Posts Tagged ‘cofounder’

Xiaomi co-founder teases 48MP smartphone camera

07 Dec

Earlier this year Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi announced it had established an in-house camera division. Now it seems the initiative is bearing its first fruits.

Xiaomi co-founder and President Lin Bin has teased a smartphone with 48MP camera module on the Chinese social media platform Weibo. The image he posted shows a close-up of a rear camera with a ’48MP camera’ label next to the lens. Bin says he has used the phone for a few weeks and that it will be released in January.

That’s not an awful lot of information, but it means the upcoming Xiaomi phone will feature the highest pixel count ever on a mobile image sensor. Nokia’s 808 PureView juggernaut came with a 41MP sensor and the much more recent Huawei Mate 20 Pro features a 40MP quad Bayer arrangement.

Like the Nokia 808 PureView and Huawei Mate 20 Pro, the unreleased Xiaomi phone is likely to use its pixel count for high-quality digital zooming, pixel-binning for lower noise, and other computational trickery, rather than outputting enormous image files.

The sensor in question could be the Sony IMX586 quad-Bayer model which was announced in July. At 1/2″ it’s large for a mobile sensor, but due to the high pixel-count, individual pixels still only measure 0.8µm. Samsung’s Bright GM1 is another option with very similar specifications.

It’ll be interesting to see if the new Xiaomi will solely rely on the power of the 48MP sensor or add additional sensors, for example for tele, super-wide-angle or black-and-white shooting into the mix. We’ll know more in January.

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Android co-founder says mobile OS was originally designed for cameras

17 Apr


Andy Rubin, co-founder of Android, claims that the popular mobile operating system was originally designed for digital cameras, not phones. In an interview published by PC World, Rubin said that the original concept, as pitched to investors back in 2004, was for ‘a camera platform with a cloud portion for storing images online’. By the time Google acquired Android in 2005, however, the plan had changed and Android was developed for mobile handsets. Click through for more details and a link to the full story at

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– Startups – Ethan Anderson, co-founder and CEO of RedBeacon

21 Oct

Looking for the most thorough maid in Seattle or the most artful photographer in DC? Then you need Watch CEO and founder Ethan Anderson explain how he took the company from TechCrunch 50 darling to a presence in all 50 major US markets in under two years in this episode of TWiST. 1:00-2:15 Ethan Anderson is with us today from Redbeacon. 2:15-4:15 Squarespace ad. Go to for a 14 day free trial. 4:15-5:15 Introducing Ethan and his background as a TechCrunch50 winner and Harvard grad. 8:00-9:00 What is Redbeacon and how does it work? 9:00-10:00 Why didn’t you decide to let people browse through listings? 10:00-10:30 You’re making each party do a little more work and by doing so, both have a better expereince. 10:30-11:15 Are you seeing a higher caliber of provider and customer intent using this method? 11:15-12:30 We put in a request for a photographer and got three price quotes. 12:30-13:30 Explain how someone gets their score and what the range is. 13:30-14:15 How do the varifications work? Do you pay for it or is it a service? 14:15-15:00 Is this something you’ve considered picking up the cost of to make the system more reputable? 15:00-15:30 Does the customer pay through Redbeacon or pay the provider directly? 15:30-16:00 So you invoice the provider? 16:00-16:15 If the customer breaks the appointment does he get his money back? 16:15-17:30 What cities are you operating in now? 17:30-18:45 How did you determine the rollout strategy? 18
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