My favorite photography comic What the Duck is back as a daily.
If you’re unfamiliar with What the Duck it’s authored by Aaron Johnson, whom I interviewed several years ago when I was running my EXIF and Beyond podcast. While I’ve never met Aaron I consider him a friend as he’s done such a great job adding to the sense of community amongst photographers with his wit, humor and creativity.
If you’d like to support Aaron he’s selling What the Duck plush dolls of his most popular characters at incredibly reasonable prices with some being limited editions. I picked up one of each and gave an extra to my son. They came out great!
I highly recommend visiting daily now that he’s back and for old time sake here is the recording of my interview with Aaron in February of 2009.
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Copyright Jim M. Goldstein, All Rights Reserved
My Favorite Photography Comic “What the Duck” is Back
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JMG-Galleries – Landscape, Nature & Travel Photography
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