Posts Tagged ‘Browse’

Europeana Photography lets you browse through the first 100 years of photography

30 May
Eadweard Muybridge, Loya: Valley of the Yosemite (The Sentinel), c. 1867 – c. 1872. Rijksmuseum. Public Domain

Europeana Photography is a new online image archive that includes more than 2 million historical photographs from European collections in 34 countries, covering the first 100 years of photography. The gallery includes important images from pioneers in the field of photography, such as Julia Margaret Cameron, Eadweard Muybridge and Louis Daguerre.

The Europeana Photography project is being led by PHOTOCONSORTIUM, the International Consortium for Photographic Heritage and a non-profit which aims to promote and enhance the culture of photography and photographic heritage.

The 2,296,517 photos in the gallery were sourced from photographic archives, agencies and museum collections across Europe and can be filtered by the providing country, institution, and usage license. Many of the images are Public Domain.

 Nicola Perscheid. Grand Canal, Venice, 1929. Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, CC0.

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Sites to Browse – Humor – Pranks – When Online Reviews get Ridiculous

25 Apr

UHPinions provides “real – ridiculous – reviews” found on sites such as Amazon and Yelp for your enjoyment.

Do you want to enjoy loose-leaf tea that is the “best thing since the invention of fire”? Looking to buy a beard wash for a beard that has people thinking “that dude probably builds radical decks and sturdy fences to keep wolves and bears out”? Or are you looking for a new laptop that “can be used as [a] homeplate for a local little league baseball game provided the umpire has completed the proper training”?

Reviews for these and other products are available at UHPinions, a website that grabs reviews from sites such as Amazon and Yelp, displaying them for your amusement. Reviews are divided into categories such as “cars and motorsports”, “electronics”, and “hotels and travel”, plus you can browse “best”, “favorite”, or random reviews. And if you find an interesting review not already online, you’re free (and encouraged) to submit it….

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Sites to Browse – DVDs – Movies – Learn to Talk like Yoda

15 Apr

Talk like Yoda, you should read this tip about how you can.

“With scissors never run. Bookmark the MalekTips webpage, you should. Of the Force beware the Dark side.”

Advice like this can only be provided by the Jedi Master, Yoda. While it is doubtful you will ever learn how to wield a lightsaber like him, you can at least talk like him with the “Yoda-Speak Generator”. Simply type your comment into the box and press the “Convert to Yoda-Speak” button, and presto. Appear as if Yoda spoke it himself, your text will. Yes, hmmm….

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New Computer and Technology Help and Tips – MalekTips.Com

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Berlin Fotofestival 2013 – The BROWSE

10 Jun

Vom 13. Juni bis zum 13. August gibt es in Berlin Kreuzberg fotografisch einiges zu entdecken. Das internationale Fotofestival The BROWSE wird am Donnerstag eröffnet und zeigt in der STATION Berlin auf 5.000 m² Fläche über 70 Ausstellungen.

Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind die dokumentarische Fotografie, die Zukunft des Fotojournalismus und die Mobile Photography in Zeiten von Internet, Handy und Sozialen Netzwerken.

Besonders hervorzuheben ist dabei die Ausstellung „Time in Turkey“, die Fotoreportagen aus der Türkei von 25 preisgekrönten Fotografen wie Christopher Morris, Anthony Suau und Ed Kashi zeigt. Die türkische Zeitung Zaman hatte bereits 2010 international anerkannte Fotografen dazu aufgerufen, ihren Blick auf die heutige Türkei in Bildern teilen. Entstanden ist dabei diese Wanderausstellung, die nun erstmals auch in Deutschland zu sehen sein wird.

© Paolo Pellegrin
Aus der Ausstellung „Time in Turkey“, © Paolo Pellegrin

Das Projekt „OPEN THE SHUTTERS“ umfasst gleich drei große Ausstellungen und zeigt den Wahnsinn von Grenzkonflikten auf. Mit der Serie „Wall on Wall“ nimmt der deutsche Fotojournalist Kai Wiedenhöfer an dieser Ausstellung teil. 36 seiner Mauer-Panoramabilder aus acht Regionen der Welt werden auf der Rückseite der East Side Gallery ab dem 7. Juli auf einer Länge von 364 m plakatiert sein.

„Picturing Derry“ zeigt Bilder aus den späten 60er Jahren aus Nordirland. Mit der Serie „Broken Lights“ dokumentiert Emmanuel Ortiz das ehemalige Jugoslawien und die Balkankriege.

© Kai Wiedenhöfer
Aus der Ausstellung „Wall on Wall“, © Kai Wiedenhöfer

„From War to White House to Fashion“ heißt die Ausstellung von Christopher Morris und der Name verrät auch bereits, um was es geht: Morris fotografierte von 1970 bis 1990 als Kriegsfotograf auf dem Balkan, im Irak, in Afghanistan und in Tschetschenien.

Danach lichtete er als White House Photographer George Bush Junior und Barack Obama ab und heute arbeitet er als Modefotograf für die großen Modehäuser der Welt. Ein Werdegang, der neugierig macht. Christopher Morris wird auch persönlich in Berlin sein, wo er den drei-tägigen Workshop „Learning to see“ hält.

