camera you can, of course, copy files from the card(s). However, the D500 also includes Nikon’s new SnapBridge technology that utilizes a bluetooth connection between the camera and a smart device, such as a mobile phone. Once paired, SnapBridge provides an ‘always on’ connection to the camera and supports features such as automatic upload of images and the ability to embed GPS data from a phone into EXIF data. Also, thanks to NFC it’s possible to perform ‘tap to connect’ procedure to pair a device. This is similar to the system Samsung has implemented on recent NX cameras and we’re looking forward to using SnapBridge on the Nikons.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

The rear control layout should feel very familiar to Nikon users – there aren’t a lot of surprises here. The 3.2 inch touch screen is very bright and works well. We had no problem using it even under the bright, glaring lights of convention center booths and demo areas.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

Similar to the rear control layout, the top plate should feel familiar to high-end Nikon users.

The D500 also includes a built-in time-lapse feature. The camera can create 4K time-lapse sequences in-camera, and can utilize auto-ISO to create smooth transitions during capture.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

MB-D17 battery

The D500 is powered by Nikon’s EN-EL15 battery, the same one used on many other Nikon models including the D750, D810, and D7200. We’re always happy to see this type of consistency across models as we hate having to carry a bag full of mismatched batteries around with us.

On the D500 this battery can power the camera through 1240 shots according to CIPA standards. In addition to the internal battery, Nikon has also produced a grip. The MB-D17 battery/grip provides an extra battery and duplicated controls for vertical shooting.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

The 3.2 inch, 2.4 million dot rear touch screen extends from the body and flips up and down – a great feature for getting those low to the ground or overhead shots. It’s both bright and sharp.

Top 5: Hands-on with Nikon D500

Unlike the D300s, the D500 does not feature a built-in flash, making it one of the few features to disappear from the D500’s feature set, compared to its nominal predecessor. While we’re disappointed to see the flash omitted, Nikon assures us that they’ve made the change in order to achieve the maximum level of durability and weather sealing. Of course, the D500 is compatible with Nikon Speedlights, including the newest radio controllable flash, the SB-5000.

Overall, we’re very impressed with what we’ve seen in the D500. It may have been a long wait for those wanting to upgrade from the D300s, but we think the wait was worth it. This is a camera that has the technical chops and rugged build that should provide top-notch performance and stand up to almost anything you can throw at it. It’s also a great companion body for those who use a D4s – or maybe even a new D5 – for times when small size or long telephoto reach is critical.

The D500 is scheduled to ship in March and will be available for $ 1999.95 body only or $ 3069.95 with Nikon’s 16-80mm F2.8E ED VR lens.

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Nikon’s New D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

08 Jan

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

CES 2016 saw the announcement of two important DSLRs from Nikon, including an update to its flagship line, as well as an almost mythical product many had given up hope of ever seeing: a true D300 replacement.

The newly announced D5 is Nikon’s top-of-the-line professional DSLR, with a 20.8MP full frame sensor capable of shooting at up to 12fps with AF and 14fps without (with the mirror locked up). The headline feature, though, is arguably the new 153 point AF system with 99 cross-sensors. AF tracking with this new system will also benefit from the doubling in resolution of the RGB metering sensor used for scene analysis, and the D5 is the first Nikon camera capable of 4K video.

The biggest news though may be the long-awaited replacement of the D300S. The 20.9MP APS-C D500 is Nikon’s ‘best enthusiast DX offering’, and the term ‘enthusiast’ might be an understatement. With continuous shooting speeds of 10 fps and a 200 shot buffer for Raw images, the camera is aimed squarely at action and fast-paced photographers who don’t mind the smaller sensor, or even benefit from its extra reach. It features the same 153-point AF system and 180k-pixel RGB metering sensor of the D5, along with the EXPEED 5 processor. It can also capture 4K/UHD video and also features ‘SnapBridge’, a constant connection to a smartphone using Bluetooth.

Join us as we take a closer look at the technologies inside these cameras.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Let’s start with the AF module, which is shared between both the D5 and D500. Here is the Multi-Cam 20K in all its glory. It’s a major step up from the Multi-Cam 3500FX module, variants of which were found in the D4s, D810, and D750. Up from 51 total AF points with 15 central cross-sensors, the module in the D5 and D500 offers 153 phase-detect points with 99 cross-sensors spread across much of the frame. 

