Posts Tagged ‘Crafty’

Codex Silenda: Solve Puzzles to Turn Pages in this Crafty Wooden Book

11 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

codex silenda

Unlike The Maze and other classic puzzle books, the Codex Silenda brooks no cheating, forcing readers to solve elaborate puzzles on each page before proceeding to the next.

puzzle book top

puzzle design details

Somewhere between a choose-your-own-adventure novel, a Chinese puzzle box and a blacksmith puzzle, this five-page volume features dizzyingly complex mechanical puzzles that can only be completed in sequence. In each pair of facing pages, a short story unfolds on one side while a related new puzzle is revealed on the other.

laser etched wood

spinning wheels

new puzzle

Designed by Brady Whitney, the wooden book is laser-cut and ornately detailed, full of hidden mechanisms worthy of Leonardo Da Vinci – indeed, the story itself is about an apprentice stumbling into the master’s workshop and becoming trapped inside the tome. The laser-burnt edges give the work a hand-crafted but careworn look, like something you might find in a mysterious antique shop, covered in dust.

puzzle book top


book flat


From the makers: “Codex Silenda is a five page book that features five intricate puzzles. Each page features a unique puzzle that requires the user/reader to unlock the corresponding bolts in order to progress to the next page.” More about its maker: “Brady Whitney is the designer of the operation, the mastermind of the Codex. He originally came up with the idea for his senior thesis research project during his final semester at Iowa State University. Having grown up with a childhood filled with imagination, his passion for design has always been focused on the realm of toys and games, creating the products and ideas he always wished he had as a kid.”

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Bottomless Anti-Chair: Crafty Bentwood Form Frames Other Seats

24 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

chairless chair

As it stands, you can do just about anything with this Arm Chair except actually sit in it, at least until you add your own chair, stool or other form of seating to the mix.

bent chair stool casters

bent chair with office

Part artist statement, part conceptual and part physical framework, this absurdist anti-chair by Clark Bardsley is also a cunning and well-crafted exercise in traditional wood bending and shaping techniques.

no seat back chairs

bent chair in public

The steam bent, brush back sanded and oiled American Oak object represents an impressive execution of a notoriously difficult process made all the more complex within a seat and back to tie the piece together.

bent chair jig making

bent brushed sanded wood

The Auckland-based designer focused on materials and methods in this work, but while he may have failed to include that essential ingredient, which most would associate with chair-ness, the void he left also lets users fill empty space with other sorts of seats.

Office chairs on casters, plastic bucket chairs, metal stools … pretty much anything can be slotted into place as desired. At the same time, the wood frame gives the piece a recognizable outline and sense of comfortable familiarity.

bent chair front view

bent chair back view

As the artist puts it, “we structured our research around creating a beautifully finished object that pays heed to a classic bentwood chair, without posing it as a commercial product. Why shouldn’t research have a sense of humor?”

bent chair backward bucket

bent chair in nature

In a world where it seems like every type of chair possible has been designed (if not built), perhaps it is indeed time to make one simply with the goal of getting a good laugh.

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Buildings in Bottles: Crafty Test-Tube Architectural Models

03 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Sculpture & Craft. ]

test tube architecture

A tiny twist on miniature architecture turns simply-crafted models into hovering micro-habitats, suspended in test tubes like the science experiment of some mad architect.

test tube stack buildings

test tube environment

Micro Matter is an ongoing project series by Rosa de Jong, an artist and designer from Amsterdam who uses both manufactured materials (paper and cardboard) as well as natural ones (sticks and moss) to shape small worlds enclosed in glass.

test tube crafting

test tube skyscraper

The scenarios range from partial (the tops of skyscrapers poking above the clouds) to complete (homes resting on floating mountaintops), and vary in structural plausibility as well, bringing to mind less-controlled urban environments in places like Mexico, where ingenuity often trumps order.

test tube miniature mountain

test tube floating

Each creation also comes with a behind-the-scenes look at its construction, including both the materials employed and the tools used to cut the pieces apart and assemble them into new forms.

test tube workspace

test tube water tower

test tube glass sculpture

The results strike a balance between everyday believability – crooked walls and as-needed staircases – and utter fantasy, combining the rigor of a ship-in-a-bottle with the imagination of a science fiction artist.

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Get Crafty With Polaroid Zink DIYs

19 Oct
Zink DIY

Polaroid never goes out of style, and their modern Zink prints are perfect in this era of DIY.

Check out all the pretties you can make with Zink prints, and the devices that pop ’em out.

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© Erin for Photojojo, 2015. |
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Figures & Ground: Crafty Wood Miniatures Create Urban Vignettes

25 Mar

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Street Art & Graffiti. ]

urban rail skateboarder

Inspired by everything from personal experience to famous photography, this street artist crafts small wooden cutouts to frame scenes of action, adventure, romance and life.

urban character in grass

urban mother son waves

urban miniature fishing boat

Living in New Jersey and working both there and in New York, Joe Iurato illustrates his miniature creations with black-and-white details, setting them apart from the colorful cityscapes they occupy.

urban climber figure person

urban parkour jumping figure

While the specific sizes and subjects vary, a common thread is found in their site-specific nature and detailed drawings – each figure or set thereof participates directly in its surroundings.

urban small world child

urban street figure ground

“From break dancing to skateboarding to rock climbing to becoming a father, all of these things have helped define my character. For me, it’s just about revisiting those moments in a way that’s familiar. I’ve always appreciated seeing architecture and nature in a different light.”

urban pothole inspector

urban tree climbing boy

urban track train walkers

“As a skater, the tar banks behind a local supermarket, a flight of stairs, a parking block, a drainage ditch, a handrail, a wall – they all present possibilities for interaction and fun in ways they weren’t intended to be used.”

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Cel(l) Shorts: Crafty Urban Augmented Reality Animations

16 Jun

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Drawing & Digital. ]

augmented reality cell animation

Employing a cellular phone coupled with traditional transparent cel animation techniques, this artist inserts strange characters and surreal stories into everyday built environments.

augmented reality mail box

Animator Marty Cooper draws on the individual cels, holding them up for capture, but also displaces objects with which his creations seem to interact.

marty cooper bear skyscraper

marty cooper highway bug

marty cooper dog peeing

These creations, in turn, are brought to life to bounce on top of train cars, splash in pothole puddles oremerge from alleyway dumpsters to interact with their surroundings in clever ways.

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