Posts Tagged ‘Commandments’

The 7 Commandments of Great Photo Walks

27 Sep

In the last year, I’ve probably walked over 2,000 miles with my camera. I love photo walks because they are so meditative. There is also great excitement when you get home to look at the photos, to see if you captured anything good. And finally, it adds a dimension of extra beauty and flow to your regular long walks.

The following are the seven most important lessons I have learned when it comes to getting the most enjoyment and best possible results from your photo walks.

1. You shall bring no other lenses, besides the one you pick

This one is not only about lenses, it applies to equipment in general. I always just bring one lens—the one on my camera.

I pick a lens that I feel would fit this particular day, and this particular photo walk. If it is a beautiful morning with a clear sky, where I can anticipate a sunrise, I would likely bring a wide angle lens. If I am out walking with my girlfriend, I might bring a portrait lens.

The point is that I try to minimize the weight and amount of stuff I bring, so that the camera gear never becomes a burden. You want to feel free and light during a photo walk.

2. You shall snap the first photo immediately

Have you noticed that, as you enter an IKEA store, you usually encounter a too-good-to-be-true deal in the first few minutes? Like, an insanely good deal? The reason is that they want you to take that deal and put it in your bag, as this will shift you into “shopping mode” early on in your visit.

Entering “shopping mode” is a threshold you must cross, where you make the decision that “today I am shopping.” And soon item number two and three goes into your bag as well. The sooner you go into shopping mode, the more money IKEA makes from your visit.

It is the same with photo walks. The sooner you take your camera out of the bag, turn it on, and take the first photo, the sooner you enter into photography mode, and the more photos (and hopefully good photos) you will come home with. As soon as you snap the first couple of photos, you enter a more creative mindset.

3. You shall introduce a constraint to boost creativity

This one seems unintuitive, I know, but the more constraints you have, the more creative you will get. A great first constraint that I always utilize is that I only bring one lens (see above), and that lens it is always a prime. But see what happens if you add even more constraints, such as only shooting in black and white, or only shooting in portrait orientation.

A constraint is particularly useful if you initially feel resistance towards it; stay determined to work your way through the initial resistance, and your creativity will spring into action.

4. You shall follow the good light

I find that the best results come from the photo walks where I allow myself to walk without a set plan. I go out exploring. Whenever you get a feeling that the light is particularly beautiful in a certain direction, or your intuition just tells you that you should go somewhere, go there.

I’m not giving you this advice because I necessarily believe our intuition can lead us to the best photos. I have simply found that following my intuition boosts my creativity, and the result of that is always better and more beautiful photos.

5. You shall honor your gut when it says a photo must be taken

This one is common to hear from street photographers, where the so-called decisive moment is everything, but I think it applies in all forms of photography. When your gut feeling says that you have an opportunity to take a great photo, go for it. Even if your camera is packed in the bottom of your bag. Even if you feel embarrassed to take a photo in the situation at hand for whatever reason. Even if you tell yourself you can come back later and take that photo.

Usually, you cannot come back later. Photos are unique moments that you freeze, and moments never come back. The exact same scene, with exactly the same light, will never come back. So always take the shot if your gut tells you to!

6. You shall review sharpness and composition before leaving the scene

Never just quickly glance at your camera’s screen and think to yourself “looks good, let’s move on.” Chances are, the photo isn’t really that good. It might be slightly out of focus. It might be a bit tilted. It might be overexposed.

Always make a habit of checking the composition, exposure and sharpness of your photo before leaving the scene. Otherwise you might be very disappointed when you bring up the photo on your computer screen only to discover that it wasn’t as good as you thought. If you check your photos in detail, by zooming in on details to check sharpness, you can always retake the photo while you’re still at the scene.

7. You shall always walk somewhere new

A final key to creativity is variation. Always walk to new places, because novelty triggers creativity. If you always walk the same path, on every photo walk, you will get increasingly bored and gradually lose inspiration. Walk new walks every time!

Micael Widell is a photography enthusiast based in Stockholm, Sweden. He loves photography, and runs a YouTube channel with tutorials, lens reviews and photography inspiration. You can also find him as @mwroll on Instagram and 500px.

This article was originally published on Micael’s blog, and is being republished in full with express permission.

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29 August, 2013 – The 10 Commandments of Cinematography for Still Photographers

29 Aug

When still photographers first approach shooting video or cinema, they sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed by the new jargon, and especially the techniques needed to produce quality images.

Our latest article, The 10 Commandments of Cinematography for Still Photographers may help with understanding the basics.

"Having been to Antarctica with Michael and Kevin, I would say after having traveled the world and shot nearly my entire life as an exhibiting photographer,  it was one of my highlights in my life and I talk about it, all the time.  The images and experience of seeing something visionary and nearly extinct from the world, to see and experience the wildlife and scenery that does not fear humans is amazing.  The images I shot there won me two Smithsonian awards and nearly 18 other international awards". – Tim Wolcott

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