The improvements don’t stop there though: the module has its own dedicated processor, to deal with the computationally intensive information coming from 153 AF points cross-referenced with the scene analysis system (more on that later). The center AF point is now sensitive down to -4 EV. All 152 other points are sensitive down to -3 EV, much like the D750 and D7200, albeit now with an even wider spread of points.

If Nikon’s claims are true, we can expect formidable AF performance in low light from the D5 and D500 – possibly the best from any DSLR. Although we’ve previously found Sony’s a7S to focus in at nearly -5 EV, its contrast-detect AF, and associated hunting, made it quite slow in practice. -4 EV phase-detect AF on a DSLR should be seriously impressive because it will likely be far more decisive than mirrorless, contrast-based systems. Additionally, cross-type sensors tend to perform better in low light and with low contrast subjects: cross-sensors are able to make focus measurements from subjects containing both horizontal and vertical detail (or, at least, detail that has either a horizontal or vertical component to it). In low light or backlit situations, where lowered contrast already makes it difficult to distinguish subject detail, sensors looking along multiple axes for detail to ‘lock on’ to simply have a higher chance of success than sensors that can only ‘see’ detail with a, say, horizontal component.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Here’s the spread of AF points across the frame in the D5. The new AF module appears to provide more AF coverage across the frame than any previous Nikon full-frame camera (and likely any full-frame DSLR), though not quite as much coverage of phase-detect points as Sony’s recent Alpha 7R II mirrorless full-frame.

55 of the points are user-selectable, indicated by squares. The AF points indicated by dots are essentially assist points, used by the camera if your subject moves to or simply happens to fall in between the user-selectable points. We’ll get to why these assist points are still incredibly useful in a bit. 35 of these 55 points are cross-type: the outermost two sections of 10 points each as well as the central section of 15. This is more clearly demarcated in the next slide.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Here’s what you get by putting the designed-for-full-frame Multi-Cam 20000 module inside the APS-C D500. The AF points stretch out to the literal edges of the frame. Red points indicate cross-sensors. While Canon’s nearest competitor, the 7D Mark II, comes quite close to this level of coverage – with all cross-sensors to boot – it doesn’t quite match it.

But it’s not even these headline features that excite us the most. It’s details such as the addition of an automated system for applying AF fine tune that have really caught our eyes. We’ve written before about how mirrorless cameras, with their direct measurement of focus (rather than a secondary sensor, acting as a proxy) tends to be more accurate when it comes to fine-focusing, especially when using fast lenses. However, we’re not alone in proposing the idea of using DSLR’s often slow, but highly precise live view autofocus to help make it easier to correct for the cumulative errors that can undermine dedicated sensor phase detection systems. Patents have been issued yet this is the first time we’ve seen it implemented in a final product. Automating the process means far more photographers may actually calibrate their lenses for more accurate focus. Furthermore, the reality of DSLR AF is that the optimal calibration values can depend on lighting, environmental factors, wide or tele end of zoom, and subject distance; hence, automating the process will realistically allow users to calibrate more often for any given scenario. Sadly, there’s no indication that calibration values can be saved for different focal lengths or subject distances (a la Sigma lenses via their USB dock), nor is there any mention of higher precision central points that give the latest Canon cameras’ central AF point nearly mirrorless-levels of precision.

We’ve not yet had a chance to use the D5/500’s automated AF fine tune but you can be sure it’ll be one of the first things we try when one gets into our studio.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Remember that ‘scene analysis system’ the AF system cross-references with information from the 153 AF points? It’s enabled by essentially a whole separate image sensor in the DSLR whose sole job is to analyze the scene to understand how to expose and focus it. Now with 180,000 pixels in the D5 and D500, this sensor has doubled in resolution compared to the D4s, D810, and D750.

Confused by how this works? Let’s break this down. Your smartphone or mirrorless camera projects light from the lens directly onto the imaging sensor, which can ‘see’ the scene to focus and expose it properly, even find faces or other subjects and track them no matter where they move to in the frame. DSLRs have it much tougher – all the light entering the lens is being diverted either upward to the optical viewfinder, or downward to a dedicated AF module with its phase-detect sensors that understand only distance. Some of that light going to the viewfinder is itself diverted to a metering sensor, which determines appropriate exposure. Some time back, DSLR manufacturers replaced this rudimentary metering sensor with an actual RGB 2D array or, essentially, an image sensor.

