Posts Tagged ‘coronavirus’

Peak Design gives $200K+ of profits from its Travel Tripod launch to coronavirus, climate charities

14 May

Bag manufacturer Peak Design has donated 100% of the profits it made from the launch of its first tripod to charities dealing with the coronavirus response and with climate change. The four-day launch saw the company sell 2265 units of its new Travel Tripod, which generated $ 218,150.

The funds were then split equally between the non-profits Centers for Disease Control Foundation which is assisting in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Climate Neutral organization that helps companies to reduce their carbon foot print. Peak Design is actually a founder of Climate Neutral, which has so far certified 105 brands as being climate neutral, including Kickstarter, and is helping numerous others to achieve this goal.

The development of the Travel Tripod was funded by a Kickstarter campaign, and over the launch period, the aluminum alloy version generated $ 75,110 in profits while the carbon fiber version made $ 143,040 after selling 110 units more.

You can see more information about the Travel Tripod on our initial news coverage, as well as our hands-on with the carbon fiber version.

Press release:

Peak Design Donates 100% of Profits From its 4-Day Travel Tripod Launch Funds will be Distributed Between COVID-19 Response and Combating Climate Change

Peak Design, the worldwide leader in crowdfunding and everyday carry solutions, has announced it will donate 100% of profits from all Travel Tripods sold during the company’s highly anticipated launch, April 7, through April 10, 2020. Profits will include both sales of tripods through and through retailers worldwide. Funds generated by the launch will be donated to the CDC Foundation to support their efforts on the front-lines of COVID-19 response, and to Climate Neutral, an organization that helps businesses from all industries verifiably achieve carbon neutrality.

Peak Design depends on a global network of partners to ensure their products are safely manufactured and delivered. The launch of the Travel Tripod is an opportunity for Peak Design to continue to financially support their colleagues while helping to address two global crises. “Now more than ever is the time for us to act on our core values and ensure that our employees, contractors and retail partners can find economic shelter in a product we’ve spent years developing,” commented Peak Design CEO, Peter Dering. “Peak Design is also in a unique position to offer financial support to those that are solving the problem. To be able to donate in a time of need speaks volumes to the company we’ve built over the last ten years. I couldn’t be more proud,” continued Dering.

Peak Design understands that sustainability programs may come under threat as businesses are forced to examine expenditures due to COVID-19. In addition to donating to the CDC Foundation to support Coronavirus relief, Peak Design hopes additional aid to Climate Neutral will help to bolster the response to climate change. “Unfortunately we haven’t swapped one global disaster for the other. Climate change is still a very real threat amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and we fear that many businesses will be forced to consider the economic viability of their sustainability commitments,” states Dering. “We can’t afford to relinquish the progress we’ve made in combating climate change.”

The Peak Design Travel Tripod was originally launched on Kickstarter in May 2019, and raised $ 12.1M from 27,168 backers. Praised for its ground up reexamination of traditional tripod design, Peak Design achieved the world’s most portable, packable, and easy-to-setup tripod for professionals and first-time tripod owners alike. Customers can choose between carbon fiber (MSRP: $ 599) and aluminum alloy (MSRP: $ 349.95) starting April 7, at 12am PST.

For more information about the Peak Design Travel Tripod, please visit: To learn more about the CDC Foundation’s efforts in supporting the people, communities, and healthcare providers on the global frontline of coronavirus response, please visit: To learn more about how Climate Neutral assists businesses to achieve carbon neutrality, please visit

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Due to Coronavirus, Canon Faces Production Problems on EOS R5, R6

17 Mar

The post Due to Coronavirus, Canon Faces Production Problems on EOS R5, R6 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Due to Coronavirus, Canon Faces Production Problems on EOS R5, R6 featured image

The camera industry is feeling the effects of the coronavirus now more than ever.

According to Canon Rumors, Canon’s is facing significant shortages in the production of its two new mirrorless cameras, the EOS R5 and EOS R6.

These two mirrorless models are currently under development and were slated to launch this summer, but the appearance of coronavirus has seen the disruption of Canon’s supply chains and has brought production capacity on the cameras down to just 25%.

Canon is considering two ways of addressing these issues:

First, the company may decide to halt the release of the EOS R5 and EOS R6 until the fall, when production should be back at full capacity. This would allow for strong, albeit late, product launches.

