Posts Tagged ‘Cement’

Mobile Remix: Cement Mixer Disco Ball Turns Streets into Night Clubs

16 Dec

[ By WebUrbanist in Art & Installation & Sound. ]


Cladding a cement mixer in pixelated mirror squares, a French artist has created a giant glittering disco ball on wheels able to turn vacant lots and construction sites into instant party zones.


Benedetto Bufalino often adds fun to the mix when working with interactive and installation pieces (unusual sports courts and strange phone booth conversions), for instance, but rarely in quite such a dramatic way.

Parked for a time next to a building site in Lyon and given its own spotlight, the artist’s remixed mixer spins up and casts light in all directions. The idea driving the project is simple: bring together locals and passing pedestrians to mix and meet in the resulting rays.



Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the entire setup is mobile — for guerrilla party throwers, the mixer can set up shop then move if complaints mount or authorities arrive. Or it can simply cruise slowly down the street, making for a truly and permanently portable party.




Meanwhile, when not at work hosting parties, the vehicle can carry and pour concrete as usual — like many urban residents, it is a worker by day but a partier by night.

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Magic Cement: Hidden Concrete Patterns Appear with Water

27 Nov

[ By WebUrbanist in Design & Furniture & Decor. ]

water activated concrete decor

The writing is on the walls, but only when they get wet – that is when the secret messages or hidden designs appear in these seemingly innocuous concrete surfaces, like a durable and built-in version of Neverwet graffiti.

water time lapse reveal

The project is called Silent Poetry and its creators, Frederik Molenschot & Susanne Happle, have started with a high-contrast approach: organic forms hidden in strict geometric slabs, but any other patterns are equally compatible with the approach.

water applications cement design

water hidden cement pattern

The underlying magic-caliber, moisture-sparked trick works whether the material is drizzled on by the rain, doused in running water, touched by steam or impacted by condensation on a hot and humid day, making for innumerable creative possibilities both inside and outdoors.

water reveals secret patterns

Picture a public sidewalk, parking lot or city center on the one hand or a private walkway or concrete-tiled bathroom on the other. But also consider the range of applications from wayfinding in urban settings to domestic decorations on front decks or walkways that appear with the morning dew, using either modular precast tiles or larger poured-in-place slabs.

water pavement art design

water revealing floral repetitive

From the designers: “The possible applications of solid poetry are various: either at home in the bathroom, in the garden, in saunas and dance clubs, where the humidity is high or public spaces like bus stops or pavements. All forms of solid poetry have in common that they change the whole setting; they are surprising and have a life of their own.”

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Abandoned Cement Factory & Silos Transformed into Offices

19 Feb

[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 1

An incredible abandoned cement factory, covered with ivy and partially in ruins, has been transformed into a massive office complex that preserves both the original architectural integrity of the structures and honors the factory’s period of disuse. Architect Ricardo Bofill discovered the property in Spain in 1973 and claimed it for the head office of his firm, Taller de Arquitectura.

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 2

Abandoned Cement Factory 3

When the property was discovered, it was full of staircases to nowhere, exposed pipes and half-fallen structures. The industrial complex consisted of over 30 silos, subterranean galleries and machine rooms. The transformation of the space started with knocking down some of the unsalvageable structures, which left behind curious concrete forms that give the impression of a modern abstract sculpture park.

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 4

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 5

The eight silos that remained became the offices, archives, a library, a projection room, a lab for architectural models and sleeping spaces. A massive space known as ‘The Cathedral’ hosts exhibitions, concerts and other cultural functions.

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 6

While the interior spaces have been cleaned up, much of the machinery has been left behind, and the grounds have been restored to a balance between intentional landscape design and the chaos of greenery that proliferates when buildings are not maintained.

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Abandoned Cement Factory & Silos Transformed into Offices

07 Feb

[ By Steph in Architecture & Offices & Commercial. ]

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 1

An incredible abandoned cement factory, covered with ivy and partially in ruins, has been transformed into a massive office complex that preserves both the original architectural integrity of the structures and honors the factory’s period of disuse. Architect Ricardo Bofill discovered the property in Spain in 1973 and claimed it for the head office of his firm, Taller de Arquitectura.

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 2

Abandoned Cement Factory 3

When the property was discovered, it was full of staircases to nowhere, exposed pipes and half-fallen structures. The industrial complex consisted of over 30 silos, subterranean galleries and machine rooms. The transformation of the space started with knocking down some of the unsalvageable structures, which left behind curious concrete forms that give the impression of a modern abstract sculpture park.

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 4

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 5

The eight silos that remained became the offices, archives, a library, a projection room, a lab for architectural models and sleeping spaces. A massive space known as ‘The Cathedral’ hosts exhibitions, concerts and other cultural functions.

Abandoned Cement Factory Office 6

While the interior spaces have been cleaned up, much of the machinery has been left behind, and the grounds have been restored to a balance between intentional landscape design and the chaos of greenery that proliferates when buildings are not maintained.

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Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 – Apply Artistic Effects Including Blur, Cement, Chalk Sketch, Film Grain

25 Sep

Apply artistic effects to pictures / photos in a PowerPoint 2010 presentation without loading an external image editor.

Artistic effects can help photographs stand out in a presentation, and in some cases when needed, blend in. Instead of editing images using an external editor, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 comes built-in with a variety of effects.

For example, “Blur” may be useful when trying to place text on top of a picture, making it more readable. “Glow Edges” makes a photo look as if it is lit in neon. “Light Screen” creates a cubist / 8-bit / blocky image. “Paint Brush” may alter some photographs to look instead like paintings. PowerPoint comes built-in with 22 such artistic effects….

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