While years ago this image sensor started at a measly 1,005 pixels in the D300, it did enable rudimentary subject tracking (‘3D tracking’ in Nikon terms), since the sensor provided some color and spatial information about the subject underneath any AF point, which the camera could combine with an understanding of subject distance from the phase-detect AF sensors to understand where your subject of interest is at any given moment. Today, cameras like the D750 and D810 provide uncanny subject tracking with their 91,000-pixel metering sensors – able in many cases to track even objects as specific as a human eye. Nikon DSLRs are the only DSLRs we’ve tested to-date that are capable of the level of class-leading tracking precision you see in the videos linked above (Canon’s newer DSLRs do well with distant subjects well isolated with respect to depth, but lag behind in more demanding applications requiring higher precision). Hence, a doubling in resolution of the metering sensor is likely to further Nikon’s lead in this arena. Furthermore, metering applications also benefit from the increased resolution: as the flowchart above indicates, numerous features like face exposure, fill-flash, Active D-Lighting, and highlight-weighted metering will experience increased accuracy. 

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Click on the button at the upper right of the image to view this entire slideshow in fullscreen for a better view.

So what exactly does this 180,000-pixel RGB metering sensor ‘see’ such that it can aid the camera in finding faces and tracking subjects? We’ve taken the liberty of doing some guesswork to simulate a ‘worst case’ representation of how a 180k-pixel sensor might ‘see’ a typical scene being photographed.

If we assume that the 180k figure refers to the total number of red, green and blue pixels, then we can surmise that there’s only, at best, 60k pixels of true spatial information for any given color. For a 3:2 aspect ratio, that’s about 300×200 pixels. So we’ve taken an image and reduced it to 300×200, then blown it back up for ease of viewing. That’s what you see above.

In reality, the metering sensor is likely to ‘see’ a bit more resolution, since the above only represents the spatial resolution of any one color channel (or 3 R, G, and B pixels combined). Even still, you can get an idea of how the sensor can detect faces, and even understand what was underneath your selected AF point when you initiated focus in order to track it even if it moves to a position underneath a different AF point. With such increases in resolution of the scene analysis system, we wouldn’t be surprised if DSLRs one day were capable of eye detection.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Click on the button at the upper right of the image to view this entire slideshow in fullscreen for a better view.

Compare the last image to this one (use the left/right keys on your keyboard for ease): a 213×142 pixel representation of the same image that simulates the spatial resolution of any one color channel for the 91,000-pixel RGB metering sensor in previous full-frame Nikon DSLRs. It’s not hard to imagine how even with this level of understanding of a scene, previous Nikon full-frames were able to track quite well. But every bit of resolution helps increase precision of tracking, so while the image above isn’t a huge step down from the last image representing what the new 180k-pixel sensor sees, there’s still a significant difference.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Click on the button at the upper right of the image to view this entire slideshow in fullscreen for a better view.

The 180k-pixel metering sensor is a huge step up from previous DX offerings from Nikon, which only featured – at best – a 2,016-pixel RGB metering sensor. The 90-fold increase in metering sensor resolution should bring a level of subject tracking to the DX format never before seen.

Above is a 55×37 pixel representation of our previous image – and this time that’s a sort of ‘best case’ representation of what cameras like the D7200’s scene analysis system ‘saw’. Instead of showing you what any one color channel sees, we’ve decided to show you what 2k pixels in total looks like, as one-third of this resolution is a pixelated, unintelligible mess. In other words, this image represents only a 30x drop in resolution compared to our previous 180k-pixel representation, and so likely underestimates the increased performance the scene analysis system in the D500 is likely to exhibit compared to previous DX offerings (which still performed surprisingly well for their low resolution metering sensors).

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Another feature enabled by the RGB metering sensor is flicker reduction. While this is only available in video on the D5, the D500 is capable of waiting until the right moment to fire the shutter under flickering light, so as to achieve and maintain proper exposure. Although Canon has been offering this since the 7D Mark II, it’s the first time we’re seeing this feature in a Nikon camera.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

It’s worth emphasizing here something Nikon clearly emphasized in their press conference: one of the true advantages of a DSLR over current mirrorless cameras is the lack of viewfinder lag and the true view of the scene – at least in between mirror blackouts – compared to the typical stop-motion sequence of last-shot images most mirrorless cameras exhibit during fast bursts. This simply makes it easier to follow action with an optical viewfinder than with a mirrorless camera, which is why in the video screenshot above, the photographer was able to maintain the center AF point over his subject with the D5, while missing the subject with the ‘mirror-less’ camera example on the left. It’s worth noting though that Nikon’s own 1-series cameras provide a live feed even during continuous shooting, which actually circumvents this shortcoming of mirrorless (hint: that’s how mirrorless cameras will undoubtedly address this issue in the future).