Second, Canon may go ahead with the launch of both cameras. But Canon would be moving forward without the production numbers necessary to satisfy all customers, and so we would likely see shortages until the coronavirus pandemic has passed.

Obviously, neither of these measures is ideal. Both the EOS R5 and R6 have generated great excitement among Canon fans, and among the camera industry at large. Any delays or shortages will be met with frustration on all sides, especially by those who have been holding out for a true professional mirrorless model from Canon.

Note that the EOS R5 offers a number of features that were missing from Canon’s first two distinct full-frame mirrorless bodies, the EOS R and RP. These include dual card slots (essential for wedding photographers, photojournalists, and sports photographers, all who require redundancy in their work), as well as in-body image stabilization, which will debut in both the EOS R5 and EOS R6. The EOS R5 will also address concerns that videographers had with the EOS R; the R5 will reportedly offer true 8K video that utilizes the full width of the sensor.

And while Canon has not confirmed a megapixel count for the R5, it has been consistently rumored to feature a 45 MP sensor, which could position the R5 as a high-powered alternative to megapixel monsters such as the Nikon Z7 and the Panasonic S1R.

Canon has remained virtually silent regarding the EOS R6. But rumors suggest that the camera will feature a 20 MP sensor, in-body image stabilization, 4K/60p video, and 12/20 frames-per-second shooting with mechanical and electronic shutters, respectively. It may cater to hobbyists looking for a first full-frame mirrorless body, but who want true mirrorless-type features such as IBIS.

Here’s the bottom line:

The release of these two full-frame mirrorless cameras may well be a turning point for Canon. Whether it comes sooner or later is immaterial, though it will certainly be frustrating for anyone looking to purchase these cameras.

So keep an eye out for more information regarding both of these mirrorless bodies.

Are you looking to buy either the EOS R5 or the R6? Which camera excites you more? Share your thoughts in the comments!

The post Due to Coronavirus, Canon Faces Production Problems on EOS R5, R6 appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

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Camera Industry Hit Hard by Coronavirus, Causing Production Delays

09 Mar

The post Camera Industry Hit Hard by Coronavirus, Causing Production Delays appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

Camera Industry Hit Hard by Coronavirus, Causing Production Delays

Over the past month, the coronavirus outbreak has rocked the world.

And now it’s making its way into the camera industry.

The three biggest imaging companies, Canon, Nikon, and Sony, have found themselves affected by coronavirus outbreaks.

First, Sony Alpha Rumors published a tip from an unnamed source, which said:

“We can expect product [launches] to be very delayed along with much lower capacity in production volumes for many of [Sony’s] current imaging products.”

While we can’t know exactly what product launches Sony Alpha is referring to, fans have been eagerly anticipating the announcement of the Sony a7s III, as well as the Sony a7 IV.

Around the same time, the CP+2020 expo, which was due to be hosted in Japan, was canceled, with the organizers citing “no effective treatment or containment measures to deal with the novel coronavirus.” Organizers went on to explain that the “event attracts around 70,000 unspecified visitors and therefore we cannot completely eliminate the risk of infection.”

Then, only weeks later, Canon Rumors says this:

“Canon…will suspend operations at its five offices in Kyushu, which produce cameras and related products, for about two weeks from March 2 to 13. The supply of parts from China may become unstable due to the effects of the new coronavirus.”

While Canon Rumors goes on to say that, “At the moment, no employees have been infected,” the message is clear: Coronavirus, directly or indirectly, is taking its toll on Canon’s camera business.

And finally, a report by Nikon Rumors, and further corroborated by PetaPixel, indicates that Nikon’s new AF-S 120-300mm f/2.8 lens would not ship as initially announced. Instead, you can expect the lens in late March, at least according to Amazon’s shipping date.

As explained in a statement from Nikon, “The U.S. availability for the AF-S NIKKOR 120-300mm f/2.8E FL ED SR VR will be announced at a later date as we determine the global impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak. We will communicate updates on timing as they become available.”

At present, it’s difficult to say what all this means; will Canon, Sony, and Nikon recover swiftly from the effects of the coronavirus? Or will the virus’s impact be more long-lasting? These closures may be just the beginning.

Here’s one concern: Nikon hasn’t reported good financial numbers in recent months. If the coronavirus continues to affect production, Nikon may see a significant drop in sales, something that could further impact the imaging company over the next year (and beyond).