© Christopher Morris
Aus der Ausstellung „From War to White House to Fashion“, © Christopher Morris

Aktuelle Bilder zeigt die Ausstellung „Wüste Demokratie“ von Robert King. Er dokumentiert die Kriegsverbrechen in Syrien und unterbricht seine Arbeit als Kriegsfotograf während des Fotofestivals. Ebenfalls von King ist die Ausstellung „KKKRIPS“ über den Ku Klux Klan.

Nathan Bedford Forrest © Robert King
Aus der Ausstellung „KKKRIPS“, © Robert King

Auch der große fotojournalistische Wettbewerb „World Press Photo“ zeigt seine Gewinnerbilder 2012 im Rahmen des Festivals im Willy-Brandt-Haus, nur zehn Minuten vom Festivalgelände entfernt. Zu sehen wird es hier auch das wegen seiner Nachbearbeitung umstrittene Foto „Gaza Burial“ des schwedischen Fotografen Paul Hansen geben.

Alle weiteren Informationen sowie eine Übersicht der gesamten Ausstellungen und Workshops findet Ihr auf der offiziellen Webseite des Festivals.

kwerfeldein – Fotografie Magazin

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Sites to Browse – Humor – Pranks – Make the Internet Safe for Cats

16 Oct

Tired of jarring photos on websites? Replace them with cat pictures.

Tired of seeing pictures of overpaid athletes, pandering political candidates, or egotistical reality “stars” on the web?

Meowbify takes website images and replaces them with static and animated cat photos. If you’re the kind of person that thinks the Internet needs more pictures of cats (sites like LOLCats are not enough), then you may be interested in Meowbify….

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Woven app lets you browse all your images in one place

04 Jun


Woven, a free app for iOS, Android, Kindle Fire and Nook allows you to browse all of your photos from services such as Flickr, Facebook, Picasa and Smugmug in a single place. Once you’ve logged into each of the services, through the app, it downloads thumbnail versions to your mobile device, allowing you to scan through all your pictures. The app maintains the folder or grouping structures from each service, so you can easily find images and work out where you uploaded them to, even when you’re offline.

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iGoogle – Browse Over 200 Comic Strips

20 May

Create your own virtual funny pages on your iGoogle Page with comics such as Broom Hilda, Garfield, Non Sequitur, and Wizard of Id.

Need some humor when you wake up and start your day on your iGoogle page?

The “GoComics from Universal Uclick” gadget lets you display comics from strips Bloom County, Calvin and Hobbes, Doonesbury, Garfield, Non Sequitur, and more. You can create your own virtual comics page with the “My Comics” feature allowing you to jump between the funnies with one click. Over 200 comics are available to make you laugh and sometimes even make you think….

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Sites to Browse – Money – Financial – The Economics of Seinfeld

19 Dec

Learn about monopoly power as Kramer tries to sneak coffee into a movie theatre.

In today’s hard economic times you’ve probably been bored to tears hearing about economic terms such as nominal exchange rates, financial intermediation, and the depreciation of capital.

What better way to understand economic terms than to watch classic Seinfeld clips? That is exactly what Professor Linda S. Ghent, Associate Professor Alan Grant, and Assistant George Lesica of Eastern Illinois and Baker Universities thought. These educators have combined videos of Jerry, George, Elaine, and Kramer, so by watching them talk to a lawyer about spilled coffee, try to find an automobile in a huge parking garage, and discuss a “big salad”, you may learn economic concepts such as comparative advantage, opportunity cost, and rate of time preference….

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[MODIFIED] Sites to Browse – Misc – Where is Santa Claus? Find out on Twitter, Facebook, iGoogle, and More!

17 Dec

Track Santa Claus using sophisticated equipment from NORAD.

Merry Christmas! A fun site for the young and young at heart, NORAD (the North American Aerospace Defense Command) has set up a worldwide Santa Claus tracker website. Powered by Google, you can view Santa’s location as he zips across the world in his reindeer sleigh delivering toys. Santa Cams are set up to record the visit, “ultra-cool, high-tech, high-speed digital cameras pre-positioned at many locations around the world only on December 24th”. You’ll also be able to see how many cookies Santa munches on.

As Santa has gone high-tech, you can also track him via the Google Earth application, allowing the young and old to do some learning as they follow his flight. You can also follow NORAD as they track Santa Claus via their Facebook, Twitter, and Picasa pages. Plus, his location is available on your mobile phone. And, there’s even a gadget for iGoogle….

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[MODIFIED] Sites to Browse – Misc – Paper Toys of Superheroes, Stephen Colbert, Garfield, Peter Griffin, More

30 Oct

Cubeecraft offers free papercraft toys you can download and make without the need of tape or glue.

Looking to add a little bit of “truthiness” to your desk? Maybe you want the wisecracking Bender from “Futurama”? What about a truly silent “Silent Bob”? Or maybe you’re an iPod/iPhone game fan and would like Om Nom from the game “Cut the Rope”?

These and other papercraft toys can be downloaded from Cubeecraft. The site includes other fan art such as the Playstation, NES, and Dreamcast video game systems, plus superheroes including Spider-Man, Daredevil, and Batman. Westley, Buttercup, Inigo Montoya, and other characters from “The Princess Bride” are represented, as are cartoon characters currently or formerly featured on “Adult Swim” such as Frylock, Space Ghost, and Dr. Zoidberg. There’s even one of Craig Ferguson’s robot sidekick Geoff Peterson….

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