DSLRs have also been optimized to make quick phase-detect AF measurements in between those quick mirror blackouts, allowing cameras like the D5 and Canon’s 1D X to acquire AF almost instantaneously even during 12 and 11 fps bursts. Impressive to say the least. That’s not to say mirrorless cameras aren’t catching up – in good light, Samsung’s NX1 can often successfully continuously refocus at 15 fps. Which means, yes, we do have to call out Nikon for suggesting that all mirrorless cameras have ‘soft and slow AF’: we can’t help but wonder if in that particular video sequence, the Sony Alpha series camera were left in AF-S, as cameras like the a7R II can, in fact, successfully refocus on approaching subjects (and when it can’t, the box doesn’t remain green as it does in the out-of-focus example in the Nikon press conference video – unless the focus mode is left in AF-S).

Regardless, though, with mirrorless cameras you’re still left with the issue of difficulty in following the subject without a live view during bursts.

Video: Matt Granger

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Another feature that really helps fast-paced photography is direct access to AF point selection. The D500 is the first DX-format Nikon to sport a dedicated AF-selection joystick, pictured right below and to the left of the AF-ON button. In fact, short of the D4/D5-series of cameras, it’s the only Nikon camera to feature this joystick. Cameras like the D750 and D810 dedicate their D-pads (pictured here above the ‘info’ button) to AF point selection, which works well, but never felt as fast as Canon’s dedicated AF-selection joystick. So the joystick is a welcome addition.

And if we understand correctly, the D500’s touchscreen LCD can also be used to directly access AF point selection. We first saw this on the D5500, where in OVF shooting you could dedicate the right half of the touchscreen to AF point selection. This made it really easy to use your thumb to instantly jump over to any AF point instantaneously, without your eye ever leaving the viewfinder. It’s actually faster than using a dedicated joystick, and we’re hoping to see similar functionality in the D500. The D5 does not retain this functionality with its touchscreen, though.

Speaking of fast AF point selection, those fond of the ‘focus and recompose’ technique should take note: turn on Nikon’s ‘3D tracking’ in AF-C, place your selected AF point over your subject, half-press and hold the shutter button, then recompose. This is probably the fastest way to select a different AF point: by having your camera do it automatically using Nikon’s industry leading subject tracking. If your subject falls outside of the AF area, just let the camera track it all the way out to the nearest AF point, then hold down the AF joystick (‘sub-selector’) to lock AF, and continue recomposing.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Speaking of ergonomic improvements, notice anything different near the shutter button? That’s right, you no longer have to re-assign the movie button to ISO, because there’s now a dedicated ISO button! This is a boon for one-handed shooting: previously, I’d always reassign the movie record button to ISO so I could change ISO setting during one-handed shooting (since the ISO button is usually on the left side of Nikon DSLRs).

It’s also worth pointing out the button next to the ISO button: the dedicated exposure compensation (EC) button. Common to most higher-end Nikons, this button is really not to be overlooked. It means easy, consistent access to exposure compensation no matter what shooting mode you’re in, including M mode with Auto ISO. Certain competitors without dedicated EC dials or buttons make it it quite difficult to bias brightness in M mode with Auto ISO engaged (looking at you: 1D X, which will make you sacrifice the SET button for EC or make you pull your eye away from the viewfinder to use the Q menu to adjust EC in M mode).

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Not to be overlooked is the new SB-5000 Speedlight: the company’s new flagship flash. Its standout feature is its ability to operate and trigger via radio frequency, a first for Nikon’s line of portable flashes. This brings the Nikon system in-line with what Canon has offered for some time now, and also obviates the need for 3rd party accessories.

Nikon claims that when the flash is paired with the WR-R10 Wireless Remote Adapter set and a D5 or D500, the flash will operate without a direct line of sight at a range of up to approximately 98 feet (30 meters). With that same combination, the flash will be able to control up to six groups or 18 Speedlights. We expect Nikon CLS features like TTL, Manual power, Groups, and Flash Exposure Compensation settings will be accessible via the camera menu system. 