And similar worries are undoubtedly plaguing companies such as Olympus, which recently weathered rumors of a camera division shutdown.

What do you think? How will things play out regarding the coronavirus and the camera industry? Is this as bad as it will get, or will things become worse?

Let me know in the comments!

The post Camera Industry Hit Hard by Coronavirus, Causing Production Delays appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey.

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Coronavirus: Whatever happens next, COVID-19 is already having an effect on the photo industry

03 Mar

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

In December 2019, doctors in Wuhan, China, started to identify cases of what looked like a new form of coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2. The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 has since been given the official name COVID-19. Local quarantines were put into place, but you know what happened next: COVID-19 has spread across the globe, with more than 87,000 confirmed cases as of Monday March 2nd, 2020.

So why is a new illness – which has killed far fewer people than normal strains of flu in an average year – being taken so seriously?

‘An economic pandemic’

The medical risks of COVID-19 are still being assessed, and are beyond the scope of this article, but inevitably, much of COVID-19’s impact so far has been economic.

The economic impact is here, and it’s very real. Recent record falls in stock markets all over the world are a clear indicator of what one analyst called an ‘economic pandemic’,1 which reflects a growing worry that markets could be badly hit by the consequences of what is now a global problem.

Last month, as a result of COVID-19, Chinese manufacturing fell to a record low

But first, to China – because China is important. In 2018, China accounted for about 16% of the global economy, and about 28% of global manufacturing output. And last month, as a result of a loss of output caused by COVID-19, Chinese manufacturing fell to a record low.2

A disruption to iPhone production in China was enough for Apple to issue warnings about revenue this quarter.

‘Chinese manufacturing’ encompasses everything from cars to smartphones, not to mention the myriad of tiny components that end up inside virtually all consumer electronic devices. So when factories in China shut down, that creates a problem. Around five million jobs in China rely on Apple device manufacturing alone, and the company has already warned that it will miss revenue goals as a result of the outbreak.3 It is estimated that up to 760 million people in China are currently subject to some kind of travel restriction. For context, that’s more than double the entire population of the USA.

Effect of disruption in China on consumer digital imaging industry

It makes sense that a major drop in production of iPhones would affect Apple’s bottom line. The company’s Zhengdou facility is estimated to churn out up to 500,000 of them a day,4 and the company sells about one hundred times that number in a good quarter. That’s a rate of production – not to mention sales – far in excess of any digital camera, but in the photo industry, too, the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak is being felt.

To take just one example, after closing completely for a time, Fujifilm’s facility in China re-opened in mid-February but has been operating at reduced capacity since then. This has caused disruption to the production of its popular X-T30 and X-T3 models, and the company cannot confirm when it will be able to ship the new X-T4.

It’s not just Fujifilm. Most consumer digital imaging (DI) companies manufacture some of their products in China, and are now feeling the effects of industrial disruption inside the country.

With the ever-changing situation on the ground […] it has proven difficult for head offices in Japan to get a clear picture of what’s actually going on in China

In private conversations with representatives from several imaging companies (who asked not to be quoted directly) the words I’m hearing most often are all the ‘un’s – ‘unknown’, ‘uncertain’, and perhaps most frequently, ‘unclear’.

Right now, it seems that some, if not all of those camera and lens companies that rely on Chinese factories do not even know for certain how much manufacturing capacity they currently have at their disposal. With the ever-changing situation on the ground, rolling quarantines and restrictions on local travel within the country, it has proven difficult for head offices in Japan to get a clear picture of what’s actually going on in China.

Everyone that I spoke to expressed the same hope: that the long-term impact will be limited, and things will become clearer in the coming weeks. But more than two months after the virus was first reported, it’s obvious that even to those on the inside, a lot is still unknown, much is uncertain, and many things remain unclear.

The X-T4 is Fujifilm’s newest high-end mirrorless ILC. Manufactured in factories in China and Japan, it is due to ship next month, but this may change.

Japanese outsourcing to China

Japanese companies started moving manufacturing to China en masse starting in the late 1980s. The first trigger for this change was the so-called ‘Plaza Accord’ of 1985. The Plaza Accord was an agreement between France, West Germany, Japan, the United States and the United Kingdom to deprecate the US Dollar against the Japanese Yen and the German Deutsche Mark. This had the desired effect of making US exports cheaper, and created a period of growth in Japan known as the ‘Bubble Economy’.

