Posts Tagged ‘Creatures’

A Collection of Photos of Nature’s Smallest Creatures – it’s a Bug’s Life

12 Apr

In the last two weeks we’ve look at the flora and some full on stunning landscapes. Now it’s time for some fauna, but focused in a little closer on some of its smaller members, photos of nature’s smallest critters. The insects!

Right around the corner in the Northern Hemisphere is spring with its showers and flowers. But there would be no flowers without the bees and insects to pollenate. So today we pay homage to our little buddies that work so hard. I bring you:

It’s a Bug’s Life

By Pablo Fernández

By ????????? ????????

By Prabhu B Doss

By Adam Foster

By Laurenz Bobke

By Viola’s visions ????

By nutmeg66

By Alexey Kljatov

By Bùi Linh Ngân

By nutmeg66

By Alexey Kljatov

By Reinhold Stansich

By Vinoth Chandar

By Stuart Williams

By Ferdi De gier

By Stavros Markopoulos

By Don Sutherland

By nutmeg66

By Lutz Koch

By Jon McGovern

By Matt Reinbold

By Alx Murray

By Harald Hoyer

By Taylor McBride

By Bart van Dorp

By Ray Dumas

By Bernat Casero

By quas

By Phil

By Maki_C30D

By Lisa Brown

By matt knoth

By casch52

Want to give this a go but need some close up tips? Try these?

  • How To Photograph Dragonflies
  • It’s a Small World – the World of Macro Photography
  • 6 Tips for Near-Macro Photography with a Telephoto Lens
  • Extension Tubes: Close Up Photography Lesson #2

The post A Collection of Photos of Nature’s Smallest Creatures – it’s a Bug’s Life by Darlene Hildebrandt appeared first on Digital Photography School.

Digital Photography School

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Animal House: Woodland Creatures Adopt Deserted Cabins

29 Aug

[ By WebUrbanist in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

abandoned home animal portraits

These interior photos by Kai Fagerström depict wild forest inhabitants who have made derelict human-owned dwellings their own – domestic portraits-at-home with a undomesticated twist.

abandoned space fox hole

An abandoned series of small shacks and quaint cottages in Finland, slowly reclaimed by nature, show hints of slowly-invading of plant life,  but the even faster introduction of woodland animals including squirrels, foxes, owls and more.

abandoned room animal pictures

This surprising variety of crafty creatures have adopted and reshaped the existing spaces to suit their own needs, tunneling through vents and fireplaces, nesting and resting between walls and below floors.

abandoned home wild animals

Though this photography project started with a few quick shots in a set of cabins in the woods near the photographer’s summer home, the deserted spaces have turned out to be so rich in potential wildlife portraits that the results now populate an entire book of images (The House in the Woods).

abandoned building door squirrel

Great patience is required to wait and take just the right desired shots, which are so well-composed you could almost imagine the animals posed to have their picture taken. “Deserted buildings are so full of contradictions [and] I am fascinated by the way nature reclaims spaces that were, essentially, only ever on loan to humans.”

abandoned space animal series

abandoned window sill squirrel

abandoned house badger family

Each image has a story, often elaborate, about how it was taken. About the last one above, for instance, from National Geographic: “On a summer night a family of badgers file into the kitchen from a tunnel they dug under the fireplace. It took four years before Fagerström finally caught the skittish, nocturnal weasels. For this shot he set his camera on a windowsill, then stood outside on a ladder for hours before pressing the shutter via remote control.”

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[ By WebUrbanist in Abandoned Places & Architecture. ]

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