This is a significant addition to Nikon’s flash line-up, not only for the radio-triggered control it brings during applications where line-of-sight isn’t feasible or practical, but also because pairing flashes to the WR-R10 is arguably preferable to pairing to the outdated SU-800 commander (which is so dated that it attaching it to your camera disables Auto ISO). 

Also new for the SB-5000 is a redesigned cooling system promising improved consecutive firing times before cool-downs, and 120 continuous shots at 5-second intervals. Controls are updated with an ‘i’ button for frequently used settings, and the flash head maintains tilt-and-rotate capability.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

The D5 and D500 are Nikon’s first 4K capable cameras, but 4K comes with some severe limitations. On the D5, recording is only available for 3 minutes at a time (29:59 for the D500), and both cameras record 4K UHD (no DCI 4K) with a heavy crop factor. It’s nearly a 1.5x crop factor (nearly Super 35) on the full-frame D5, while the D500 experiences an even larger crop factor for 4K, pictured in red above (the yellow rectangle outlines the DX/Super 35 area on the D500, compatible with Full HD).

All in all – and perhaps we’re being a bit cynical – we’re not terribly excited about the inclusion of 4K on the two cameras. Yes 4K can be a pretty handy thing to have (and the uses for it will only increase as more people buy 4K capable displays), but there are numerous hints that these cameras aren’t making the most of it. Aside from the heavy crop factors above, lack of oversampling and almost certain presence of rolling shutter will likely limit the usefulness of 4K video from these cameras. Furthermore, the continued absence of focus peaking to aid manual focus or zebra warnings to help set exposure are starting to look like major oversights. And, although we’d love to be surprised, we’re concerned that Nikon’s continued adherence to the less efficient 8-bit H.264 compression system and its reluctance to publicize bitrates means the in-camera capture won’t be as exciting as the headline specs suggest. That said, there’s always the option to output 4K over HDMI to an external recorder, so it might find some use for more dedicated video shooters – if a good signal is sent over HDMI.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

On a more positive note, there are some solid additions to video on these cameras, like Active D-Lighting (ADL). We’ve always found Nikon’s ADL to be quite effective at reducing exposure to retain highlights, while boosting deeper tones to retain shadows. And ADL does a nice job of this global contrast reduction while attempting to preserve local contrast using its advanced tone-mapping algorithms.

This can be computationally intensive though, so has not been available previously in video. With the new EXPEED 5 image-processing engine, though, ADL is available in movies at resolutions up to 1080p.

For incredibly high contrast scenes, when ADL’s highest setting may not be enough to tame the scene’s extreme contrast, you can use the Flat picture profile and grade your footage later.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

On the D500, the EXPEED 5 processor even enables electronic vibration reduction (VR) in videos up to 1080p. Electronic VR can correct for horizontal and vertical movement, as well as rotation. This helps stabilize video footage, particularly when combined with optical VR in lenses.

The combination of electronic (or ‘digital’) and optical VR or IS (image stabilization) is something we tend to see more of in mirrorless cameras, like Olympus’ E-M5 II or the latest 1″-type sensor compacts from Canon and Sony. It’s great to see in a DSLR form-factor.

There’s no mention of this feature in the D5, though.

Nikon D5 and D500 Push the Boundaries of DSLR

Then there’s that continuously-connected wireless system. Snapbridge sounds very impressive – making use of the low-energy Bluetooth standard to maintain a connection between the cameras and a smart device so that images can be transferred without having to constantly re-establish connections. Our experiences suggest that the easier a feature is to use, the more likely we are to use it and the more likely we are to appreciate its benfits (something that often crosses our minds when DSLR shooters tell us they don’t use video on their camera). 

And in our connected age, there’s no excuse for camera manufacturers to not facilitate ease of image management and sharing. DSLRs have it a little tough in this regard: they’re not running the full-blown OS smartphone cameras have access to, which means that apps and ecosystems are limited in scope. But we’ve seen smartphone connectivity evolving in DSLRs, and we’re all for it. We’ll be curious to test out how SnapBridge functions on the D500.

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CES Video: Nikon’s Mark Soares talks about the D5 and D500

07 Jan

Today at CES Nikon announced two new DSLR cameras: the pro-oriented D5 and the enthusiast-oriented D500, which is possibly the longest-awaited successor to any camera we can remember, replacing the D300S after almost six years.

Just after the announcement we slipped away from the CES crowds with Nikon’s DSLR product manager, Mark Soares, to get his take on the new bodies, a rundown of some major features, and insight into why Nikon chose to break the number sequence by skipping ‘400’ and calling the new DX flagship the D500 instead.