Unfortunately, following government attempts to cool the economy down, the bubble burst and in the 90s Japan entered a protracted period of deflation and economic stagnation, known as the ‘Lost Decade’. A series of subsequent domestic economic crises, culminating in the global financial crash of 2008, led many Japanese companies to move factories to China during this time period, where production costs were lower.

Some camera brands actually don’t have a presence in China at all

By the early 2010s however, China’s economy was starting to grow rapidly and the cost of producing goods in China went up, making outsourced manufacturing less attractive.

This led to Japanese companies adopting what was called a ‘China plus one’ strategy, opening additional factories in Southeast Asia, where production was cheaper. To take Fujifilm again as an example, it has facilities in China and Japan, but in recent years has also opened sites in the Philippines. Similarly, Canon and Nikon also operate factories in Southeast Asia, in addition to China and Japan.

Some camera brands actually don’t have a significant presence in China at all. For example, Olympus’s main manufacturing base these days is in Vietnam.

The problem with global supply chains

You might assume that as a result, these manufacturers should be insulated. However, even companies with facilities all over the world may still be affected by the closure of Chinese factories and the disruption of regular trade between China to Japan. That’s because China is the world’s biggest exporter, and the source of so many ‘intermediate goods’ – component parts or sub-assemblies which go into finished products.5

With an estimated 3 million+ shipping containers currently stuck in China, not going anywhere, a lot of companies who rely on the products and components inside them are bound to be affected.

As I was preparing this article, Canon announced that it is suspending operation at five of its factories in Japan, making SLR cameras, lenses and surveillance equipment, due to a shortage of parts from China. Ricoh has delayed the planned re-opening of some of its Japanese manufacturing lines for the same reason.6

Chances are, most products labeled ‘made in Japan’ still contain plenty of parts and sub-assemblies that weren’t. As Roger Cicala of Lensrentals told me in conversation this weekend, with only a couple of exceptions ‘there really is no “made in…” anywhere, anymore’.

Sigma makes all of its cameras and lenses in Japan, but some of its Japanese suppliers still source components from China. See our recent Sigma factory tour

One of those exceptions is Sigma. As readers of our regular in-depth interviews will know, Sigma is unusual among Japanese DI companies in that it makes all of its products inside Japan. As such, according to CEO Kazuto Yamaki, issues in China are expected to have ‘relatively little impact’ on its business ‘for the time being’. However, some of Sigma’s Japanese suppliers do have factories in China, from which some component parts originate. Mr. Yamaki told me that his team is currently investigating alternative sources for these parts if it becomes necessary, and hopes that the situation will become clearer ‘in one to two weeks’.

The hope is that things improve, capacity recovers soon, and existing stockpiles of components will be adequate to avoid disruption

It’s impossible to tell what the long-term effect of continued interruption to Chinese industrial output to the camera industry will be. It’s estimated that if Chinese manufacturing capacity remains significantly reduced for another month, through the first quarter of 2020, Japanese firms (along with those in South Korea) will be hit hard.7

The hope of course is that things improve, capacity recovers soon, and existing stockpiles of components will be adequate to avoid too much disruption in the meantime. Of course there remains the risk that if COVID-19 continues to spread to other countries – particularly in Southeast Asia – we may yet see factory closures elsewhere in the world.

Wherever it happens, an interruption in the supply chain for consumer goods is not the only potential consequence of COVID-19 in the short to medium-term. Another worry (in fact the main worry for some of the representatives I spoke to) is the long-term effect of the outbreak on the global economy, and in the short term on the Chinese economy – and Chinese consumer spending in particular.

What happens when Chinese consumers stop buying cameras?

Manufacturing represents around 30% of China’s total economic output, and as we’ve seen, manufacturing is down. This presents a major risk to the country’s economy, which happens to be very bad news for Japan. In recent years, following a series of reforms, China has become a major consumer of goods and services. The growth of China’s middle class has increased the country’s appetite for high-end consumer and industrial goods from Japan – helped by a relatively weak Yen.8

By 2012 Japan was China’s largest trading partner in terms of exports, and in 2018, 9.2% of imports (by value in US dollars) into China came from Japan. As such, Japan’s economy is particularly vulnerable to events in China.9

Even before the emergence of COVID-19, Japanese firms were already under stress from the effects of US tariffs on China. A representative of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group described the US-China trade war last year as “the biggest risk to Japan’s economy” 10, and nine months on, the virus certainly isn’t helping. In January 2020, the total value of Japan’s exports to China dropped sharply, by 36%.

