Posts Tagged ‘Codes’

Form Follows Footprint: Forest Retreat Just Fits Local Codes

02 Jan

[ By WebUrbanist in Architecture & Houses & Residential. ]

forest pavillion for sweden

A creative response to a new legal loophole, this structure is designed specifically to test the limits of a Swedish planning law allowing buildings under a certain size to be constructed without prior structure-specific approval.

forest pavillion at night

forest retreat structure model

Jägnefält Milton of Stockholm worked with Arup engineers to work within the confines proposed by the legislation, which include dimensional limits of 25 square meters and 4 meters in height.

forest pavillion side view

forest pavillion covered view

The intent, though, is not to push the limits but to respect their intent and create a low-footprint, eco-friendly pavilion that respects its environment.

forest building materials natural

The design calls for using the timber cleared from the site to construct the structure and use a tension system of structural anchors to maximize views, minimize outside materials and take advantage of a large stone on the site.

forest pavillion simple interior

forest leaf site plan

Supported off the ground, the lower platform is mirrored by a roof of the same organic leaf-like shape and a fabric cover can be deployed around the entire building to provide some privacy as well.

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Hybrid Library: QR Codes Access eBooks in Subway Station

19 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

subway station qr library

Forgot to grab something to read on the train? If you happen to be in Bucharest, you can snag a volume from their floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall collection of ebook samples with the click of a button (in epub, pdf or even audiobook format).

subway stop guerrilla marketing

The hybrid digital/physical library/bookstore project is a collaboration between Humanitas and Vodaphone – a guerrilla marketing campaign highlighting both the power of mobile technology and the offerings of the bookseller.

subway ebook ad campaign

Browsing, of course, works just like an ordinary book shop: you can scan the full-color posters and pick something to get started while you wait for your ride. And if you enjoy the sample, another button-click brings you to a page where you can buy the full book (one free book is thrown in, for those who do not wish to pay).

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Hybrid Library: QR Codes Access eBooks in Subway Station

10 Feb

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Guerilla Ads & Marketing. ]

subway station qr library

Forgot to grab something to read on the train? If you happen to be in Bucharest, you can snag a volume from their floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall collection of ebook samples with the click of a button (in epub, pdf or even audiobook format).

subway stop guerrilla marketing

The hybrid digital/physical library/bookstore project is a collaboration between Humanitas and Vodaphone – a guerrilla marketing campaign highlighting both the power of mobile technology and the offerings of the bookseller.

subway ebook ad campaign

Browsing, of course, works just like an ordinary book shop: you can scan the full-color posters and pick something to get started while you wait for your ride. And if you enjoy the sample, another button-click brings you to a page where you can buy the full book (one free book is thrown in, for those who do not wish to pay).

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