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Here at last: Nikon announces D500

06 Jan

$ (document).ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({“targetContainerClass”:”sampleGalleryImageViewerContainer”,”galleryId”:”5622525111″,”isEmbeddedWidget”:true,”selectedImageIndex”:0,”startInCommentsView”:false,”isMobile”:false}) });

Nikon has announced the much-anticipated followup to its D300S, the 20.9MP D500 which the company calls its ‘best enthusiast DX offering.’ It features the same 153-point AF system and EXPEED 5 processor as the D5. It can shoot continuously at 10 fps with a 200 shot buffer for Raw images. It can also capture 4K/UHD video and also features ‘SnapBridge’, a constant connection to a smartphone using Bluetooth, similar to what Samsung did with its NX1. The D500 will be available from March at an MSRP of $ 1999.95 body only, or $ 3069.95 with the 16-80mm F2.8-4E ED VR lens.

The camera has a 100% coverage viewfinder offering 1.0x magnification. It also makes use of the XQD high speed memory format first used in the D4. It also has a flip up/down 3.2″ touchscreen LCD with 2.4 million dots.

The camera’s relationship to the D5 matches that shared between the D3 and original D300, with the APS-C format camera offering the same AF system and similar feature set with only a slight drop in continuous shooting speed and a much smaller body. And, as a first for one of Nikon’s APS-C DSLRs, the D500 also gets the illuminated buttons offered on the D5 for low-light working.

An AF module developed for full-frame means unprecedented frame coverage on the APS-C D500, in this case with cross-type sensors available out to the literal edges of the frame. Furthermore, Nikon is introducing Auto AF Fine-Tune, which appears to use Live View (focus at the image plane) to automatically calibrate (at least the center point of) the Phase Detect AF module for any given lens ‘with a few button operations’. This should help address arguably one of the biggest shortcomings of DSLRs relative to mirrorless cameras: the fact that the AF module is only a proxy for focus and, therefore, prone to inaccuracy. 

We were pretty impressed with the similar low power Bluetooth option on the NX1 as way of keeping a constant line of communication open between the camera and a smart device, meaning that images can quickly be pushed or pulled across from device to device. This continuous connectedness should make Wi-Fi much easier to use and consequently more appealing.

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Press release:


The Highly Anticipated Resurrection of the DX-Format Flagship Gives Photographers the Best Combination of Speed, Reach and Connectivity 

LAS VEGAS, NV (January 5, 2016) – Today, Nikon Inc. announced the D500, a DX-format DSLR with pro-level features that gives photographers nimble handling, speed and extreme processing power in a compact and lightweight body. With amazing imaging capability, robust build quality and lightning fast performance, the D500 is sure to satisfy as the highly sought-after successor to the venerable D300S. Like its sibling the D5, the D500 benefits from Nikon’s latest technological innovations such as the totally new, blazing-fast Multi-CAM 20K 153-point AF system and 4K UHD video capture, yet adds a fun new way to share photos with Nikon SnapBridge built-in.

“Nikon has answered the call from photographers to once again re-invent this camera category and offer an unmatched combination of performance and value that is hard for any photographer to resist,” said Masahiro Horie, Director of Marketing and Planning, Nikon Inc. “When paired with the amazing imaging capabilities of legendary NIKKOR optics, photographers can capture intimate portraits, mind-blowing macros or action from extreme distances– the possibilities are endless.”

Pro-Level Image Quality, DX-Format Versatility

The D500 imagines the best of both worlds, offering advanced enthusiasts and pro photographers all the benefits of DX-format, such as smaller form-factor and lens crop, combined with many of the same advanced pro features found in the new Nikon D5. The new Nikon D500 features an all-new 20.9-megapixel DX-format CMOS sensor that renders images with outstanding colors and gorgeous tonality. This new sensor is coupled with Nikon’s new EXPEED 5 image processing engine, affording low noise and maximum processing power with a surprisingly small footprint and superbly balanced body.

The benefits of the DX-format are evident for long-distance applications like wildlife and sports photography, where telephoto ability is at a premium and weight reduction is welcome. With Nikon’s legendary FX or smaller-sized DX-format NIKKOR lenses, the sleek D500 is the ideal companion for wanderlust. When mated with the new AF-S NIKKOR 200-500mm f/5.6E ED VR lens, the D500 offers a remarkable 350-750mm equivalent focal range for a lightweight, yet super-telephoto duo. 