The loss of revenue from sales within China, and from Chinese tourists shopping in camera stores around the world, will be felt hard

China is a major market these days for high-end cameras and lenses. In an industry where growth is scarce, China is one of the few places around the world where manufacturers have seen a significant increase in sales. We know that it’s a particularly important market for Fujifilm’s high-end GFX line for example, and also for Leica (second to the US), but the Chinese market is important to every manufacturer, across the whole industry. The loss of revenue from sales within China, and from Chinese tourists shopping in camera stores around the world, will be felt hard.

According to one senior industry figure I spoke to, the hope among manufacturers is that matters improve by June, which is ‘peak season’ in the Chinese market. Meanwhile, partially as a result of restrictions on travel for Chinese attendees, several major international trade shows have been canceled, including CP+, which was scheduled to take place last week in Yokohama. That’s where I was meant to be right now, but instead I’m at my desk at home in Seattle, writing this article.

The CP+ trade show takes place every spring in Yokohama, Japan. This year, days before it was meant to open, organizers canceled the show citing concerns over public health in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak.

What next?

So what happens next? Unfortunately, we don’t know. At the very least, it’s reasonable to expect that some planned releases may be delayed, backorders might pile up for some products, and we may see shipping dates slip for others. Hopefully that’ll be the worst of it.

Update: It’s already happening. Several lighting and bag manufacturers with factories in China have alerted customers to expected delays in order fulfillment, and this weekend Peak Design emailed backers of its new travel tripod to warn that shipping is likely to slip to ‘early to mid-April’.

Whatever happens from here on out, everyone I spoke to for this article stressed that right now the situation is being monitored very closely and taken very seriously. Plans are being put in place, and everyone’s first priority is the health and safety of their employees across the world. Roger Cicala told me that Lensrentals, based in Tennessee, is taking steps to get key employees set up to work from home, just in case of a local outbreak. I’m sure that similar plans are being made across the industry, and across the world.

Crises like these serve as a reminder of how small the world is

It’s worth remembering that the camera industry has proven remarkably resilient. None of us will soon forget the horror of the 2011 earthquake and tsunami, for example, which disrupted production in Japan for many months (despite an incredible collective act of self-sacrifice on the part of workers, which saw many damaged factories returned to limited operation within days). If nothing else, crises like these serve as a reminder of how small the world is, how lucky we are when things go right, and how much we rely on our friends and partners all over the globe when they go wrong. We are all in this together.

A note on sources, and thanks

While researching this article I spoke to representatives of several major manufacturers in the consumer digital imaging space, both in Japan and the US. Most preferred not to be quoted directly, in order that they could speak freely. I would like to thank all of them, but especially Kazuto Yamaki of Sigma and Roger Cicala of Lensrentals.

  1. PBS: ‘Why the economic impact of COVID-19 might outlast the outbreak’
  2. BBC News: ‘Chinese manufacturing hits record low amid coronavirus outbreak’
  3. AXIOS: ‘Apple will miss quarterly earnings estimates due to coronavirus’
  4. The New York Times: ‘An iPhone’s Journey, From the Factory Floor to the Retail Store’
  5. ‘The Economic Fallout of the Coronavirus in Southeast Asia’
  6. ‘Canon suspends production at five Kyushu plants with new Corona’ (in Japanese)
  7. See 5, above
  8. 9., 10., The New York Times: ‘Japan Stumbles as China’s Growth Engine Slows’

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Breaking: CP+ 2020 cancelled amid Coronavirus concerns

14 Feb

Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA) has announced it’s canceling the CP+ 2020 trade show, citing concerns surrounding the Coronavirus.

In a post shared on its website, CIPA says the annual tradeshow, which was supposed to take place from February 27th through March 1st in Yokohama, Japan, has been canceled ‘given there is no effective treatment or containment measures to deal with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).’

A screenshot of the note on the CP+ 2020 website.

