Posts Tagged ‘Constant’

Tokina releases 16-28mm wide zoom with constant F2.8 aperture

23 Feb

Lens manufacturer Tokina has officially released details, price and on-sale dates for the Opera 16-28mm F2.8 lens it first showcased at Photokina last September. Expected to ship mid-March the full-frame wide angle zoom will cost $ 699 and will be available in two versions for Canon EF and Nikon F DSLR mounts.

The lens joins the previously-released 50mm F1.4 in the Opera series. Tokina says it used the Opera name as it hopes these lenses will help photographers to create works of art. The company also says that these lenses are not designed to be small and lightweight but with image quality as a priority.

Using 15 elements in 13 groups the Opera 16-28mm F2.8 weighs 940g (~2lb) and measures 89 x 133.5mm. It also offers a nine-bladed iris for improved rendering of out-of-focus highlights and an upgraded AF system that is claimed to be both faster and more accurate than the original AT-X 16-28mm F2.8 PRO FX.

See the Tokina website for more information, and B&H Photo for sample shots taken with the lens and a first impressions review.

Press Release

New Tokina opera 16-28mm F2.8 FF

Inspired by the focal length and aperture of the widely acknowledged Tokina AT-X 16-28mm F2.8 PRO FX lens, Tokina opera 16-28mm F2.8 FF has been developed with the same concept as the already released opera 50mm F1.4 FF, to offer the photographers another contemporary tool for professional photography.

Super wide angle, superior resolving ability coupled with high contrast and beautiful bokeh rendering, fast f/2.8 constant aperture throughout the zoom range and accurate AF drive system make this lens attractive for photographers who specialize in landscape, interior architect, documentary, environmental style portrait and night sky/time lapse photography genres.

Sales start date worldwide: March 15th, 2019

Articles: Digital Photography Review (

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Constant Motion: Open-Plan, Puzzle-Piece Apartment Design

19 Sep

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Fixtures & Interiors. ]

open 12

A small cubic condo with windows on only one side hardly seems an obvious candidate for a complex and dynamic plan, but from concept through execution, this design embodies its creator’s and clients’ visions for space in motion.

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open plan concept diagram

As the diagrams by designer Alex Bykov illustrate, the layout started with a central kitchen, acting as a modern-day hearth and center of activity around which the rest of the mostly-open rooms revolve.

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The raised-level library area, framed in richly variegated plywood, feels like a cozy and separate space, but also remains an extension of the main volume. Its shelving shapes play into the puzzle theme that inspired the overall plan.

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The steps leading up to this little library serve two purposes, acting as stairs but also forming a corner breakfast nook on the main floor – another one of many turns and angles throughout the project that add to its dynamism.

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Constant Motion Open Plan Puzzle Piece Apartment Design

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No Wi-Fi Zones: Taking a Break from Constant Connection

22 Jan

[ By Steph in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

No WiFi Zone 1

Free wifi is becoming so ubiquitous in many cities, it’s hard to find a street corner where you can’t instantly connect – and most of us like it that way. Unrestricted access to virtually all of the knowledge and information in the world is nothing to sneeze at, but with it comes people who are glued to their devices instead of talking to each other. Kit Kat has a new marketing campaign that actually blocks all wireless signals within a radius of 5 meters.

No WiFi Zone 2

The Free No WiFi Zone is a simple installation in downtown Amsterdam that creates a refuge from the internet. Reflecting the candy bar’s slogan “Have a break, have a Kit Kat,” the campaign emphasizes taking a breather from email, social media updates and other trappings of our connected culture.

No WiFi Zone 3

“The world is becoming one big WiFi zone,” reads the ad, created by advertising agency JWT Amsterdam. “It’s available in bars, restaurants, trains, airports, supermarkets… There’s even WiFi on Mount Everest. Result? People are constantly online. Time for a break.”

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