Posts Tagged ‘Commutes’

Vehicular Hives: Envisioning Urban Commutes in Compound Cars

24 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Conceptual & Futuristic & Technology. ]

modular office on wheels

Imagine a future where driverless vehicles transcend their expected role in transit, becoming modular hubs that can link up for meetings or socializing beyond just getting you from Point A to Point B.


modular office warehouse cars

modular vehicle gathering event

There is a great deal of talk about how car-sharing will save space (we only use 4% of roadway surfaces even during peak transit times), reduce waste (less pollution and fewer idle vehicles) and cost (by up to $ 100 billion a year in fuel) and reshape the urban experience, but what if platooning cars could also help reconnect us with other people?

modular office interior design

modular office interior board

That is part of the premise behind IDEO’s Automobility project, which extrapolates current trends and modes of transportation to predict how we might use vehicles in the not-so-distant future. We may use empty vehicles during the day, for instance, to drop off packages, or to pick up things from stores-on-wheels.

modular office display walls

modular park vehicle place

Beyond that, though, we might come together in new and different ways, too, at portable parklets, coworking space and open-space offices that migrate, congregate and dissolve on demand.

modular car shipping idea

modular car delivery cargo

“It opens up ideas about what the communal experience is in a vehicle, versus a single person in a car,” says Danny Stillion. “We’re definitely thinking about vehicles as a much more social space, where you could have face to face conversation and socialize in a much richer way while you’re in transit.”

modular car system design

modular parked empty vehicle

Imagine, too, destination events – a sort of next-generation tailgating – in which the spaces of the vehicles used to take you to and from a place become temporary spaces inhabited or otherwise utilized by those same attendees, rather than dead loads to be dropped off.

modular car cell call

car modular design idea

With legislation in place to keep wheels in cars for the foreseeable future, there may be intermediate steps. Still, none of these ideas are a particularly radical departure from the present, just a natural extension of how we already socialize, carpool and use public transit. “How different will tomorrow be from today? Both a lot and very little. More of us will live to be 100. Our resources will diminish while our technological capacity grows. Stuff will get faster and cheaper. But our basic needs? We’re betting those stay the same—that humans will still need to sleep, to eat, to work, and to move from place to place. That last part is what we’re interested in here. What happens to mobility in the next 15 years? Let’s go for a ride and find out.”

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Modified Water Bike: Inventor Commutes San Francisco Bay

18 Oct

[ By WebUrbanist in Technology & Vehicles & Mods. ]

water bike

Both the first person to bike across the San Francisco Bay and over the Hudson River is great, but being able to skip traffic jams and cycle to work over the water daily is even better, according to Judah Schiller. And now he is looking to take his invention into the mainstream, so to speak.

water bicycle mod invention

Co-founder of the Aiko Agency (focused aptly on innovation and design), this tinkerer built his own bike from a kit, then hacked it to work on the water. He has since founded BayCycle in an effort to make such mods widely available, particularly given the shortcomings of regional bike lanes.

water bike bay commute

Schiller’s augmentations fit inside of a backpack and can be deployed in a matter of minutes. They consist mainly of a pair of inflatable pontoons, metal mounting rods and a propeller attachment.

water bike sf project

During peak traffic, he can compete with cars clogged up in a tunnel or on a bridge, peddling along the water at his own pace, enjoying the exercise and fresh air to and from the office.

water bike sailors paddlers

Along his way, he encounters a different set of more leisurely traveling companions, from sailors to paddlers, many of whom are naturally quite intrigued by his contraption.

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