Mobile World Conference (MWC), the world’s largest smartphone exhibition, was canceled earlier this week, leaving many wondering if CP+ was next. As now evident, those concerns were valid. Below is a tweet from the official CP+ Twitter account confirming the cancellation:

According to CIPA’s website, CP+ drew in exhibitors from 120 countries and nearly 70,000 visitors last year. No further information has been given at this time and as of publishing this no manufacturers have commented on the cancellation. We will continue to update this story as more details are revealed.

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Coronavirus shuts down World Mobile Conference smartphone exhibition

13 Feb

Fears around the global spread of the Coronavirus have led organizers of the world’s largest smartphone exhibition to pull the plug on the show just days before it was due to open. The Mobile World Congress was due to run from the 24th -27th February in Barcelona, Spain, but after a number of exhibitors pulled out of the show a statement was released to say that going ahead with the event was ‘impossible.’

With a large part of the smartphone industry based in the Far East close to where the virus was first detected and where the most infections have been reported, fears had grown in the industry that the coming together of so many people could become a health hazard. Only a few days ago the GSMA, the owners of the show, issued a statement that said MWC would be going ahead and listed all the precautions organizers would be taking to minimize risk to exhibitors and visitors alike. Precautions included a ban on people from the Chinese Hubei province and anyone having visited China in the previous two weeks. In the end though, the risks were seen as too great to those attending and to the population of Barcelona itself.

A truncated section of the full statement currently visible on the MWC homepage.

The show had expected to attract more than 109,000 visitors for its 2400 exhibitors, including businesses, the public and international press. The next GSMA Mobile World Congress is due to be held at the end of June in Shanghai, with a further show in Los Angeles in October. Whether these events go ahead remains to be seen, but there must be a great deal of doubt over the Shanghai exhibition as it is only four months away and movement within China is extremely restricted at the moment.

Doubt must also be cast over the CP+ photography equipment exhibition that is due to be held in Yokohama, Japan, from the 27th February. This is also now an international show that attracts exhibitors from all nations that manufacturer camera equipment. According to the CP+ website, last year’s show brought in exhibitors from 120 countries and almost 70,000 visitors. Currently, the exhibition’s website has no obvious mention of the coronavirus and doesn’t list precautions organizers will be taking to secure the health of those attending. The Diamond Princess cruiseship, quarantined with 3600 passengers and crew still aboard after the infection spread to 175 people, is docked in Yokohama harbour close by.

To find out more about the Barcelona World Mobile Conference and the 2021 exhibition see the GSMA MWC website.

Press release:

GSMA Statement on MWC Barcelona 2020 from John Hoffman, CEO GSMA Limited

12 February 2020, Barcelona: Since the first edition of Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in 2006, the GSMA has convened the industry, governments, ministers, policymakers, operators and industry leaders across the broader ecosystem.

With due regard to the safe and healthy environment in Barcelona and the host country today, the GSMA has cancelled MWC Barcelona 2020 because the global concern regarding the coronavirus outbreak, travel concern and other circumstances, make it impossible for the GSMA to hold the event.

The Host City Parties respect and understand this decision.

The GSMA and the Host City Parties will continue to be working in unison and supporting each other for MWC Barcelona 2021 and future editions.

Our sympathies at this time are with those affected in China, and all around the world.

Further updates from the GSMA, are on our website and can be found on

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Sony’s image sensor business may be ‘enormously’ hit by coronavirus outbreak

05 Feb

Sony, which has four large factories in China, has expressed concerns that the ongoing outbreak of a novel coronavirus in the country may negatively impact its image sensor business. It remains unclear just how infectious the coronavirus is, making it difficult to estimate how extensively it may spread and how it may impact a variety of industries.

Sony CFO Hiroko Totoki warned that the coronavirus outbreak may ‘negate our revised earnings outlook,’ referring to the high demand the company has experienced. According to Nikkei Asian Review, Sony is concerned that the outbreak may disrupt its supply chains, potentially disrupting its image sensor and electronic businesses, both of which could be ‘affected enormously,’ according to Totoki.

In addition to impacting its image sensor business, Nikkei reports that disruption caused by the coronavirus outbreak may also impact Sony’s PlayStation 4 production, though this ultimately depends on which plants may be affected. Beyond that, Sony Pictures and Sony Music Entertainment may also take hits if the outbreak results in movie and concert cancellations.

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