Because amazing images can happen even when the sun goes down, the D500 is capable of excellent low-light performance, with an ISO range of 100-51,200, expandable to 50-1,640,000 equivalent. From low-light cityscapes to action sports under the lights, the D500 is ready to tackle any imaging challenge.

Performance Meets Portability

Within the streamlined body of the D500 is a formidable processing powerhouse. Whether photographing sideline sports for the home team or animals in exotic destinations, a super-fast 10 frames-per-second (fps) burst speed with full AF and AE will help nail nearly any shot. This extreme speed lets users capture every fleeting moment in exceptional clarity, while a generous buffer allows for up to 79 shots (14-bit, uncompressed RAW/NEF) to be captured, so the moment won’t be missed.

To keep pace with the action, the D500 is fitted with the same AF system as the Nikon D5, the Multi-CAM 20K AF sensor module, with a separate dedicated processor for AF function. On the D500’s DX format sensor, the 153-point AF array fills the frame from side to side, letting users flawlessly track and lock-onto subjects from the edges of the viewfinder. Like the D5, the D500 utilizes the new 180K RGB Metering system and Advanced Scene Recognition System to help ensure balanced exposures and fantastic color rendition in nearly any shooting situation.

Controls and Rugged Construction Worthy of a Flagship

The D500 features an enhanced level of robust build quality, offering the same amount of rugged weather sealing as the Nikon D810. The durable body is a monocoque structure composed of magnesium alloy for the top and rear, while the front is reinforced with lightweight carbon fiber. The shutter mechanism has been tested for 200K actuations, helping to ensure maximum endurance. For further durability, the D500 excludes a pop-up flash, yet is compatible with Nikon’s newest radio frequency capable flash, the SB-5000 Speedlight (with optional WR-R10 & WR-A10)1.

It’s easy to compose and view images on the D500’s bright 3.2-inch, high resolution (2359K-dot) touchscreen LCD, which lets users interact with photos in playback, control the camera and operate menus. When mounted on a tripod or shooting from creative angles, landscape and event shooters will appreciate the reinforced tilting LCD screen, similar to that of the Nikon D750. Additionally, images are rapidly written to either a fast XQD card slot or to the additional SD card slot for maximum workflow efficiency.

Constant Connectivity with the New Nikon SnapBridge

The D500 marshals in a new way to share photos wirelessly with the new Nikon SnapBridge, making the camera’s built-in connectivity easier to use than ever before. SnapBridge allows for Bluetooth2 supported connection between your camera and compatible smart device, thus making automatic upload of your images possible. Once enabled, the camera stays connected to the smart device and transfers photos, eliminating the need to re-connect devices. Those looking to share images from their travels or from the field can also tag images for transfer in camera and can password protect their connection for added security. As an added benefit, the D500’s built-in Near Field Communication (NFC)3 capability easily connects the camera to a compatible smart device with just a tap, while built-in Wi-Fi3 capability allows for faster wireless image transfer.

For those looking for an even faster transfer solution, the D500 is also compatible with the new optional WT-7A Wireless Transmitter, enabling wired or wireless transmission of files to an FTP server or computer at faster speeds.

Advanced Video Features

Just like the D5, the D500 has the ability to capture striking 4K UHD video at up to 30p (3840×2160), as well as Full HD (1080p) video at a variety of frame rates. Ready for any production, the camera sports a host of pro video features derived from the D810, including uncompressed HDMI output and Picture Controls, but adds even more great features. These pro-level creative video features include the ability to create 4K time-lapse movies in-camera, Auto ISO smoothing to provide fluid transitions in exposure during recording, and the capability to record 4K UHD video to the card and output to HDMI simultaneously. When capturing 1080p Full HD content, the camera also has a new 3-axis electronic VR feature that can be activated regardless of the lens being used.  Challenging video exposures are no problem for the D500, as it also adds in Active D-Lighting to Full HD video to balance exposure values within a scene to help prevent blown-out highlights

Price and Availability

The new Nikon D500 DSLR will be available in March 2016 for a suggested retail price (SRP) of $ 1,999.95* for the body-only configuration. A kit will also be available, bundled with the versatile AF-S DX NIKKOR 16-80mm f/2.8-4E ED VR lens, for the SRP of $ 3,069.95*. The MB-D17-battery pack will also be available in March 2016 for the SRP of $ 449.95* and will add extended battery life and facilitate vertical shooting. The WT-7A Wireless Transmitter will be available in March 2016, for the SRP of $ 934.95*. For more information on these new Nikon products, please visit

