Posts Tagged ‘Civil’

Dutch Civil Defense Bunker

22 Nov

A tour through the Cold War era Civil Defense Bunker “Overvoorde” in Rijswijk, the Netherlands, restored and completely redecorated in style by the Foundation NCBB. For more information, see: The threat of a third World War mobilizes the Dutch government. A Civil Defense organization is founded to govern the country in case of a calamity The Civil Defense Organization is part of this new structure. The fear of an imminent nuclear attack during the cold war, changed the requirements for the defense of the Dutch citizens. New Command Centers were built throughout the country, to face up to the most extreme situations, including Atomic Radiation, Bacteriological – and Chemical warfare. In light of these developments, a new Command Center was built in 1969 annex a former German bunker complex. Shot with Pana AF101, GoPro Hero, Nikon D3x and Nikon D3.

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Posted in Nikon Videos


Robert Capa – Spanish Civil War

03 May

Photos from the legendary war photographer Robert Capa. A presentation for my Spanish 488 class at the University of Michigan.
Video Rating: 4 / 5