1. Wireless Remote Controller WR-R10 and WR Adapter WR-A10 (both available separately) required. WR-R10 firmware must be updated to enable support for radio-controlled Advanced Wireless Lighting (see Nikon’s website).
2 The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Nikon Corporation is under license.
3 Wi-Fi and the Wi-Fi logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance. N-Mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
*SRP (Suggested Retail Price) listed only as a suggestion. Actual prices are set by dealers and are subject to change at any time.

Nikon D500 specifications

MSRP $ 2000 (body only), $ 3069 (w/16-80mm lens)
Body type
Body type Mid-size SLR
Max resolution 5568 x 3712
Other resolutions 4176 x 2784, 2784 x 1856
Image ratio w:h 3:2
Effective pixels 21 megapixels
Sensor photo detectors 22 megapixels
Sensor size APS-C (23.5 x 15.7 mm)
Sensor type CMOS
Processor Expeed 5
ISO ISO 100 – 51200 (expandable to 50 – 1640000)
White balance presets 12
Custom white balance Yes (5)
Image stabilization No
Uncompressed format RAW + TIFF
JPEG quality levels Fine, Normal, Basic
Optics & Focus
  • Contrast Detect (sensor)
  • Phase Detect
  • Multi-area
  • Selective single-point
  • Tracking
  • Single
  • Continuous
  • Face Detection
  • Live View
Autofocus assist lamp No
Digital zoom No
Manual focus Yes
Number of focus points 153
Lens mount Nikon F
Focal length multiplier 1.5×
Screen / viewfinder
Articulated LCD Tilting
Screen size 3.2
Screen dots 2,359,000
Touch screen Yes
Screen type TFT LCD
Live view Yes
Viewfinder type Optical (pentaprism)
Viewfinder coverage 100%
Viewfinder magnification 1×
Photography features
Minimum shutter speed 30 sec
Maximum shutter speed 1/8000 sec
Built-in flash No
External flash Yes (Hot-shoe, Wireless plus sync connector)
Flash modes Auto, On, Off, Red-eye, Slow sync, Rear curtain
Flash X sync speed 1/250 sec
Continuous drive 10.0 fps
Self-timer Yes (2, 5, 10 or 20 sec)
Metering modes
  • Multi
  • Center-weighted
  • Highlight-weighted
  • Spot
Exposure compensation ±5 (at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV steps)
AE Bracketing (2, 3, 5, 7 frames at 1/3 EV, 1/2 EV, 2/3 EV, 1 EV steps)
WB Bracketing Yes (2 or 9 frames in steps of 1, 2 or 3 mired)
Videography features
Resolutions 4K (UHD) 30p/25p/24p, 1080/60p/50p/30p/25p/24p, 720/60p/50p
Format MPEG-4, H.264
Microphone Stereo
Speaker Mono
Storage types SD/SDHC/SDXC (UHS-II compliant) + XQD
Storage included None
USB USB 3.0 (5 GBit/sec)
HDMI Yes (mini-HDMI)
Microphone port Yes
Headphone port Yes
Wireless Built-In
Wireless notes Wi-Fi with low energy Bluetooth
Remote control Yes (Optional, wired or wireless )
Environmentally sealed Yes
Battery Battery Pack
Battery description Lithium-Ion EN-EL15 rechargeable battery & charger
Battery Life (CIPA) 1240
Weight (inc. batteries) 860 g (1.90 lb / 30.34 oz)
Dimensions 147 x 115 x 81 mm (5.79 x 4.53 x 3.19)
Other features
Orientation sensor Yes
Timelapse recording Yes
GPS Optional
GPS notes GP-1

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CES Video: Nikon’s Mark Soares talks about the D5 and D500

06 Jan

Today at CES Nikon announced two new DSLR cameras: the pro-oriented D5 and the enthusiast-oriented D500, which is possibly the longest-awaited successor to any camera we can remember, replacing the D300S after almost six years.

Just after the announcement we slipped away from the CES crowds with Nikon’s DSLR product manager, Mark Soares, to get his take on the new bodies, a rundown of some major features, and insight into why Nikon chose to break the number sequence by skipping ‘400’ and calling the new DX flagship the D500 instead.

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